Crates on the ground on 05/04/2006 08:50 AM CDT
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So I grabbed my caravan from the stable in Crossing and started doing my contracts starting at crossing guild. Just into goblins, my caravan animals die.

First, I thought that stables actually fed my caravan. I used to break out the feedbag when I got my caravan back from the stable, but noticed that they were completely full. Didn't pay 4 gold to get my caravan so it could die 2 minutes later.

Second, my crate is now on the ground and I have no idea how to get it on a new caravan now.

So if anyone knows how to get crates on the ground onto caravans, please reply.
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Re: Crates on the ground on 05/04/2006 08:55 AM CDT
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Stables do feed the caravans- but only a little. After that, it's up to you to take care of your critters. Anyway, once the crate is on the ground it's a lost cause. There is a page in your ledger that tells you about that.

A wee trader

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Crates on the ground on 05/04/2006 09:09 AM CDT
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Hmm whoops somehow this got in the wrong folder(i blame someone else).

Well that sucks. Though you think if they were fed a little bit they would live longer than a few minutes. Least the contract isn't too long.

P.S. Remember when you could take your crates off your animal/caravan and put them in your backpack. Ahh that was nice.
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