Ignite/Elemental damage points on 02/08/2017 07:15 PM CST
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Not sure if right place to ask. Don't remember ever seeing any discussion on if elemental stats from summoned weapons or Ignite are equal to physical stats on weapons.

For example:
37 points of damage
A tursa pitchfork whorled with the dark variegated hues of a midnight sky trains the polearm skill.

You are certain that it could do:
overwhelming (23/27) puncture damage
fair (5/27) slice damage
heavy (9/27) impact damage


Cast Ignite and is it straight 44 points of damage?
A tursa pitchfork whorled with the dark variegated hues of a midnight sky trains the polearm skill.

You are certain that it could do:
overwhelming (23/27) puncture damage
fair (5/27) slice damage
heavy (9/27) impact damage
moderate (7/27) fire damage with affinity for random attacks

Wondered if the normal physical stats = the added, or if physical stats and Ignites added is the same or actually not compareable to physical moderate (7/27). Just curious really.

You slap Voldag hard in the face with your hand, making a nice crisp smack!! That's going to leave a mark!
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Re: Ignite/Elemental damage points on 02/08/2017 08:24 PM CST
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I think there are several issues in your question, some of which I can answer well.

> Not sure if right place to ask. Don't remember ever seeing any discussion on if elemental stats from summoned weapons or Ignite are equal to physical stats on weapons.
I've never seen any indication that 7/27 for a normal weapon is in any way not the same as 7/27 for a summoned weapon, if that's what you're asking. No GM's said anything about this, my testing made me think it was about the same, and I would be really surprised if they would develop things that way.

> Wondered if the normal physical stats = the added, or if physical stats and Ignites added is the same or actually not compareable to physical moderate (7/27). Just curious really.

The elemental damage is additive to the physical damage, but the amount of damage you get from ignite is based off of the physical stats of the weapon.. Whether 7/27 elemental = the exact same damage as 7/27 physical, I don't know. I would guess that the only reason it would be any different is if they determined that elemental damage is generally superior to physical damage and needed to overall be lower. But considering it's the same scale, I'm guessing it's the same.

> 37 points of damage
> Cast Ignite and is it straight 44 points of damage?

One thing I really wanted to point out here is that while more damage is always better, it matters where the damage is placed based on your maneuvers. This is true for physical as well as elemental weapons.

Here's a list of attacks and their suitabilities for certain damage types here: https://elanthipedia.play.net/Combat_maneuvers

So let's make up some numbers and use your weapon as an example. I assume these numbers are all kinds of off compared to the system, but for what we know it's still illustrative. Attack is even suitability, so I'll assume that it's 33% for each maneuver. Thrust is most suited for piercing and least for impact, so perhaps it looks something like 60% puncture, 20% slice, 10% impact.

This means that an Attack would do 12.37 damage with your pitchfork, but a thrust would do 16.1. A lot more overall damage! All of this on a hit gets compared to your target's armor for the various damage types, so it's not just one big damage number. This also means that a hypothetical alternative pitchfork that does 1 more impact damage would be more effective than one that does more slice damage, based on the types of maneuvers you're likely to use.

Elemental damage works the same way - it has a suitability for each type of attack too. With Ignite, this suitability is randomly determined. So every time you use your weapon with Ignite you're getting some random percentage of the elemental damage added on to your damage that you're doing, based on what it determined the suitability was for that attack. This goes into your damage that's compared to your target's armor. So, randomly, Ignite might only add .7 to make your damage total for a thrust 16.8, or it might bring it up to 18.3. You just don't know, and there's no way to predict.

Incidentally, the random factor to Ignite makes it, I suspect, worse in practice than it is on paper. Because I can always make sure that I do piercing attacks with a pitchfork, but I have no way to maximize the damage from Ignite. This may in some ways be counteracted by the overall lower protection against elemental damage of armors.

If I've gotten anything wrong here, I'd love to hear it. It's kind of a complicated system and that's what I've figured out from reading Elanthipedia and GM posts.

- Saragos
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Re: Ignite/Elemental damage points on 02/09/2017 10:56 AM CST
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Wow. My main question was the # vs #. But I didn't ever know that was how damage worked in DR. Thank you for the concise and decently dumbed down info about it. No sarcasm it was good.

You slap Voldag hard in the face with your hand, making a nice crisp smack!! That's going to leave a mark!
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Re: Ignite/Elemental damage points on 02/27/2017 10:10 AM CST
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> So let's make up some numbers and use your weapon as an example. I assume these numbers are all kinds of off compared to the system, but for what we know it's still illustrative. Attack is even suitability, so I'll assume that it's 33% for each maneuver. Thrust is most suited for piercing and least for impact, so perhaps it looks something like 60% puncture, 20% slice, 10% impact.

This is an awesome post. Thanks.

> The elemental damage is additive to the physical damage, but the amount of damage you get from ignite is based off of the physical stats of the weapon.. Whether 7/27 elemental = the exact same damage as 7/27 physical, I don't know. I would guess that the only reason it would be any different is if they determined that elemental damage is generally superior to physical damage and needed to overall be lower. But considering it's the same scale, I'm guessing it's the same.

So the elemental damage added by ignite increases damage on slice, pierce or impact randomly, but is resisted by armor as elemental rather than physical damage? Is the elemental damage of ignite affected by an attack's level of success (say, a devastating as opposed to a light hit)?
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Re: Ignite/Elemental damage points on 02/27/2017 07:44 PM CST
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> So the elemental damage added by ignite increases damage on slice, pierce or impact randomly, but is resisted by armor as elemental rather than physical damage?

If you cast ignite and appraise, you'll see that the amount of extra damage is based on the highest stat of the weapon. Each damage stat is modified by the hardness of the hit and the maneuver type you used, and then compared somehow to the opponent's armor stats of the appropriate types. That's why your armor has elemental stats on it too.

> Is the elemental damage of ignite affected by an attack's level of success (say, a devastating as opposed to a light hit)?

I've never seen anything posted that makes me think that elemental damage is handled particularly different by the system, so I assume a stronger hit would do more damage of all types, just as non-elemental weapons would.

Keep in mind that it's totally possible I could be contradicted by a GM on some of this. I have no special knowledge other than reading the forums, Elanthipedia, and testing things in-game.

- Saragos
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Re: Ignite/Elemental damage points on 02/27/2017 09:39 PM CST
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There's not much difference between an ignight flare on a successful impact hit and hitting something with say fire shard. The fire shard just does a higher percentage of its damage as fire damage.

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