Commodities - still broken? on 06/09/2013 11:47 PM CDT
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I take it commodities are still broken? Looking at them tonight, it seems like everything you could make a profit on, (ex, buy low, sell high), you're buying form someone who has very little of the item left, and selling to someone who has a lot left:

Commodity Profit Buy Sell
Diamonds109Nearly Out!Surplus!
Pearls59Nearly Out!Good Stores
Papyrus64Nearly Out!Surplus!
Gold70Nearly Out!Surplus!
Saffron77Going FastGood Stores
Limes69Going FastSurplus!
Lead62Nearly Out!Good Stores

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
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Re: Commodities - still broken? on 06/09/2013 11:50 PM CDT
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>>I take it commodities are still broken?

Safe bet

Respect. Integrity. World Domination.
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Re: Commodities - still broken? on 06/10/2013 03:03 AM CDT
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Were commodities ever not broken?
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Re: Commodities - still broken? on 06/10/2013 04:55 AM CDT
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There were a bunch of posts on Elanthipedia that indicted a possible re-write, but I couldn't find any indication it was completed. Hence the post.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
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Re: Commodities - still broken? on 06/10/2013 08:21 PM CDT
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To the best of my knowledge, commodities haven't been fixed yet. The GMs want to expand the commodity system to other provinces as well as fix the commodities.

Player of...

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Commodities - still broken? on 06/14/2013 02:26 AM CDT
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I just cleaned out my new trader's bank account (like 2 silver) buying 2 orders of barley. Oddly enough, the price was really low, despite them being almost out of it!

I then hauled it to Arthe Dale, where they had - weirdly enough - a huge surplus, but the price was really high. The wouldn't accept it. I suppose I have just wasted 2 silver on a broken system, haven't I?

It seems almost as if the commodity system is working the opposite as it should, prolly a single line of code jacked up, haha!

Anyone lookin' to buy some barley?

Captain Jack: "Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks 'Oooh, this could be a little more sonic'?"
The Doctor: "What? You never been bored? Never had a long night? Never had a lot of cabinets to put up?"
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Re: Commodities - still broken? on 06/14/2013 02:46 AM CDT
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>>It seems almost as if the commodity system is working the opposite as it should, prolly a single line of code jacked up, haha!

Yeah prices for commodities have always worked the opposite of what supply and demand dictates. They've been completely broken and unusable since about 1998, but it's still on the list for fixing.

Respect. Integrity. World Domination.
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Re: Commodities - still broken? on 06/30/2013 01:32 PM CDT
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I've noticed the same thing and seldom do anything with commodities because of that.

Player of...

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Commodities - still broken? on 02/11/2014 01:55 PM CST
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while this is very old, i'll point out my expirence on trading commodities.

I trade on a 1% margin.
I mean, i buy things that are 49.9% of the average price, or lower between all three posts, and i sell at a post when the price is 50.5% the average or higher.

tiny margins, but i buy and sell dozens sometimes hundreds of crates at a time.

any margin greater than this 1% margin means i barely buy or sell anything.

anyways, commodities it seems isn't necessarily broken. I just exists in a way that you cannot really make money from it by dedicating time to it.
Just use it while you pass through and it is a plat here and there every once in a while.
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Re: Commodities - still broken? on 02/11/2014 01:56 PM CST
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i mean buy at 49.5...
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