Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 02/05/2016 09:48 PM CST
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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 02/13/2016 10:57 PM CST
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My sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory (updated 2/13/2016):

For additional updates, follow IsharonDR on Twitter.

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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 02/28/2016 10:50 PM CST
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My sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory (updated 2/28/2016):

For additional updates, follow IsharonDR on Twitter.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 02/29/2016 01:50 PM CST
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Thanks so much for maintaining this. I use it at least once a month and always find something I buy!

Re: Life mana Spell preps

You raise your hands in the air. You wave them like you just don't care. Somebody says, "Hey!" Somebody says, "Ho!" Somebody screams.
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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 03/10/2016 12:12 AM CST
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My sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory (updated 3/10/2016):

For additional updates, follow IsharonDR on Twitter.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 04/01/2016 08:26 PM CDT
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My sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory (updated 4/1/2016):

For additional updates, follow IsharonDR on Twitter.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 04/03/2016 01:40 AM CDT
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My sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory (updated 4/3/2016):

For additional updates, follow IsharonDR on Twitter.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 04/21/2016 04:52 PM CDT
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Thank you so much for doing this spreadsheet. I know that I've got a lot more people coming through the shop this time around because of your work.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 04/21/2016 04:58 PM CDT
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>>Thank you so much for doing this spreadsheet. I know that I've got a lot more people coming through the shop this time around because of your work.


I don't know if I have come through your shop specifically, but I know that I do much more shopping at the stalls now that I have access to an easily sort-able and searchable excel listing of items.
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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 04/21/2016 07:15 PM CDT
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>>Orrj: Thank you so much for doing this spreadsheet. I know that I've got a lot more people coming through the shop this time around because of your work.

You're welcome! I have been gathering some data for an update, but I don't have access to the good computer until later tonight.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 04/24/2016 12:33 AM CDT
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My sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory (updated 4/24/2016):

For additional updates, follow IsharonDR on Twitter.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 04/24/2016 07:49 AM CDT
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Thanks Isharon!
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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 05/05/2016 10:15 PM CDT
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My sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory (updated 5/5/2016):

Thanks to the player of Vowbrum for grabbing the morning data (that I am never online to get).

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 05/10/2016 12:46 AM CDT
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My sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory (updated 5/10/2016):

For additional updates, follow IsharonDR on Twitter.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 06/03/2016 12:16 AM CDT
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My sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory (updated 6/3/2016):

For additional updates, follow IsharonDR on Twitter.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 06/23/2016 09:21 PM CDT
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My sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory (updated 6/23/2016):

For additional updates, follow IsharonDR on Twitter.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 07/05/2016 03:47 AM CDT
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My sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory (updated 7/5/2016):

For additional updates, follow IsharonDR on Twitter.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 07/05/2016 03:57 AM CDT
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:( you didn't add my new shop in the crossing plaza to the list.
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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 07/05/2016 05:26 AM CDT
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It's possible when she was building the list (or they?), during the period that they swept Crosssing, yours was not there yet.

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 07/05/2016 05:34 AM CDT
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>>It's possible when she was building the list (or they?), during the period that they swept Crosssing, yours was not there yet.

Possible, I've had it since the 1st
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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 07/05/2016 08:01 AM CDT
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> Possible, I've had it since the 1st

Was it open?
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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 07/05/2016 07:45 PM CDT
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>>Darknsbreathing: :( you didn't add my new shop in the crossing plaza to the list.

Which shop is yours?

Is your shop on sheet two ("Shops")? If so, that means that the script found the shop, but it wasn't open to log inventory. If your shop is not listed on sheet two, I will need to know the name and location of your shop to see why the script missed it. (The script checks every arch, door, and entrance in each room in the plaza.)

For this update, I started logging inventory (in all three cities) at the following times:

run #1: July 4 at 9:24 p.m. Eastern
run #2: July 4 at 10:11 p.m. Eastern
run #3: July 5 at 12:01 a.m. Eastern
run #4: July 5 at 1:05 a.m. Eastern
run #5: July 5 at 3:19 a.m. Eastern

The following shops were closed during all five of the above runs:

Crossing: Dark Corner
Crossing: Devrilry's Forever Phoenix
Crossing: Emzer's Erudite Eclectics
Crossing: Gweths N Discount Older Weapons
Crossing: Gypsy Roots
Crossing: Herinka's Shop
Crossing: Keltie's Old-Rare-Fest N' Quest
Crossing: Longs Island
Crossing: Lost Treasures Are Pleasures
Crossing: Marreous' Magnificent Mercantile
Crossing: Marty's Smart Mart
Crossing: Miss Gnomer's
Crossing: Something Shiny
Riverhaven: Katya's Consignments
Riverhaven: Loot And Booty
Riverhaven: Pieces Of Eight
Shard: Bavaro's Effects And Sundries.
Shard: Sehkmet's The Wheel

While I caught most of the shops open during Prime time, this update had a narrower-than-ideal data range. However, I assumed that the community would prefer a limited update to no update at all.

If you want your shop to be archived, I am most likely to log those that are regularly open between 7 p.m. Eastern and 1 a.m. Eastern. Often I try to catch earlier and later times, but if your shop is only open in the morning or afternoon, it is highly unlikely that it will be archived, as I am generally not playing DR at those times.

Shops that are unlikely to be archived due to their business hours:

Crossing: Devrilry's Forever Phoenix (1:00 PM - 5:00 PM)
Crossing: Gweths N Discount Older Weapons (10:00 AM - 3:00 PM)
Crossing: Gypsy Roots (3:00 PM - 7:00 PM)
Crossing: Herinka's Shop (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM)
Crossing: Keltie's Old-Rare-Fest N' Quest (4:00 PM - 7:00 PM)
Crossing: Lost Treasures Are Pleasures (9:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
Crossing: Marreous' Magnificent Mercantile (4:00 PM - 7:00 PM)
Crossing: Something Shiny (10:00 AM - 6:00 PM)
Riverhaven: Loot And Booty (12:00 PM - 6:00 PM)
Riverhaven: Pieces Of Eight (4:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
Shard: Sehkmet's The Wheel (variable)

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Trader shop hours on 07/05/2016 08:13 PM CDT
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Can these please just be updated so that there isn't a limit on when the shop is open?
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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 07/05/2016 11:27 PM CDT
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Ah yes, I'm all up with the door locked on your list :p 30th circle, give me a few months to circle up and i'll be open a lot longer.
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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 07/06/2016 12:36 AM CDT
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Thank you so much for doing this! Glad to see my shop is already open at the appropriate times!
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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 07/08/2016 10:26 PM CDT
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My sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory (updated 7/8/2016):

For additional updates, follow IsharonDR on Twitter.


Crossing: Archipelagos Rare'N Wicked Stuff; Ariya's Armoire; Arizona's Forged Steel And More!; ARMOR Shields And Parry Sticks; Badtooth's Tools/Armor/Stuff; Banisad's Quest N Fest Rares; Between The Trade Routes; Bloodhouse Weapons N Ammo; CAMBRINTH Signs Toys Pets; Carma's Collections; Ceariously Addicted; Cidemon's Shop; Containers Cloaks And Cloths; Dark Corner; Favre's Discount Collection; Free Range Goods!; From The Battlefield To The Ball; Gabald's Weapon Shop; Glittermine; Gnara's Tiny Shop; Groot Of All Evil; Gweths N Discount Older Weapons; Gypsy Roots; Halajar's Love Emporium; Hands Of Aliesa; Ilithi Arms, Armor And Arcanum; Jazarene's Eclectic Collections; Kalyssia's Armor And Tools; Keltie's Old-Rare-Fest N' Quest; Klausette Full Of Things; K's Tools, Armor, Gweths N More; LADY LOURETTE'S BOUTIQUE; Lerdaru's Rares, Maps And More!; Longs Island; Lukretian Empire; Map Quest's Fletchery; MAPS JEWELRY Gems Instruments; Marreous' Magnificent Mercantile; Marty's Smart Mart; METAL Skin Cloth Bone And TOOLS; Milabeth's Marvelous Mercantile; Miss Gnomer's; Mofasah's Desert Outlet; My Two Kronars!; Naniaki's Trash And Treasure; Needful Things; Obsidian Pass Trading Company; On A Whim; Phirst's Past And Present; Pistro's Wonderful Wares; Quill Stitchery And Tools; Resero's Auction Overflow!; RKM Leather And Cloth Outfitters; Roaringbelly Brothers' Odd Finds; Scales Of The Sand; Shaynn's Gift Menagerie; Shin'kicker INC; Softy N Longtail's Secret Cache; Something Shiny; Stuff!; Subi's Stuff; Tavern Nuts; Tayria's Trader Table; Teh Black Market; Thamar's Shop; Thevelar's Retail Therapy Centre; Tibsley's Treasures; Tiddeggur's House Of Pain; Tindle's Ores And More; Touch Of Arrogance; Tranon's Hobby Shoppe; Trendy Kitten; Trinkets And Treasures; WEAPONS Ammo And BRAWLING; Wicked Witch; Wizard And Warrior Emporium; Ysei's New Adventurer Shop

Riverhaven: Augstawne Lefns Cehs; Bloodbath And Beyond; Broken Drum; Ciressa's Tiny Haven; Demophon's Deeds And Deals; Dram's Scrolltopia And Ore Shop; Gilded Garter; Gomi's Gear; Indi's Iron Kingdom Supplies; Insara's Exotics; Inver Brass; Ironfang Works And Lockpicks; Jhesili's Junk; Kasmer's Kasbah -Scrolls'n More!; Lion's Gait; Loot And Booty; Mollai's Range; Old World Antiques; Otho's Mining And Blacksmith; Pieces Of Eight; Pots And Pans; Rare Quest Fest And Forged; Secretia's Secret; Skullbag's Stuff; Sun Dreamer; Tani's Treasure Trove

Shard: Bavaro's Effects And Sundries.; Myya's Miscellany; Quest Fest And Forged; S.o.S. Fashions For Flight


Crossing: Devrilry's Forever Phoenix; Emzer's Erudite Eclectics; Herinka's Shop; Lost Treasures Are Pleasures

Riverhaven: Katya's Consignments

Shard: Sehkmet's The Wheel

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Re: Isharon's Trader Shop Inventory Spreadsheet on 07/31/2016 04:53 AM CDT
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My sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory (updated 7/31/2016):

Once SEPED perfects his searchable listing, I will stop producing my spreadsheet.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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