Abbreviation for Bespoke Regalia? on 07/03/2018 04:04 PM CDT
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In the chapter entitled "Fabrication", you have notes on the Arbiter's Stylus [ars], Starcrash, Trabe Chalice [trc], Avtalia Array [avta], Stellar Collector [stc], Crystal Dart [crd], Regalia, Bespoke Regalia [bspk], and Enrichment spells.

Since this is metamagic, is there a reason for an abbreviation here?
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Re: Abbreviation for Bespoke Regalia? on 07/03/2018 05:34 PM CDT
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While you're not able to actually cast metamagic, you're often (always?) able to still prepare it. It's sorta like how you can prep Spiteful Rebirth as SRE (granted, the prep gives some additional details even though you still can't cast it).

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Abbreviation for Bespoke Regalia? on 07/03/2018 07:29 PM CDT
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It may be so that you can DISCERN it more easily.

- Navesi
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Re: Abbreviation for Bespoke Regalia? on 07/04/2018 08:53 PM CDT
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>While you're not able to actually cast metamagic, you're often (always?) able to still prepare it. It's sorta like how you can prep Spiteful Rebirth as SRE (granted, the prep gives some additional details even though you still can't cast it).

Not in this case, from what I see:

>prep bspk
You consider the magical energies inherent in Bespoke Regalia, and realize that they are better-suited to supporting your other abilities.
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Re: Abbreviation for Bespoke Regalia? on 07/05/2018 11:22 AM CDT
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>>Not in this case, from what I see

That messaging is exactly what I was talking about. Just that sometimes the messaging has extra stuff to it, too (like SRE).

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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