Fire up some additional pits ? on 01/20/2003 09:36 AM CST
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is there any way that we can get the commod pits opened at a couple of the other outposts?

I know there's supposed to be a rewrite in progress, but it sure would be helpful if there were more pits available while a few people are waiting.

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Re: Fire up some additional pits ? on 01/20/2003 10:33 AM CST
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If only it were that easy. <g>

Adding additional pits would take some relatively extensive rewriting to get the different parts of the system working together, so it is unlikely to that there will be additional pits before the main rewrite is completed. However, if it continues to appear that the full rewrite will be delayed, I may dig in and work out what the absolute minimum additions would be to open up pits in the remaining outposts in Zoluren.


Godrich de'Finchal

"And we will weep
To be so alone
We are lost!
We can never go home"
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