Expensive Hobbies on 01/16/2008 07:41 PM CST
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I played a Trader for a while, but dropped out of the Realms for a while because of RL distractions and when I came back I tried my hand at a different guild. I've been considering going back to the Traders Guild, but my memory of the guild (a good three or four years ago, if not more) was that I never quite found a good outlet for the image I wanted to cultivate of a wealthy trader with money to spend on expensive hobbies/interests. I didn't want to just load myself down with lots of "stuff" I had bought. Are there any new systems out there (Horses and Ships come to mind) that have become interesting hobbies for Traders to throw money at?
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Re: Expensive Hobbies on 01/17/2008 01:57 PM CST
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Well you just missed an auction at the festival where you could have bought various different items. Only one item per account/person but it would have been fun. We can now sell from stalls or tables. Sell gem pouches, tie corpses to caravans, trade in Hibarnhvidar (kind of dangerous, not too many traders trade there.) I don't think the ships are buyable again yet. At thirty-fifth you get a box to store your stuff in on your caravan. I have a string of horses that I've yet to get trained and resold. Just don't have the time I used to have to play.


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Re: Expensive Hobbies on 01/19/2008 03:51 AM CST
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Well there are two main questions to ask:

1. Do you actually have a bunch of plats or do you just like to pretend you have a bunch of plats?

2. Do you want to actually roleplay these hobbies, or do you just want to "look" like you have these hobbies?

Plats make the world go round. I find that even though I'm not a great hunter/killer/combat person, I find myself far more able to defend myself and make things happen because of my reputation, social standing, being an actual merchant of "real" goods, and yes, having coins.

Here are some Things you may Try:

1. Persue the Arts. You can do this a variety of ways. Play instruments, join one of the Performing Troupes, Compose & Perform, etc. You can also not only get involved with these events, but actually help sponsor/bankroll them. Create events and offer plat prizes for the top three performers. Pay Bards/Performers to perform at your table and/or to compose original pieces. You would be amazed at the goodwill you gain not only from involving yourself with groups/events, but especially offering to help them plan, host, and offer prizes for events. And you would doubly be amazed at how eager you will get people to do minor creative tasks for even just a few plats. Sometimes people just want to have fun too.

2. Persue Sports/Combats. Have a knack for darts? Enjoy watching others spar/fight? Wanting to hire a band of personal mercenaries should you ever have the "need arise". What about Jousting? You can take the above information and apply it to sports and other competitive more physical arts. Did you know there are places you can play Chess, Arm Wrestling, Darts and more? Whatever "sport" you choose to persue, find an enthusiastic event driven buddy and make a day of it. Heck, people offer Roshambo Tournaments. It doesn't have to be complicated. And you can apply this to Pit Fights, Spars, Tournies, King of the Hill, Team vs Teams, etc. Or you could go crazy and make something to Rival Edgee's Events.

3. The "coding" doesn't exist for your hobby yet? RP it. Emotes/Actions exist and as long as you aren't being overly spammy with it, no one is going to mind. Wish you could do falconry? Emote you carrying around a falcon, wear leather gloves, etc. Learn more about the sport by doing some online research. If you get really ambitious, look at how some of the other games/sports that exist in game work and think how something like that could be implimented using similiar mechanics or creative thinking. Post it to the boards. It may not happen, but if you take the time to really think it out and base it on things that already exist, maybe someone will like the idea and add it to their project list.

4. Perhaps you wish to be seen as a Generous, Charitible Philanthropist? There are plenty of orders, events, games, sports, player run things, and larger things like the Orphanage you could "donate" to. Want to support some goal or idea that isn't currently being picked up? Start your own "non-profit" to raise awareness and call attention to your passion.

5. There are always things to "throw money at." Join the Raven's Club in Crossings. "Donate" to Orders and other Events. Sponsor Events, artists and other persuits. Be certain to often mention about your Giving Nature. Invite others to "apply" for your financial assistance with their ideas/charities. Often the point of "donating" is so others see you doing it and know how "generous" you are.

6. Create some RP props for your "hobbies." Between Queens Weddings, LTB scrolls and more, if you JUST cannot find proper props for your hobbies and persuits, create them. Fluff is a lot less fluffy when the player actually makes use of it in their Roleplay and character development.

7. Want to write? Submit articles for the IC newspaper. There are also a lot of great sites and forums where players share and contribute information. While its more of an OOC hobby, it really DOES contribute to the game. See www.elanthipedia.com .

8. Don't make fluff for the sake of making fluff. Craft items you want to wear often, not just once in awhile. Create Pieces that are Meaningful and make a statement other than "bored trader making more fluff." If you no longer wear clothing/accessories/alterations, instead of letting them rot in your vaults, consider selling them or giving them away to others who will really appreciate them.

10. So you've come up with a hobby, idea, event, whatever you want to persue but don't know where to start? Post it on the forums. There are tons of bored people out there looking for something to get involved with too! Maybe you'll make something that sticks. Or maybe you could look into joining an organization/order to see what you can contribute there too.

Just some thoughts. There is a LOT of stuff to do in DR. You just need to be willing to DO it.

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Featuring Eeary Forged Armor, Drevid Forged Weapons, Leathers, Bucklers, Arrows & More!

~~ DR Script Repository: http://scripts.whistlethis.com/index.php ~~
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Re: Expensive Hobbies on 01/19/2008 05:40 AM CST
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its sort of like hunting is "running with the foxes", something my trader indulges in at his whimsy. And he's a member of the raven's club for all the right reasons... <chortles>


<<Because it's a gigantic can of worms. Eldritch, necrotic, squamous worms, writhing in a vile stew of coagulating ichor, crushed from the living gullets of a thousand infant puppies, ululating in wordless terror. - Lorz>>
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Re: Expensive Hobbies on 01/19/2008 11:31 AM CST
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Raven's club? Man have I been asleep or something? Never heard of them. Give me details? Is it an order or something?


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Re: Expensive Hobbies on 01/19/2008 10:31 PM CST
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its on the west side of town near the warehouse, south of the guardhouse. joining costs a certain fee. theres an npc inside that you ask about joining the club, and he'll give you the fee. there's a discount for traders. You can join for 2 different terms.

It is planned to augment the facilities inside - i.e. swimming pool, etc once enough money is raised from membership dues.

<<Because it's a gigantic can of worms. Eldritch, necrotic, squamous worms, writhing in a vile stew of coagulating ichor, crushed from the living gullets of a thousand infant puppies, ululating in wordless terror. - Lorz>>
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