Hi all,
I trade mostly in commodities and have been keeping spreadsheets and such to track the commodities pits (mostly between Arthe and Crossing) for trends and such, but the past few days have been...interesting. I am curious as to if anyone else has noticed that between Crossing and Arthe the pits have been mostly "SOLD-OUT" and "Surplus" (instead of a wide variety of supplies, I rarely have seen so many SOLD-OUT supplies) with the amazing coincidence that identical supplies will be sold out in each pit, and surplus ect. After a couple weeks of just commodity running I can usually make 5 to 6 successful runs a day with about 50 to 60 units without taking on too much risk, but the past days have been strange. I was wondering if more people are trading in the market (although this makes no sense, if things are sold out in both pits no one can trade it, same with surplus). If its just me, so be it.
(I did take Leth into account, I usually don't trade in Leth because it gives too much time for prices to fluctuate.)
<Still waiting for cinnamon to get off surplus)
Gnomish Commodities Broker
Re: Curiosity on 06/17/2004 12:30 AM CDT
Re: Curiosity on 06/17/2004 09:00 AM CDT
>I trade mostly in commodities and have been keeping spreadsheets and such to track the commodities pits (mostly between Arthe and Crossing) for trends and such, but the past few days have been...interesting.
Same here. I think there have just been too many traders playing the markets lately. Or playing them badly.
This touches on what is the biggest issue with the whole thing, as far as I'm concerned. It's like the commodities trading is designed for ONE player at a time. At any given time there are only like 3-4 items to play on. And I can easily, single-handedly depress all of them, by myself... thus killing any other traders active at the same time. And I'm only circle 12 or so. It doesn't make sense that I can totally stand an entire market on it's head in one run.
If there's only 2 of us running commodities, it works fine.
This leads me to another question... does anything 'spoil' in the warehouse? Does anything get lost or stolen? I typically haven't been using the warehouse much, since it ties up capital... I usually just take the loss... but... just wondering if I can keep a load of oranges in there for however long it takes...
Same here. I think there have just been too many traders playing the markets lately. Or playing them badly.
This touches on what is the biggest issue with the whole thing, as far as I'm concerned. It's like the commodities trading is designed for ONE player at a time. At any given time there are only like 3-4 items to play on. And I can easily, single-handedly depress all of them, by myself... thus killing any other traders active at the same time. And I'm only circle 12 or so. It doesn't make sense that I can totally stand an entire market on it's head in one run.
If there's only 2 of us running commodities, it works fine.
This leads me to another question... does anything 'spoil' in the warehouse? Does anything get lost or stolen? I typically haven't been using the warehouse much, since it ties up capital... I usually just take the loss... but... just wondering if I can keep a load of oranges in there for however long it takes...
Re: Curiosity on 06/17/2004 09:07 AM CDT
>>This leads me to another question... does anything 'spoil' in the warehouse? Does anything get lost or stolen? I typically haven't been using the warehouse much, since it ties up capital... I usually just take the loss... but... just wondering if I can keep a load of oranges in there for however long it takes...
Nothing spoils currently although I think I heard that this may change for DR2.
Nothing spoils currently although I think I heard that this may change for DR2.
Re: Curiosity on 06/17/2004 11:55 AM CDT
There were enough traders trading commodities yesterday to spoil 2 of my runs by trading items to surplus. It is definetly a one or two person at a time system. It might be workable for more traders if supply changed more peridodically, or the drift from surplus to Good stores occured more rapidly, but as it is if items are surplus in both Crossing and Arthe Pits, in all likelihood the items will be untradable for hours until a runner announces a change, and even then it may only affect the price.
Seems strange though, the past few weeks at the same times I would be the only trader in the pits, now I see someone in there everytime, maybe its contract trading time for a bit.
Gnomish Commodities Broker
Seems strange though, the past few weeks at the same times I would be the only trader in the pits, now I see someone in there everytime, maybe its contract trading time for a bit.
Gnomish Commodities Broker
Re: Curiosity on 06/17/2004 02:00 PM CDT
I usually like to trade late at night when hardly anyone else is on. If you get half a dozen or so folks running commodities everyone looses money. how hard would it be to roll in another two pits somwwhere and help things out? Put one in riverhaven and one dirge the additional markets would provide more an outlet for goods possiblely effect supply and demand a bit more make things more enjoyable for us traders that want to persue commodities.
Re: Curiosity on 06/17/2004 02:51 PM CDT
There should be a pit in every city as big as Arthe Dale, that way you could trade commodities anywhere, and if crossing is to volatile, whelp I'll be trading between Theren and Lang, or Shard and Fayrins rest, hell between knife clan and wolf clan! I don't have any problems with the system structure itself, I can make coin, just expand out pits to every trading outpost.
Gnomish Commodities Broker
Gnomish Commodities Broker
Re: Curiosity on 06/18/2004 12:00 AM CDT
Re: Curiosity on 06/18/2004 09:06 AM CDT
Re: Curiosity on 06/19/2004 01:02 PM CDT
It has nothing to do with other Traders the pits naturally cycle from alot of stuff in double surplus to a good period of a couple of weeks where there are lots of moves and lots of money to be made (at less the 10th circle I have made as much as 30 plat in a few hours in the pits) to a cycle of where everything seems to be double sold out. How do I know this I play a Trader in plat where I can spend many hours in the pits with littlery nobody there but me and see how the pits act over long periods of time. There are a few other folks that play pit Traders on and off in plat one that plays a pit trader as a primary character and she can confim what I just said
Re: Curiosity on 06/25/2004 10:33 AM CDT