Tremor on 06/20/2015 10:35 PM CDT
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Anyone else finding it a rather useless debilitation spell, I max prep (100) cast it and.....

The sudden occillation in the ground beneath you leaves your teeth chattering.
The Xala'shar magus manages to stay upright, but looks a bit wobbly!
The Xala'shar thrall manages to stay upright, but looks a bit wobbly!
The Xala'shar thrall manages to stay upright, but looks a bit wobbly!
The Xala'shar magus manages to stay upright, but looks a bit wobbly!

Now after the third or fourth tick of tremor firing off, one of them did fall down (the one I was facing and killing) the other 3 never fell down and there balance every tick got slightly worse than previous. I'm trying to understand why this spell is 4 slots when its by far the least effective of our debilitation spells.
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Re: Tremor on 06/20/2015 10:57 PM CDT
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>Now after the third or fourth tick of tremor firing off, one of them did fall down

I find the AoE cast of Tremor to be generally less useful than the single-target.

>Forgive my snark, but welcome to the life of a warrior mage.
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Re: Tremor on 06/20/2015 11:40 PM CDT
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Well that kinda sucks I got it mainly for when I'm hunting things immune to thunder and frostbite.
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Re: Tremor on 06/21/2015 06:23 AM CDT
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I end up using Tremor a lot.

For me, repeatedly tanking my opponents' balance for 30-45 seconds is more useful than stunning them or putting them on the ground when I'm hunting. The penalty is enough to make them mostly miss, while allowing me to mostly hit, and it doesn't stop them from attacking so I'm still learning defenses.

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Re: Tremor on 06/21/2015 08:50 AM CDT
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>For me, repeatedly tanking my opponents' balance for 30-45 seconds is more useful than stunning them or putting them on the ground when I'm hunting. The penalty is enough to make them mostly miss, while allowing me to mostly hit, and it doesn't stop them from attacking so I'm still learning defenses.

Yeah, tremor is nice because they're unbalanced but still attack. Thunderclap has a shorter duration when they're affected if you only have a moderate stun and you don't want to go much higher because you can't learn defenses while they're stunned. Repeated frostbites can make it so they become too tired to attack consistently.

I kinda wish tremor taught debilitation per pulse and indoor limitations will stop the aoe version but it's a very useful spell.
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Re: Tremor on 06/21/2015 12:03 PM CDT
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If you want to use Tremor to shut something down, it plays well with shove.

>Forgive my snark, but welcome to the life of a warrior mage.
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