Brotherhood. on 06/18/2013 02:46 PM CDT
As you settle yourself for a drink after slaving all day for one oppressive tyrant or another you overhear a Rakash sipping hot tea off in the corner of the bar speaking with his sturdy looking Kaldar companion.
"These tyrants cannot be allowed to go on like this." the Rakash says to the other in hushed tones.
"You're right of course but we haven't the organization yet to make a stand, others lack the guidence to understand that they are being led their whole lives. All on another's whim..." the Kaldar retorts.
As you lean a little closer, your noticed by the duo who take a glance at you and continue thier conversation in whipers you cannot make out. As they get up to leave a small slip of tattered parchment is placed in your palm as they stride out the door into the evenings darkening shadows.
The slip of parchment is surprisingly written in an elegant scripted handwriting and reads:
We value knowledge and freedom above all. We see the tyranny of both the Immortals and their followers in relation to your soul, as well as the local provincial governments and their oppressive rulings. Stifling of knowledge of any kind is viewed as an attack on freedom and it is something that needs to be addressed. By any means necessary, we will throw down this yoke of oppression placed upon those of us with the sight enough to see it.
If you agree, place a parchment to the right people at this location...
(OOC: This is a meeting of the Brotherhood that is as yet fledgling if your character holds interest in the above stated mission the location will be given to you just contact me via my mail or AIM: khioldr for more information.)
Meeting Time:
Sunday June 23rd @ 9pm eastern time.