Looking for a Trader on 07/15/2003 11:26 PM CDT
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The Trader that was selling my wares has been MIA for quite some time now. I'm looking for a Trader that sets up tables regularly to sell my forged weaponry. If anyone is interested, get ahold of me through my play.net address and we can discuss further.
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Looking for a Trader on 09/29/2003 04:12 PM CDT
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Still looking for a Trader to sell my forged blades on their tables. I'd prefer someone who has open tables on a regular basis, but that's not a requirement. If you're interested, contact me via my Play.net address for details.
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Looking for a Trader for some Business on 02/02/2004 04:37 PM CST
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I am looking for a trader, the circle does not matter to me. I am just looking for a trader who can make me a cloak that can fit over a pair of leathers. The cloak has to be hooded and able to hide my features. If it can be made to hide everything I have with just turning cloak, or pulling cloak, even better. Post here, send me an e-mail to jonnehboy69@aol.com, or AIM me at Himo Sama. Just send me how long it'll take and how much you'll charge for it. Thanks.

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Re: Looking for a Trader for some Business on 02/02/2004 04:47 PM CST
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I think what you want is a shadowsilk cloak. You may be able to find one for purchase if you ask around on the Gweths or in the Marketplace in Crossing. They are quite expensive, but they do hide everything but your hands when activated (TURN? I have never owned one).

If you want a feature hiding cloak (TURN is the command used with most of these to hide your features), you can find one in Arthe Dale at the shop that carries various items of clothing. A desert shroud from Muspar'i or a hooded monk's robe from Aesry also hide features in that fashion. All of those have other actions as well, but none hide inventory items. If you want something that hides some of your worn items, you would be looking at the robes from the Fortress near Shard. They do not hide features, and hide your belongings whenever they are worn, cannot be made not to do so.

All cloaks and robes can be worn 'over leathers'. They are shoulder worn, so can be worn with armor. If an items is not shoulder worn, but worn 'like a shirt or robe' then you want to appraise it and be sure it adds, 'even with armor' at the end. Most newer things always include that, but some of the really old shops (like the Haberdashery in Crossing) still carry some clothing items that can't be worn with armor.

I'm not sure which game you are playing, but in DragonRealms right now, players' characters are not able to "make" an item that does any of the actions you were asking for.

Good luck,

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Re: Looking for a Trader for some Business on 02/02/2004 08:02 PM CST
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I saw one of those shadowsilk gloves a bit ago, and it completely blew me off. I DEFINETLY want one of those. It is perfect for my character's attitude and "job." If someone can get me a shadowsilk cloak, please send me an e-mail or AIM message at the posted above. Or if you can get me ANY kind of cloak that is dark colored and can hide my features, please do so.

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Re: Looking for a Trader for some Business on 02/03/2004 12:18 PM CST
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one just sold at Cantens auction for over 200 plat?

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Re: Looking for a Trader for some Business on 02/03/2004 05:46 PM CST
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Shadowsilk cloak? Yeah, over 200 plat, and that after people were whining and complaining about the 120 plat price tag on Vyyk's cloak in the Martket Tentgrins Crazy world aint it? I really liked selling winged boots for over 300(150 or so is a common sale price). We topped 4000 plats sold, incase anyone wanted to knowgrins A few thousand short of Lokta's auction, but I did my best!

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Re: Looking for a Trader for some Business on 02/03/2004 06:58 PM CST
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That's sweet, Canten. Nice job!

No one will ever top my auction for single auction intake. Don't feel bad. Also, Canten, this was me leaving the realms with no intention of returning. If I had thought I would come back, the sale would have been half as much, if that much. Just remember that.

For those who weren't around and haven't heard...

6329 platinum, 288 gold, 34 silver, and 18 bronze Kronars. In about 3 hours.

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Re: Looking for a Trader for some Business on 02/03/2004 07:18 PM CST
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>6329 platinum, 288 gold, 34 silver, and 18 bronze Kronars. In about 3 hours.

Yeah, but then what?

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Re: Looking for a Trader for some Business on 02/03/2004 08:59 PM CST
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<<Yeah, but then what?>>

Then... I get to post about how much money I made.

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Looking for a Trader to do an auction for me. on 11/26/2005 09:22 PM CST
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I need to clean out some stuff from my vault. Around 40 items, mainly Quest and somewhat rare, some common items.

List (with TAPs and LOOKs) available on request.

~Kyn (Kynevon)

Info Page http://kynevon.info
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Excel format: http://tinyurl.com/44jlt
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Looking for a Trader... on 09/29/2006 03:12 PM CDT
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I just returned to the game after being gone for 6 years! A few things have changed, but one thing really has...inflation! I had 30 plat when I left, that was pretty good then. Now that's nothing!

Since I'm poor, I'm looking to unload what I have. All of my items are at least 6 years old, some as old as 10 years. I have a few things from a festival about 6 or 7 years ago. Perhaps I should hold an auction, or just have one of you guys get rid of this stuff for me. Hopefully I can get enough money to catch up a bit.

You can reach me via my e-mail

Thanks for your time.....
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Looking for a Trader on 05/26/2008 04:46 PM CDT
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Trying to find a permeate home for my forged blades as well as my basilisk head arrows. Contact me via IM at Godsfang if you are looking for weapons to discuss pricing.

I'm in the forge today working on a catalog.


~Ternith Sjomah

And Shepherds we shall be,for thee my lord for thee.
Power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command.
We shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be.
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