Stellar Collector Spell on 03/09/2018 05:17 AM CST
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I'm a little confused on how this spell works. To be able to use it, you would have to keep going back to the Negotiants (who are in the Crossing Guild) and get a Tessera to place in it. That's a bit annoying to have to keep going back to the guild to get a Tessera to cast this spell. I think I also kept losing my apparatus because I would not see it in the room I dropped it in. I would also end up losing it, if I don't cast the spell.

Is anyone else having better success than I with this?

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Re: Stellar Collector Spell on 03/09/2018 07:12 AM CST
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You can retrieve your tessera from your collector.

The apparatus becoming hidden is a fair complaint; I just didn't want them cluttering rooms since they can last up to 24 hours when you're offline.

GM Grejuva
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Re: Stellar Collector Spell on 03/09/2018 10:51 AM CST
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Could perceive be modified to show where an apperatus is like a MM perceive tells you what room your faded (from view) moonbeam is located in?
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Re: Stellar Collector Spell on 03/09/2018 12:14 PM CST
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>>Could perceive be modified to show where an apperatus is like a MM perceive tells you what room your faded (from view) moonbeam is located in?


GM Grejuva
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Re: Stellar Collector Spell on 03/10/2018 07:50 PM CST
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>You can retrieve your tessera from your collector.

Is that when you cast the spell after getting a tessera before? Because I've always had to keep going back to the Negotiants to get a tessara to collect starlight aura each time I cast it.
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Re: Stellar Collector Spell on 03/10/2018 07:52 PM CST
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rum my appar
You rummage through a chartreuse spun glass apparatus but there is nothing in there.

So I have to get another one again.

> get neg
You sense the Negotiants' incurious recognition at your touch. Your starlight aura is drawn, measured, then dismissed.

R> perc aura
You close your eyes and take a measure of your aura.
The smallest hint of starlight flickers within your aura.
Local conditions prohibit your aura from growing.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

And the wait...
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Re: Stellar Collector Spell on 03/11/2018 01:24 AM CST
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You mean the tessera disappears while you have it plugged in? If so, I've just given it some extra protection from the janitor.

GM Grejuva
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Re: Stellar Collector Spell on 03/11/2018 03:02 AM CDT
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When I refreshed the spell, the spell dissipated along with the tessera, especially since it was daytime even though the timer for the spell was still long. I'm going to try it out again.
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