Why is 10 minutes too short? on 03/01/2004 04:18 AM CST
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I have a question and maybe it may best be directed else where but I'll post it here anyway.

This happened at 9:00 p.m., pacific time...this date.
Oddly, your pouch seems suddenly heavier for a moment. Knowing the lands as you do, you doubt it was a donation.
You glance down and catch **** in the act of trying to pick your pocket. Fortunately you caught him in time.
***** just came out of hiding.
**happened on the way to Dirge..

**couldn't accuse in Dirge..
9:09 p.m., pacific time....this date.
>accuse Kokem
The clerk takes you to one side, questioning you carefully about the incident. After several moments he says, "I'm sorry, Annandale, but I don't recognize the place you are saying this theft took place. It doesn't sound like any place I know of on the trade routes around here."
eneahdr (9:10:08 PM): guess it has to be in haven or something
**trying to accuse in Dirge..

This happend at 9:11 p.m., pacific time...this date.
The clerk takes you to one side, questioning you carefully about the incident. After several moments he says, "I'm sorry, Annandale, there just isn't enough information for me to take action in this matter. Perhaps if you had lodged your complaint sooner I might have been able to do something."
**had to go to Stone Clan for this to happen.

NOW, my question is, how long do I have to be able to accuse someone..and why is 10 minutes too long??

a bit miffed,
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Re: Why is 10 minutes too short? on 03/01/2004 10:47 AM CST
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you left his name in with your Accuse. :-)

A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.

The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"

The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
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Re: Why is 10 minutes too short? on 03/01/2004 01:00 PM CST
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Couple answers.

You were not able to accuse in Dirge because you weren't in the Dirge area when you were stolen from. The clerks will not recognize any place beyond the next outposts. So in the case of Dirge, they would recogonize rooms as far south as Stone Clan and as far north as Riverhaven.

As to the time limit, that is simply how the system is designed to work, and is consistent with other methods of justice available in game.

Not sure that is a satisfying answer, but there it is.


Godrich de'Finchal

"You are like a mouse arguing with an owl. You think the owl is wrong, he thinks you are dinner."

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Re: Why is 10 minutes too short? on 03/02/2004 03:55 AM CST
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didn't mean to leave his name. Was late for me but oh well.

As for the answer, thank you Godrich. At least now I'll have a better knowledge of what to do next time.


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Re: Why is 10 minutes too short? on 03/03/2004 02:09 PM CST
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This happened at 9:00 p.m., pacific time...this date.
Oddly, your pouch seems suddenly heavier for a moment. Knowing the lands as you do, you doubt it was a donation.
You glance down and catch **** in the act of trying to pick your pocket. Fortunately you caught him in time.
***** just came out of hiding.
**happened on the way to Dirge..

Also, I have noticed that whenever I glance down and catch someone, no actual theft has taken place. Its when I feel the faint tugging on my belt, that I get annoyed. So maybe the clerk didn't recognize the theft because the hooligan in question, even though he made an attempt, didn't actually steal anything.

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