I havent traded in Shard in a while on 01/30/2005 01:41 PM CST
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Has this always been in Fayrins Rest? Or are we looking at something new being developed? Dare I to pray commodities are about to get a face lift?

<<[Fayrin's Rest, Trader Pit]
On this sunken, earth-packed floor, Halfling clerks scramble and collide, shout and wave freshly inked receipts. They seek to keep on top of commodities futures and trading opportunities, catering to the demands of merchants who line the arena like frenzied spectators at a bear baiting.
Obvious exits: north.>>

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Re: I havent traded in Shard in a while on 01/30/2005 02:35 PM CST
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No, I'm afraid it's been there a good while. It's where I slept during the war - it was actually quieter than the city back then.


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Re: I havent traded in Shard in a while on 01/30/2005 03:01 PM CST
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<<No, I'm afraid it's been there a good while. It's where I slept during the war - it was actually quieter than the city back then.


Darn. I sure hope something gets done with commodities soon...I just dont think a system that a 7th circle trader can knock off whack in a couple of hours for days is very useful for long term traders.

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