Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 03/29/2016 08:46 AM CDT
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Good morning folks,

I had a question regarding bows for warrior mages. I train bow on my warrior mage since it falls within SOI (meaning it can receive a 20% buff with a capped Tailwind), and have considered escalating my training on it to bring it more in line for PVP. However, since warrior mages are armor (thus, shield) tert, we receive a penalty when loading/firing bows with an arm worn small shield. So, the question here is..

Does anyone know if the Tailwind 20% bonus outweighs the penalty of shield/bow when compared to Crossbow, Sling, HT, and LT, that only receive a Tailwind 15% bonus (due to none of them being in SOI) but they do not receive a shield penalty?

If not, I find it a bit of a shame that our only ranged SOI suffers from a shield penalty - especially since shield is so crucial in the 3.0 combat environment. Would it be possible for crossbow or HT be added into SOI if that's the case?

Sorry if this is in the wrong folder, I figured it was not applicable to the rest of the public for combat and the only options for questions in the warrior mage folder is specifically regarding magic.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 03/29/2016 09:01 PM CDT
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Not a WM but Thieves fall into the same category that you are talking about (Bows in SoI, Armor tert). IMO the penalty overshadows the buff. Any time that I have tried to use my bow in at-level PvP, which means removing my shield will be very bad, I have been very unimpressed. I even have the advantage of Snipe, but it's not enough to make bows usable in PvP for me. I've just resigned myself to using only melee in PvP since I'm not interested in spending over a year to catch Crossbow up to my Bow.

If you are just interested in PvE then it's not that bad. I can kill just fine with it, but I kill at the same rate as when I use a stonebow (with quartz shard) with 200 less ranks. In invasions hurling a bonded throwing axe kills faster than using a battle longbow with high-end arrows, and LT is 150 ranks lower than my Bow skill. Bows are just a bad choice IMO for any guild that's not Ranger/Barbarian. Thier lack of penalty is very noticeable when using the same weapon/ammo/buff setup, then add on dual-load and it's huge gap between them and every other guild.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 03/30/2016 12:05 AM CDT
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The difference here is that it isn't quite the same comparison with thieves as bow is our only ranged in SOI, whereas thieves also get crossbow, slings, and LT.

Overall though I agree with you - I definitely have had (and likely still do) the opinion that bow is only really superior when it comes to rangers and barbarians due to dual load, and maaaaybe manageable for traders and paladins due to their armor skillsets. That being said, I just wanted to see if there had been anything that had been worked out between bows/SOI buff/shield firing penalty vs other ranged/non-SOI buff/no shield firing penalty for war mages.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 03/30/2016 10:01 AM CDT
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That's a good question. I've always wondered how big the shield penalty is and how much if any you can work off with hindrance.

My WM is only a baby (~300 magic skills) but I never bothered switching to bows after 3.x because I like having offhand throw as an option while aiming and because I hate seeing game messages telling me I'm not being as effective as I could be. I even hated seeing the "awkward but usable" message on my thief even though he was stronger in medium edged weapons back in the day.

Kinda curious why bow is in SOI instead of XB. I too have always associated bows more with rangers and barbs.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/05/2016 01:17 AM CDT
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> Kinda curious why bow is in SOI instead of XB. I too have always associated bows more with rangers and barbs.

Yeah. It's a bit odd. Considering WM's are all about having more elaborate ways to do damage at ranged, I always felt that using mechanical force rather than muscular force seemed more appropriate.

I certainly wouldn't complain if Xbows were swapped with bows for WM SoI.

- Saragos
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/23/2016 04:36 AM CDT
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Let's hear it for stonebows, or heavy thrown.

I'm sure I brought this SOI thing up recently. Very recently.

I train everything. All the weapons, all the time. I'm backtraining when I ought to wait to do that for 150th. So, I have some good experience with nearly all my ranged weapons being close in skill ranks for some time, and behind my melee because I was a sillyhead and didn't train any missile for a long, long time with my warmage.

I don't believe it overcomes the shield penalty, no, after months of dealing with it. And I also think that we ought not to be focusing in it as a guild because we have that shield penalty. Our SOI ranged weapon(s) should not be coupled with a shield penalty like this. Or, TAILWIND, or hey, YS, could offset the shield penalty / make the shield so light and easy to manuever that it no longer affects us.

Honestly, the best thing would be to swap it out for LT/HT being in our SOI (or both). It makes sense for a warrior mage, who can only summon weapons of their highest MELEE skill, to be better with weapons that are melee in nature but can be thrown, such as bolas, spears, etc. That's my logic anyway. This might be addressed sometime.... soon.... :)
- I hate the word paywall and everything that goes with it. -

Xionara Swiftstrike
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/23/2016 04:40 AM CDT
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Oh. I forgot to post the specific differences in my experience. Silly me.

I could hit certain monsters with my stonebow with tailwind up. I could not hit things with my bow with tailwind up because of shield penalty. Nearly the same ranks. That says it all. I didn't pay attention to it in the beginning, and stonebow went up 10 ranks while bow lagged behind because of missed shots. So there you have it.

This persists with snap fire, as well. Same problem. Shield penalty sucks a big fat you-know-whatsit with our bow skill.

- I hate the word paywall and everything that goes with it. -

Xionara Swiftstrike
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/23/2016 06:49 PM CDT
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So just to make sure I am on the same page...

You want a larger buff to a weapon you can already easily hit with, and you want a smaller buff to a weapon that you need a buff in order to use effectively.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/24/2016 02:34 AM CDT
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I suppose that's on the same page? But you've stated the second part wrong.

The little extra buff from bow being in SOI does not make bow viable versus other options when fighting the same tough monster. It does not allow me to use the bow effectively. At the same number of ranks, it does not measure up compared to the other options. You just miss too much because of having an arm-worn shield. And removing the shield to get rid of that penalty compromises defense too much. End result: people don't use bow on warrior mages as their primary ranged weapon. So why is it the warrior mage guild has an affinity for them? It makes no sense.

So yes, I want a slightly bigger buff on something I prefer to use that hits more often, because if I'm fighting something tough, that 5% skill rank bonus difference on a weapon that has a better chance on hitting is going to be more valuable to me than something that has a huge penalty on it and is therefore more likely to miss. In a case like that I wouldn't be using the bow at all, so the SOI bonus becomes useless.

Looking for a SOI buff to be put on the stonebow (XBOW), or heavy thrown, or light thrown, since they do not suffer from shield penalty, we cannot dual-load them, etc, makes better sense.

It's unfortunate. I really like bows and was excited to train one, but when push coves to shove, in rough situations, under current game design, my bow is never leaving its toolstrap.

Now if the SOI buff were to overcome the shield penalty, or if training shield to X amount of ranks negated the shield penalty for warmies, it would be a different story for me.

- I hate the word paywall and everything that goes with it. -
- Please keep the discussion on topic. Posts here should pertain to suggestions for Warrior Mages only please. MOD-Aneka

Xionara Swiftstrike
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/24/2016 10:33 PM CDT
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<<So why is it the warrior mage guild has an affinity for them?

SoI != affinity for something. You do not have an affinity for bows. You have bows in your buffing sphere of influence.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/25/2016 04:05 AM CDT
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"Spheres of Influence are the areas in which a guild is considered to have special affinity, and thus higher caps when they are enhanced through abilities and spells."

According to that, warrior mages do have an affinity for bows. That's why our bow skill benefits more from the buff of tailwind than the other ranged weapons.

- I hate the word paywall and everything that goes with it. -
- Please keep the discussion on topic. Posts here should pertain to suggestions for Warrior Mages only please. MOD-Aneka

Xionara Swiftstrike
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/25/2016 09:04 AM CDT
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>>According to that, warrior mages do have an affinity for bows.

I think SoI uses a very loose/charitable definition of affinity, since it's an amalgamation of making sure that guilds get SoIs that generally fall where buffs are, fulfill certain guild "stereotypes," and just fill the gaps in a way that make each guild diverse.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/25/2016 02:41 PM CDT
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That is also a player written description.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/25/2016 03:04 PM CDT
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Eagerly awaiting the Transcendental Necromancy Performance buff after this thread. /guitar riff

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/25/2016 03:06 PM CDT
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While precision with language is something I appreciate, bear in mind that "affinity" has no formal definition in DragonRealms system speak. SoI could be described as "an affinity for the skill," but that doesn't automatically entitle you to anything.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/25/2016 03:10 PM CDT
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>SoI could be described as "an affinity for the skill," but that doesn't automatically entitle you to anything.

I had to read that 3 times before SoI stopped being 'So I'.

I was like 'why is Armifer saying he could be described as an affinity?'

I'm a badger, I be badgerin'
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/25/2016 07:07 PM CDT
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<<Eagerly awaiting the Transcendental Necromancy Performance buff after this thread. /guitar riff
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/25/2016 07:59 PM CDT
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Actually a very good game.

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 02:54 AM CDT
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I appreciate your response, Armifer.

Elanthipedia should be updated then, if affinity is not the word we should be using for it.

It still doesn't explain to me why Bows are in our SoI versus any other ranged weapon, since it's the only ranged weapon we have that benefits from it. :/

- I hate the word paywall and everything that goes with it. -
- Please keep the discussion on topic. Posts here should pertain to suggestions for Warrior Mages only please. MOD-Aneka

Xionara Swiftstrike
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 05:52 AM CDT
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To help offset the shield penalty of bows for those that do wish to use them would be my guess.

I get that the warrior mage guild is the big damage numbers guild of DR and naturally attracts players who want to min/max the damage potential of every ability, but not everything needs to be aligned to support that.

Also, if it were to change then bow users would have it even worse just so <insert other ranged weapon> users can eke out a little bit of extra damage.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 08:23 AM CDT
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> I get that the warrior mage guild is the big damage numbers guild of DR and naturally attracts players who want to min/max the damage potential of every ability, but not everything needs to be aligned to support that.

Isn't that the primary reason to choose this guild? I don't want this to be GvG because I think each guild has a strong spell identity in the realm of blowing things up, but warrior mages seemingly exist for the sole purpose of maximizing damage. That's their niche. Otherwise, they might as well all be bards. At least then we'd have utility + damage.

I'd propose that WMs just get all ranged weapons as part of their SOI (xbow,LT,HT,Sling,Bow). The difference is negligible, and it doesn't hurt anyone's ability to keep doing what they're doing. It does, however, open up more options for people who want to be doing something that they feel they can't without that 1-87 rank difference from tailwind (min [0 skills]/max [1750 skills]).
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 10:45 AM CDT
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>>Isn't that the primary reason to choose this guild? I don't want this to be GvG because I think each guild has a strong spell identity in the realm of blowing things up, but warrior mages seemingly exist for the sole purpose of maximizing damage. That's their niche.

A 5% difference in how much you can buff Bows and other ranged weapons hardly negates this. WMs are kings of TM with a good dose of weapons thrown in. I think they achieve that.

>>I'd propose that WMs just get all ranged weapons as part of their SOI (xbow,LT,HT,Sling,Bow).

What 4 melee weapons are they willing to give up for that? All weapon secondaries have 11 weapon skills in SoI, so there has to be a trade-off.

>>The difference is negligible

If it's negligible then why does it even need to be changed? WMs can already buff more weapon skills than any other weapons secondary guild and buff more tert defensive skills than any other guild. I think they are in a pretty good place. The real problem is the shield penalty to bows, not SoI, but I don't see either being changed anytime in the near future.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 11:21 AM CDT
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> What 4 melee weapons are they willing to give up for that? All weapon secondaries have 11 weapon skills in SoI, so there has to be a trade-off.

Why does this need to be a thing? Why can't weapon secondaries get all weapons within SOI? It's not like they can buff them all. If the answer is homogenization (which is fine) then let's exchange a few melee weapons we can't buff for ranged weapons we can. Large blunt/two-handed blunt maybe. Large edge/large blunt? It doesn't really matter since we can't natively buff those anyway.

> WMs can already buff more weapon skills than any other weapons secondary guild and buff more tert defensive skills than any other guild.

That's not even remotely true. Without touching the scroll system or defensive debuffs, in order of priority.

* Rangers: +all weapons (CoC, STW).
* Thief: +Brawling (Elusion), +swing timer (haste), +bows (steady), +all melee weapons (strike), and +thrown (spar).
* Paladins: +all melee weapons (RW).
* Warrior Mages: +ranged weapons (Tailwind), Brawling (MoF), Ignite (+fire damage), MoA (+damage).
* Bards (non-skill buffing): +2 stats on any weapon in or out of SOI (Resonance), +accuracy on all weapons (rage).
* Cleric (Non-skill buffing): Bless, DR (+ damage).

As you go down the line, you'll see defensive debuffs rising (excluding paladins which would be at the top of the defensive spectrum). Warrior mages are very much average in terms of buffs and debuffs. I think that's fine. Someone has to be, but it's not doing the guild any great favors to have the few abilities that can natively buff be out of their SOI.

> If it's negligible then why does it even need to be changed?

To stop threads like this?
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 11:28 AM CDT
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>>Why does this need to be a thing? Why can't weapon secondaries get all weapons within SOI?

Because they're weapon secondary, not weapon primary.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 12:05 PM CDT
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> Because they're weapon secondary, not weapon primary.

I can't argue with that, but it doesn't change what I was saying earlier about skills you can buff and skills you can't. Having a skill in your SOI doesn't really matter when you can't buff that skill.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 12:11 PM CDT
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>>Large blunt/two-handed blunt maybe. Large edge/large blunt? It doesn't really matter since we can't natively buff those anyway.

For some reason E-pedia doesn't have it on there, but MoF buffs whatever melee weapon is being held in your right hand. So, yes WMs can buff all of those natively.

> WMs can already buff more weapon skills than any other weapons secondary guild and buff more tert defensive skills than any other guild.

>That's not even remotely true. Without touching the scroll system or defensive debuffs, in order of priority.

You need to buff up on your buffs.

>* Rangers: +all weapons (CoC, STW).

StW does not buff Heavy Thrown.

>* Thief: +Brawling (Elusion), +swing timer (haste), +bows (steady), +all melee weapons (strike), and +thrown (spar).

Steady does not buff Slings

>* Paladins: +all melee weapons (RW).

They can not buff a single ranged weapon skill. That's 5 weapon skills.

>* Warrior Mages: +ranged weapons (Tailwind), Brawling (MoF), Ignite (+fire damage), MoA (+damage).

As I already stated above, MoF buffs all melee weapon skills + Brawling, and Tailwind buffs all ranged weapon skills. That's every single weapon skill. The only other guild that can do that is Barbs and they are weapon primary. Then add in Substratum (+TM)

>* Bards (non-skill buffing): +2 stats on any weapon in or out of SOI (Resonance), +accuracy on all weapons (rage).

They can't buff a single weapon skill, and the buffs they have are lackluster in comparison to weapon skill buffs. I've done some side-by-side comparisons with Bards and other weapon secondary guilds.

>* Cleric (Non-skill buffing): Bless, DR (+ damage).

Can't buff any weapon skills.

>>As you go down the line, you'll see defensive debuffs rising

Rangers and Thieves can only buff the Evasion skill and Reflex.

Paladins can buff all the defensive skills with a scroll-only meta spell for Evasion (tert).

WMs can buff all the defensive skills except Defending natively (Shield, Armors, and Evasion are all tert) + Reflex.

Bards can buff Evasion, Parry, and Reflex (only one tert skill).

Clerics can buff Shield, Evasion, and Defending (all terts).

In shear number of buffable combat skills WMs win out easily.

>>To stop threads like this?

Ignoring game balance just to stop players asking for more isn't really good design policy.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 12:40 PM CDT
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Can you show me the exp mods with mantle of flame up? Elanthipedia disagrees with you, and I generally trust Elanthipedia.

If what you say is true then my entire argument is moot.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 01:16 PM CDT
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Alright, so my WM is too small to cast the spell, but I finally found a post on our intuitive, and easy to navigate, forums (hate them so much right now).!%20Share%20Your%20Crits/view

The only non-WM/Analogous spell he has on him is Gift of Life which is just a +Stamina buff.

Just messing around this morning.
You reach out with your senses and see brilliant (17/21) streams of roiling Elemental mana coursing through the area.
Letting your senses extend further, you feel there is fulgent (16/21) mana to the west, and shining (13/21) mana to the north.
You sense the Gift of Life spell upon you, which will last for about nineteen roisaen.
You sense the Substratum spell upon you, which will last for about thirty-three roisaen.
You sense the Ethereal Shield spell upon you, which will last for about thirty-three roisaen.
You sense the Y'ntrel Sechra spell upon you, which will last for about twenty-six roisaen.
You sense the Gauge Flow spell upon you, which will last for about seventy-three roisaen.
You sense the Ignite spell upon you, which will last for about fourteen roisaen.
You sense the Tailwind spell upon you, which will last for about fifteen roisaen.
You sense the Air Bubble spell upon you, which will last for about twenty-nine roisaen.
You sense the Lay Ward spell upon you, which will last for about six roisaen.
You sense the Swirling Winds spell upon you, which will last for about thirty roisaen.
You sense the heat of the Dragon's Breath spell upon you, which should last around three roisaen or until you use it up as flaming spittle.
>You sense the Mantle of Flame spell upon you, which will last for about sixty roisaen.
You sense the presence of the Blufmor Garaen spell surrounding your forearms, which should last around one roisaen or until the winds have been spent.
You sense the Sure Footing spell upon you, which will last for about twenty-eight roisaen.
You sense the Aether Cloak spell upon you, which will last until you fail to provide 25 mana for it.
You sense the Zephyr spell in the area, which will last for about eight roisaen.
You sense an Ethereal Fissure spell matrix infusing the available mana streams with a staggering amount of extra elemental energy.
The Ethereal Fissure should last for approximately twenty-nine roisaen.
You sense the fog here is the magical result of the Rising Mists spell, which should last for twenty-eight roisaen.
You feel something about this area will repel familiars.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
R> exp mods
The following skills are currently under the influence of a modifier:

+ Light Armor
+ Chain Armor
+ Plate Armor
+ Parry Ability
>+ Twohanded Blunt
+ Slings
+ Bow
+ Crossbow
+ Light Thrown
+ Heavy Thrown
+ Brawling
+ Targeted Magic
+ Evasion
+ Stealth

That's the best I can do, unless a higher WM wants to post some more info, and hopefully update E-pedia. I would do it myself, but I don't like to update things that I can't personally do in game.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 01:24 PM CDT
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Okay. I stand corrected. Thanks for posting.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 01:28 PM CDT
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Yeah, the description on Elanthipedia hasn't been updated.

MOF is:
+Brawling damage (adds fire damage)
+Every melee weapon skill
Makes you a light source.

Duration is right but the agility bonus for a Warmage is +15% at cap (outside the WM SOI), not 12 points.

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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 05:03 PM CDT
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>>Paladins can buff all the defensive skills with a scroll-only meta spell for Evasion (tert).

Paladins lost that in the 3.1 stuff. Shield, Defending, Reflex now.

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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 05:18 PM CDT
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>>Paladins lost that in the 3.1 stuff. Shield, Defending, Reflex now.

That sucks :(

For one of the most combat oriented guilds, and the large number of Augmentation spells they have, Paladins are lacking in flexibility.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 06:36 PM CDT
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>MOF is:
>+Every melee weapon skill

I'll apologize for being pedantic, but there is a functional difference between buffs every melee weapon skill, and buffs held melee weapon skill.

Does the spell literally buff every melee skill, or just the held ones? And does it have to pulse out, or is it instant?

I'm a badger, I be badgerin'
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 06:45 PM CDT
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>>Does the spell literally buff every melee skill, or just the held ones? And does it have to pulse out, or is it instant?

I'm pretty sure all melee buffs work the same now. It's the weapon held in the right hand that is buffed, and I think they all pulse but the pulse is pretty quick. His point was more that there is no weapon that it won't buff while being held.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 07:49 PM CDT
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>>For one of the most combat oriented guilds, and the large number of Augmentation spells they have, Paladins are lacking in flexibility.

Paladins buff stats and gear - skills..not so much.

>>It's the weapon held in the right hand that is buffed, and I think they all pulse but the pulse is pretty quick.

Dragon Form, Righteous Wrath, and MOF all do this - the 'pulse' is fairly fast. Downside you have to dual wield a pair of the same to utilize the bonus in offhand, upside, you don't have to re-cast or anything silly to change which weapon is buffed.

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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 07:52 PM CDT
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I've never seen it take longer than about a second, although I haven't rigorously tested that.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/26/2016 08:20 PM CDT
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>>Dragon Form, Righteous Wrath, and MOF all do this - the 'pulse' is fairly fast.

Khri Strike and CotC work the same, also.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/27/2016 05:14 AM CDT
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This thread sort of got off track. I hope that the GMs will be willing to take a look at bow being the ranged SOI weapon for warrior mages at some point. I would think that most warrior mages would agree with me that we would be better served by having bow changed to something else.

- I hate the word paywall and everything that goes with it. -
- Please keep the discussion on topic. Posts here should pertain to suggestions for Warrior Mages only please. MOD-Aneka

Xionara Swiftstrike
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/27/2016 08:52 AM CDT
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It looks like most things in the SoI table were distributed in a balanced way so you don't have a ton of people with XB in their SoI and few with bow. I don't know if it can change without another guild swapping XB for bow in SoI if the goal is keeping that balance.

Look, while my idea of a warrior mage favors crossbows, I won't be upset even if it doesn't change. Looking outside the guild (comparison sans GvG is important), I feel like it'd be looking a gift hose in the mouth. Warrior mages have the best combat buff options in the game. I don't think it's arguable, and it's not like I'm going to stop using XB because it's out of SoI. I'm happy to have an XB buff, period.
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Re: Bows - SOI vs Shield Penalty on 04/27/2016 09:15 AM CDT
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> It looks like most things in the SoI table were distributed in a balanced way so you don't have a ton of people with XB in their SoI and few with bow.

It might make sense to swap it with traders, since they're armor secondary and should have shield perks.
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