Fluoresce on 04/24/2018 02:17 PM CDT
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My Trader was recently playing around with the Skeletal/Zombie kobolds in Shard and it appears that Fluoresce fails to work on undead:

The spell pattern collapses at the last moment due to the undead state of a skeletal kobold savage.
The spell pattern collapses at the last moment due to the undead state of a skeletal kobold savage.
The spell pattern collapses at the last moment due to the undead state of a zombie kobold savage.

Is this intended? This does hamper the ability to train debil on these targets.

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Re: Fluoresce on 04/24/2018 02:42 PM CDT
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>>Is this intended? This does hamper the ability to train debil on these targets.

Are you casting at minimum preps? Undead do some wonky stuff with spell patterns, as an intentional part of their design. Put a tiny bit more mana into the spell and it should work out fine.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Fluoresce on 04/24/2018 08:30 PM CDT
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That appears to be what it was. Thanks!
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