Bug with dying & Resumption on 07/03/2018 03:29 PM CDT
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Ok, so I died in yellow-bristled gremlins and everyone got the death message twice. This is in TF in case that matters:

* Moving inexpertly, a yellow-bristled gremlin bashes a stained cudgel at you. You dodge, stepping aside in the nick of time.
[You're near death, very badly balanced with opponent in strong position.]
A yellow-bristled gremlin gestures rudely at you.
Two blasts of electricity arc from it to you!
You howl in pain as sparks chase each other across your chest in an electrifying dance.
Your head snaps back reflexively.

You manage to clutch onto a steel scimitar as you gasp your last!
You feel bereft of grace and charm as your enhanced situational awareness dissipates.
Your enhanced capacity for collecting valuable resources slowly seeps away.
You feel slightly on edge as the comforting sense of nepenthean detachment slips from your mind.
The Noumena spell wanes and the perceptual world reasserts itself before your psyche.
You feel the knowledge of the Burden and Footman's Strike spells slip from your mind.
Your death cry echoes in your brain as it quickly dawns on you that you have just died! Already, you feel the tug of eternity upon your soul and you struggle to remain tied to this world.

A chill takes the seat of your soul as your remaining spiritual strength bleeds away steadily. However, you are comforted that you have curried the favor of your god, which will greatly improve the course of your resurrection or reincarnation.

Your body will decay beyond its ability to hold your soul in 155 minutes.

You manage to clutch onto a steel scimitar as you gasp your last!
Before your demise, you were able to salvage enough of your fading noematic craft for a final pattern of Resumption. Your crystallized memories await your return to life.
Your death cry echoes in your brain as it quickly dawns on you that you have just died! Already, you feel the tug of eternity upon your soul and you struggle to remain tied to this world.

A chill takes the seat of your soul as your remaining spiritual strength bleeds away steadily. However, you are comforted that you have curried the favor of your god, which will greatly improve the course of your resurrection or reincarnation.

Your body will decay beyond its ability to hold your soul in 155 minutes.

A yellow-bristled gremlin briefly drops to all fours, scuttling from side to side.
You are a ghost! You must wait until someone resurrects you, or you decay. Either way, it won't be long now! (HELP for more details).
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Re: Bug with dying & Resumption on 07/04/2018 08:46 AM CDT
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Should be fixed now.

GM Grejuva
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Re: Bug with dying & Resumption on 07/05/2018 01:10 PM CDT
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>Should be fixed now.

My deaths will be 50% less embarrassing now, thanks.
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