A few months ago I was at the pond locksmithing for a client when I heard an emergency call from the guild. Apparently under attack from outisde forces I immediately dropped the skippet I was fiddling with and ran off to aid my brethren. Upon entering the haven I immediately slipped into a nearby shadow and began to prowl towards the main sanctuary room. However just as I entered the next room, a zombie ruffian from a traitorous faction was laying into a friend with a cold steel blade to the back of the neck. Within seconds several more swarmed into sight and began snickering in delight. Just then several other friends rallied to my cry and began to form a defense. We realized right away this was a push for the very ownership of the guild leadership itself.
Rival gangs, had recently been paying big money and using strongarm tactics to ferret out a guild entry location for just such an attack as tonight.
Meanwhile, the battle was raging in the guild. It was hot and bloody and we were slowly but surely losing ground and people. The rival zombie gang, under the control of a much greater and more menacing threat, could sense their momentum and just when things could get no worse and we were on the verge of collapse, a fresh wave of zombie ruffians, thugs, and footpads appeared out of thin air, fresh and ready to spill blood. At this point I was near deaths door, from several close calls in the frey. Our back nearly broken we began the retreat further into the guild losing men as quickly as ground. Then with our backs to the wall and preparing to make our final stand, out of nowhere, the black himself jumps from hiding yelling his death scream as he shattered the entire spleen of one of the enemy thugs. A fresh spirit seemed to enliven us. Our general had come to our aid. We rallied and slowly pushed them back. One by one we began to dessimate them. On several ocassions I even had the honor of double team backtstabing zombies, with Lord Black himself.
As we reached the final rooms of retreat for our foes, we began to overwhelm them with numbers, and ultimately the call for retreat was sounded and they fled as we hacked away at stragglers.
We limped back to the main room and ol black bowed to us one by one and returned to his chair.
It was a glorious night.
point of interest: -Momus was getting heavier hits on the zombies than the ol tog himself
-Martikia nearly died taking a hit so I could retreat
-Toren was standing in the open playing target while we played the stealth war(which was totally brave and prolly was a factor in us surviving that night)
-Goldlady gave her life bravely and selflessly in order to buy us time to mount a defense
-the entire battle took about 18 minutes but was probably the most fun I have ever had
But let me not be too proud of my safety. Even a thief in a jail is safe from another thief.
-Khalil Gibran
The greatest Thief in the history of our guild, could just now be walking through the door with the blindfold on.