To any GM's regarding Ward Break on 10/07/2016 12:50 AM CDT
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Out of curiosity, any reason this doesnt work on ghost shroud? Its a ward, and it protects against TM spells(and other things too). But since it does affect TM, I thought it might be worth bringing up that its a bit strange that ward break doesnt at least get a check vs ghs to dispel it.

Any reason this isnt the case or is it just an oversight?

It also doesnt work on Sanyu Lyba. Now that is a warding spell but I suppose technically its not a barrier, its a ghost, but its also an anti magic barrier.

It also doesnt work on barbarian spell wards but those technically arent magic, so that might be more plausible. I'm not sure of the lore regarding magic and how dispels work and such so i'd leave that to the experts

Just seems wrong and thought I'd bring it up regarding the two cleric barriers at least. I know youd like to see dispels used more, but ward break doesnt seem to pay attention to a few very popular spells for clerics. I know DR isnt all about the pvp necessarily but dispels are primarily used for that (I realize they have limited functions for some creeps too but they seem to be more focused on PVP)

Thanks for your time.
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Re: To any GM's regarding Ward Break on 10/07/2016 10:10 PM CDT
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>any reason this doesnt work on ghost shroud?

You can't dispel any cyclic spell. GHS is cyclic.

>It also doesn't work on Sanyu Lyba

Sanyu Lyba summons an extraplanar spirit to guard the cleric. There isn't a ward to break.

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Re: To any GM's regarding Ward Break on 10/07/2016 10:29 PM CDT
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>>You can't dispel any cyclic spell. GHS is cyclic.

I dont think thats a valid reason, its a magical barrier, ward break specifically dispels ONLY magical barriers leaving other spells intact. Doesnt rend dispel two of anything? Ward break is just for barriers, seems like an oversight, or are clerics really the only class who can dispel cleric wards via spite? That doesnt seem to make much sense.

>>Sanyu Lyba summons an extraplanar spirit to guard the cleric. There isn't a ward to break.

Yeah, that one is questionable imo, but I can see the point that theres not a barrier, even though it is a warding spell.
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Re: To any GM's regarding Ward Break on 10/07/2016 10:41 PM CDT
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>I dont think thats a valid reason, its a magical barrier, ward break specifically dispels ONLY magical barriers leaving other spells intact.

Oh, I'm not saying it's a valid reason or arguing for it, I'm just saying that's currently the state of cyclic spells. I personally think that cyclic spells should be breakable or at the very least interruptible by both magical and nonmagical means.

>Doesnt rend dispel two of anything? Ward break is just for barriers, seems like an oversight, or are clerics really the only class who can dispel cleric wards via spite? That doesnt seem to make much sense.

Yep, only clerics. Rend won't dispel cyclics. Spite of Dergati is just one of the many examples of cleric spells that are beyond overpowered. How it exists at all (or at least cost 8 slots) I don't know.

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