Ninth question! on 03/30/2005 10:44 AM CST
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Well, since Ilyana stole my question for the week, I'm going to pretend I didn't notice her posting and ask anyway..... Who's going to Simucon this year?

I am and this is my second year. Took me 8 years of playing to finally go. Last year I didn't go as Couri but I will be for sure this year! I had a great time and hope this year will be even better. And I do hope the great one does speak! And that Arnimas can make it as I enjoyed his seminar last year.

Player of Couri

P.S...Please don't turn this question into the negatives as there are enough places to do that already! Thanks!!
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Re: Ninth question! on 03/30/2005 12:07 PM CST
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I suppose I can say I'm going to be there this year. I've even bought my non-refundable airline ticket so I guess that means I can't back out.


Godrich de'Finchal

"You are like a mouse arguing with an owl. You think the owl is wrong, he thinks you are dinner."
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Re: Ninth question! on 03/30/2005 01:37 PM CST
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<<Well, since Ilyana stole my question for the week,>>

Huzza wuzzits? I didn't steal it (btw, it's Ilanya, but I digress...), I just gave you a GOOD segway! Yeah, that's it...

::points at Godrich's point::

Yeah, that's who I meant. :>

Because Trading is an art, baby.
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Re: Ninth question! on 03/30/2005 01:46 PM CST
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Goes to show how flustered I was and how seriously I take my questions! I spelled your name wrong!

Player of Couri
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Re: Ninth question! on 03/30/2005 03:30 PM CST
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Dang... if it was just 3000 miles closer. Have fun all, and do the Guild proud.

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Re: Ninth question! on 03/30/2005 05:26 PM CST
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I will be there, but I can't register so It's gonna have ta be like two years ago, just visit and have a great time and try to twist all the Trader GM's arms to make trading actually fun again!

Umatos, Player of
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Re: Ninth question! on 03/30/2005 07:23 PM CST
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>Who's going to Simucon?

I hope to be there. Haven't decided whether or not to register, but probably leaning towards yes. Maybe if the GMs know whether anything interesting will be announced about Traders or lore systems?

Also I need a roommate or 2!

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Re: Ninth question! on 03/30/2005 08:23 PM CST
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I'll be attending my seventh SimuCon this year (making this my eleventh DR Convention if you count VegasCons) along with my husband the player of Kraelyst, who will have attended nine SimuCons. We're SimuCon junkies! We haven't been able to make it to VegasCon since 2002 and likely won't be able to make any more trips to Vegas for a couple more years, so we have to get as much of our Geek Week fix as possible in St. Louis. And in following our so-called tradition, we're putting together the official SimuCon memory site again this year, so beware of my crafty camera-wielding hubby. ;)

I've always attended the Cons as Aavarine (or another persona, as some of you know) since she was the first character I ever created in DR and my "main" character since. But lately I've been playing a lot more as my Trader and my Moon Mage and a lot less of Aavarine, so I've registered as all three this year. Because of that whacked multiple personality syndrome, I'm attempting to squish them all into one costume, complete with my traditional fairy wings, of course! This year, I'm learning to sew and am attempting to make as much of my own costume as possible instead of hiring a seamstress, so go easy on me. I'm a stitching newb!

I promise to try to break out of my shy shell a little more this year and I'd like to meet and get to know as many of you as possible. Be forewarned though, I'm horrible with remembering names.

~ "Crissy" the player of Aavarine/Silphe/Nabihle

"Come fairies, take me out of this dull world,
For I would ride with you upon the wind and dance
Upon the mountains like a flame." -- W.B. Yeats
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Re: Ninth question! on 03/31/2005 03:56 AM CST
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I have signed up for simucon this year, will cost me a small fortune but what the heck! Although I have to confess I have not signed up under my trader's name. Just listen out for the Scots accent and you will know its me.

Player of Thevelar et.,al
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Re: Ninth question! on 03/31/2005 06:37 AM CST
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Man, I leave for a while and two folks get married who I known in one form or another forever and a day. Belated Congrats to Crissy/Aav and Tha HAND.

Player of so many sometimes I forget who I am!
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Re: Ninth question! on 03/31/2005 11:43 AM CST
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Whoot! Apu - I'll see what I can squeeze outta you-know-who about the you-know-what. ::wink wink nudge nudge:: Thevelar - yay, I love the "grunts happily at you" and stuff. It just tickles me. Multiple-personality Aav/Sil/Naib, I'm bad with names too. Way way way bad. So as long as we agree we'll forget, it's all good! We'll miss you Balshin and Umatos... BAD UMATOS! :D And Couri, I didn't forget about you... I should have had Ilanya/Ilyana put on my badge. You seriously aren't the only one who misses it. Or even Llanya...

Because Trading is an art, baby.
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Re: Ninth question! on 03/31/2005 03:03 PM CST
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>>Man, I leave for a while and two folks get married who I known in one form or another forever and a day. Belated Congrats to Crissy/Aav and Tha HAND.

Thanks!! We first met each other at SimuCon'99 and we've been inseparable ever since. We finally made it official and tied the knot October 2003. Now that infamous thief will forever wear that ball and chain. Mwahahaha!

"Come fairies, take me out of this dull world,
For I would ride with you upon the wind and dance
Upon the mountains like a flame." -- W.B. Yeats
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Re: Ninth question! on 03/31/2005 05:22 PM CST
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Glad ta hear it, the mad photographer prolly has his hands full now LOL! Now if I can persuade someone to give me back my rabid sheep caravan all will be good in the world of DR.

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Re: Ninth question! on 03/31/2005 09:20 PM CST
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Would love to go some time. But my theatre is always busy this time of year. Why I haven't been around of late (am I ever really here?) Someone consume a large amount of liquor and tell bad jokes, that way it will be like I'm there.

as per earlier question. I only have one cat right now. Her name is Allie. I have a hard time considering her as a pet. Like most animals I have known over the years, she is a good friend.

some tired guy waiting for people to get the hell out of his theatre so he can go home and go to sleep.

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