Locksmith Union on 01/22/2012 10:19 PM CST
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One we'd like to have a folder in this here group of folders, if we could, if I need to email someone who do I.

Second, as you all hopefully know Drue is now our Leader.

We will be having a meeting on Saturday the 4th of February.

We will be having another meeting on Saturday the 18th of February.

These are the details:

On Saturday February 4th, 2012 at 7PM ET we will be having a general meeting of the Locksmith Union, at the Taelbert's Inn banquet hall.

On Saturday February 18th, 2012 at 7PM ET we will be having a Thieves meeting of the Locksmith Union, at the so called 'Thieves Den' of Zoluren.

Please come to the meetings. Also if a GM sees this that can put into the Calender. I'd be very appreciative, or whoever I need to email to get such information in.

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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Re: Locksmith Union on 01/23/2012 12:54 PM CST
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Re: Locksmith Union on 01/23/2012 03:45 PM CST
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If your group would like a folder, please have the leader of the group email me with what you'd like your blurb under your folder to be.

Also, if you want those events to show up on the calendar, you need to email DR-EVENTS@PLAY.NET with all the pertinent information.


If you have questions or comments, please email me at MOD-SVAFA@PLAY.NET or Senior Board Monitor Sidatura at
DR-SIDATURA@PLAY.NET or Message Board Supervisor Annwyl at DR-ANNWYL@PLAY.NET
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Re: Locksmith Union on 01/23/2012 07:24 PM CST
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Yep, no such things as Thieves, just carry on here.

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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