Plaza Request on 07/11/2012 10:50 AM CDT
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I think I may have asked before, but would it be possible to add a Plaza Rules board(in Crossing at least)?
Just some simple things listed like:

-being able to ask the guards about a shop, room, the entrance or foyer.
-something that points to SHOP being an option for shopping. I think I still tell 3 people a week that this verb exists.
-some kind of warning that the guards fully enforce the laws of the town, and serve warrants.
-some comment about how it's not a barn, and not to drop your trash everywhere.
-a buyer beware thing.

I'm sure there's a few other things that could go on that list, I just felt that somewhere near the plazas' front doors there should be something describing the SHOP command somewhat.

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
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Re: Plaza Request on 07/31/2012 06:36 PM CDT
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Done. There should be a new notice at the entrance of the Crossing plaza. When I track down the other spot(s), I'll add 'em there too.

SGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
Premium Lead
Trader Guild Advocate
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Re: Plaza Request on 07/31/2012 08:17 PM CDT
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Also might add you can look at a shop entrance for the hours of operation?

On a whim...:

The Zoluren army asks, "We're um.... really sorry about the clubhouse and all... so uh... are we cool?"
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Re: Plaza Request on 08/01/2012 04:53 PM CDT
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>Also might add you can look at a shop entrance for the hours of operation?


SGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead
Premium Lead
Trader Guild Advocate
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Re: Plaza Request on 08/02/2012 11:59 AM CDT
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Perfection! Thanks!

Welcome Sellers, Shoppers and Deal Seekers!

This merchant plaza is provided by the local Traders' Guild. While visiting,
please be sure to take advantage of our helpful guards and be considerate to
those making their wares available to you.

* The listings board details the current establishments.
* Careful STUDY of the board can show which are presently open.
* You can LOOK for hours of operation posted at an establishment's entrance.
* Our establishment owners are asked to maintain a SHOP catalog
of their wares to easily see their offerings.
* You can ASK any guard for information about a shop, room or
the entrance to the plaza.
* The guards will not tolerate offensive behavior and will enforce
the laws of the town.
* Please be respectful to our establishment owners:
Don't leave your trash lying about!

Thank you for visiting, and enjoy your shopping!

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
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Re: Plaza Request on 08/08/2012 06:28 PM CDT
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I love the level of service with the traders guild! :)

On a whim...:

The Zoluren army asks, "We're um.... really sorry about the clubhouse and all... so uh... are we cool?"
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Plaza Request on 09/24/2012 11:25 PM CDT
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Hi there, Linett here.. No not a trader just a shopper.

I wondered if the Plaza Guards could be trained to lead someone to the next closest shop open.

So instead of trying to remember the names of all from the board and ask guard about XX to get led shop to shop...

It would have to be some word not allowed in a trader shop name, so the guard could lead you correctly.

I could just go ask guard about next and he would lead me to the next shop in the room, or nearest room, or even the next shop open from the list on the board.

Whatever way it would work since I obviously don't know the mechanics of it. :)

I also would REALLY love if you could pay the guard a certain amount (free would be good too, but a service worth paying for) and ask him about an item (the full, actual name of an item) and he could then refer you to the stores that have it or close matches(if possible). That way I don't have to slog through 20 open stores in Zoluren to find shoe polish.

Peace! Linett
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Re: Plaza Request on 09/25/2012 02:57 AM CDT
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Hi Linett,

I have a script that takes me through all the open shops and logs their inventory in a text file. Unfortunately, the script likely won't work for you since I use Avalon, but you're welcome to have a look at it if you want. Or I'm happy to share the log file whenever. If you catch me on IMs I could also do a run through for you and then a quick "find" for particular items -- this is what I do for myself when I'm looking for something in particular.

Unfortunately I don't think that the GMs will be able to implement such a search feature into the plaza itself, as it's likely too resource intensive.

-- Player of Eyuve
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Re: Plaza Request on 09/27/2012 02:08 PM CDT
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Maybe they could impliment a ASK GUARD FOR RANDOM and be taken to a randomly opened shop?

On a whim...:

The Zoluren army asks, "We're um.... really sorry about the clubhouse and all... so uh... are we cool?"

Train? Why? I'll get there eventually...
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