Does anyone activeley do this? on 05/08/2008 10:49 AM CDT
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Does anyone actively trade commodities? It seems like a system with a lot of potential, I just have not read any recent reviews of the system. Is it something people are doing some of, or is it something we are waiting for a rewrite of?
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Re: Does anyone activeley do this? on 05/08/2008 11:34 AM CDT
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Commodities does have a huge potential. But it is only about half-complete, something I mentioned to GM Adera- and she agrees.

I don't know anyone that really makes a profit with them: I use contracts for my bread and butter. But it would be a huge advantage to not having a deadline to make deliveries.

The mind behind...

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Does anyone activeley do this? on 05/08/2008 01:01 PM CDT
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Tirsten once told me he actively traded them in addition to his Ilithi and Zoluren and Interprovincials...the man is a beast. I believe Ienna will be having a lecture about them in a few weeks at a Trader Social, as well.

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Re: Does anyone activeley do this? on 05/08/2008 03:23 PM CDT
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I used commodities exclusively upon hitting 2nd Circle, and made a good 50 or 100 platinum from them before going back to contracts because of lack of time to devote to the commodity system. Also there was some little change in there that made my numbers a bit... odd, so it was more difficult to track my P/L. Commodities can be lucrative, but it takes time, research, a lot of thought, and sometimes running willy-nilly between pits before purchasing anything. I probably won't try much with them again until the system gets ironed out to better follow laws of supply and demand, and the like.

Killing you softly with his song,
- Stormsinger Shavay, and a Trader.

Madness does not always howl. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "Hey, is there room in your head for one more?"
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Re: Does anyone activeley do this? on 05/08/2008 06:03 PM CDT
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I hope when the rewrite is done that we can use them when the mech lore split happens and we can craft items. In whatever lore craft skill we want. Of course this would not include the pelts/hides unless they are special ones that no one can get because there is no critter that bears them. Or forageable woods and critter dropped gems. But the cloth, specialty woods, etc are fair game?
For example: I want to make something of silk cloth. I would buy the silk from the commodities pit in bulk (use it like we do the acanth wood that we use for repairing gates with currently). Take one bolt of silk from the crate and each bolt measures six yards usually. Measure out the amount you need from the bolt of silk cut it to length needed and start the pattern cutting process etc.

Plus be able to trade with shops would be very nice indeed, especially for our young traders.

Ah well I can dream.


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Re: Does anyone activeley do this? on 05/09/2008 08:09 PM CDT
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I traded commodities from about 5th to 30th circle, getting around three quarters of my trading experience from this.
After 30th (probably even around 25th) commodites are not worth it except for two things. First, a few quick runs where you can get in a fwew good trades for decent money and a little experience. Secondly, when running interprov contracts to gain a little extra experience.

Now a few things for those who want to use the system. Yes, you can buy as much as you can of that one item with a huge difference in prices between outpost for that big pay. This is not really the best way to trade commodities though. Prices will stay fairly stable over the length of time that you can trade commodities, with the exception of those 'run' things that happens where a price at one pit drops or rises really quickly. Half the time you find that these runs change before you can cash in on them, so hit and miss.

The best way to trade is to grab as many of a commodity that will sell for the price that is at the cap limit for experience for you. What I mean by this is that there is a cap on how much experience you can gain on any one sale based on your circle (or might be trading experience). So, if the max for you 1 gold, selling 1 plat of diamonds is not going to get you learning any more than 1 gold of apples. What are the levels, well I'm not positive since it has been awhile, but I think its around a 3-5 silver around 5th scaling to around 5 gold for 30th. So, the best thing to do is buy as many different commodities, buying quanities that will sell for your max. This way you do not buy out a commodity to soon and can run the routes more often.

Now, on buy commodities. Of course you want to buy low and sell high. But how much of a difference does there need to be? Well, that is determined by the price of the commodity. The higher the price, the great the cut that the guild is giong to take. So for apples example, you can make a profit with as little as a 3 spread in price (not much, but shouldn't lose money), but with diamonds you are going to need around a 75 spread.

Now on supply and demand. Not all commodities are made equal. Surplus for things like diamonds and gold is around 100, but for charcoal it is 700. So why it may not be good to buy to many if diamonds are at good stores, it can be safe to buy 100 charcoal (not that I have ever found charcoal to be profitable). Somewhere out there is a site where someone made a really good (not perfect but really helpful) listing the amount for each commodites for each state. Maybe if someone doesn't beat me to it I'll get ambitious and find it.

A couple other things:

I'm mostly positive that distance has no bearing on experience. It is just selling price if I remember my tests correctly.

Ignore my advice on keeping at your experience cap when you see a big kill. When there is a 300 difference in price in diamonds, buy them out and make that 2.5 plat profit.
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Re: Does anyone activeley do this? on 05/09/2008 10:49 PM CDT
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Found the website for commodity info

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Re: Does anyone activeley do this? on 05/10/2008 11:55 AM CDT
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I always trade commodities when I'm in the Zoluren area. I always make a profit with them too. Sometimes I may have to hold onto a commodity for a really long time before I make a profit with it, but I always make a profit. There is a bug with commodities when returning from a crash though. Every time I get a caravan returned after a crash, I always have a ton of extra commodities; often times beyond what I'm supposed to be capable of having, and I have to sell off like crazy before I can buy any more.

Gnomes Rule!
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Re: Does anyone activeley do this? on 05/14/2008 09:39 PM CDT
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After a bit more study you wonder if you have made 15910676 kronars, 12728541 lirums, or 11481143 dokoras working the commodity market.
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Re: Does anyone activeley do this? on 05/14/2008 10:01 PM CDT
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>Does anyone activeley do this?

After a bit more study you wonder if you have made 161585 kronars, 129268 lirums, or 116599 dokoras working the commodity market.

I think I stopped commodity trading around 10th circle.

1st circle was hard because I was still new to DR and had nothing to my name, but as soon as I hit second I turned things around in the pits. I was able to make five plats my first week doing commodities, enough money to last me for weeks of lavish living. It wasn't until I ran into Apu that I learned about better trading opportunities in the south and packed up and moved on.

While I will always have a soft spot in my heart for commodities I never was able to find a good groove for trading them once I grew up and got bigger. Day trading only pays off so much, after that you need to invest a lot of time and a bit of money to really make the market pay off in the end.

That all rambled, you have my admiration for pulling in 1.5k plats on the market.

- Bedan, the limbless trader.
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Re: Does anyone activeley do this? on 05/18/2008 01:28 PM CDT
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>> After a bit more study you wonder if you have made 15910676 kronars, 12728541 lirums, or 11481143 dokoras working the commodity market.

to give you an idea how fast you can make money with commods

After a bit more study you wonder if you have made 12063182 dokoras, 16717270 kronars, or 13373816 lirums working the commodity market.

that's about 80 plat more, in the five or so days past between posts.
and this is from blind buying and selling, not working the callers at all, or working any specific route, just buying at low, selling at high

its definatly worth lookin at for thoes that havent tried it
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