Origami data on 11/07/2008 10:44 PM CST
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Okay, after reading the previous post so we all are on the same page...

We don't actually need to even share skills or stats, just our 'Origami Factors' if you will:

There are two different measures, your Study Factor (SF) which is INT*5 + Scholarship. And your Fold Factor (FF) which is AGI*2 + Mechanical Lore.

My SF is a beastly 1434
My FF is a mere 695

First off, all of the new patterns are below my SF (as predicted by the forthcoming table. We'll need some extra data points to confirm the first fold numbers in Prime.

Now from my own testing I found that with a FF of 691 the gilded goshawk instructions read at "Pretty Sure". At 693 they also read as "Pretty Sure". At 695 they read as "Eyes Closed".

This fits nicely with the table that follows. As you can see, I just extrapolated Apu's original table and threw in the new instructions (above goshawk) according to their purchase price at the festival.

What we need are some data points in the large ? section and to see if some of the new instructions fall into some of these other rows, which I highly suspect.

Ye Olde Origami Table:

Instruction Pattern # 1st Fold (SF) No bets (FF) Sticky (FF) Probably (FF) Pretty Sure (FF) Eyes Closed (FF)
Dragon 1 51 0 15 30 40 45
Hat 2 76 25 40 55 65 70
Bird 3 101 50 65 80 90 95
Star 4 126 75 90 105 115 120
Goblin 5 151 100 115 130 140 145
Flower 6 176 125 140 155 165 170
Jackal 7 201 150 165 180 190 195
Fish 8 226 175 190 205 215 220
Dolphin 9 251 200 215 230 240 245
Ship 10 276 225 240 255 265 270
Silverfish 11 301 250 265 280 290 295
Medallion 12 326 275 290 305 315 320
Gryphon 13 351 300 315 330 340 345
Cat 14 376 325 340 355 365 370
Horse 15 401 350 365 380 390 395
Mask 16 426 375 390 405 415 420
Phoenix 17 451 400 415 430 440 445
Mouse 18 476 425 440 455 465 470
Yak 19 501 450 465 480 490 495
Raven 20 526 475 490 505 515 520
Crown 21 551 500 515 530 540 545
Vulture 22 576 525 540 555 565 570
? 23 601 550 565 580 590 595
? 24 626 575 590 605 615 620
? 25 651 600 615 630 640 645
? 26 676 625 640 655 665 670
G. Goshawk 27 701 650 665 680 690 695
*Viper 28 726 675 690 705 715 720
*Butterfly 29 751 700 715 730 740 745
*T. Knot 30 776 725 740 755 765 770
Donkey 31 801 750 765 780 790 795
G. Vulture 32 826 775 790 805 815 820
Unicorn 33 851 800 815 830 840 845
Lion 34 876 825 840 855 865 870
G. Owl 35 901 850 865 880 890 895
Mongoose 36 926 875 890 905 915 920
Raccoon 37 951 900 915 930 940 945
Centaur 38 976 925 940 955 965 970
Cobra 39 1001 950 965 980 990 995
Welkin 40 1026 975 990 1005 1015 1020
Scorpion 41 1051 1000 1015 1030 1040 1045
B. Spider 42 1076 1025 1040 1055 1065 1070
G. Phoenix 43 1101 1050 1065 1080 1090 1095

* These three instructions all cost the same at the festival. I'm guessing they are all the same in terms of difficulty, but it didn't fit nicely in my pretty chart.

Use the previous post to find your SF and FFs. Find a pattern and READ it.

Feel free to add your data points to the chart and repost it if you are comfortable adding things in. Spacing isn't essential, I cheated with text editing software.

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Re: Origami data on 11/08/2008 03:50 PM CST
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With SF of 1119 I can read scorpion but not the spider or the gilded phoenix, so that part looks good.

With my FF at 726 donkey is sticky viper is eyes closed and a waste of paper for the gilded vulture instructions. So the mech part of the list is off some what. I do not have the butterfly or the T knot instructions.
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Re: Origami data on 11/08/2008 05:25 PM CST
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Hrm. With 1119 you should be able to do the first fold on all of them. Double check your numbers? It should be INT * 5 + Scholarship. Could you please post the exact messaging you get for these patterns?

As for the FF numbers. I've revised the chart to put viper, knot and butterfly all on the same tier. This clears a few things up. Not sure what's going on with g. vulture though - it could be up a step?

Thanks for the data!

Revised table below:

Instruction Pattern #1st FoldNo betsStickyProbablyPretty SureEyes Closed
Dragon 1 51 0 15 30 40 45
Hat 2 76 25 40 55 65 70
Bird 3 101 50 65 80 90 95
Star 4 126 75 90 105 115 120
Goblin 5 151 100 115 130 140 145
Flower 6 176 125 140 155 165 170
Jackal 7 201 150 165 180 190 195
Fish 8 226 175 190 205 215 220
Dolphin 9 251 200 215 230 240 245
Ship 10 276 225 240 255 265 270
Silverfish 11 301 250 265 280 290 295
Medallion 12 326 275 290 305 315 320
Gryphon 13 351 300 315 330 340 345
Cat 14 376 325 340 355 365 370
Horse 15 401 350 365 380 390 395
Mask 16 426 375 390 405 415 420
Phoenix 17 451 400 415 430 440 445
Mouse 18 476 425 440 455 465 470
Yak 19 501 450 465 480 490 495
Raven 20 526 475 490 505 515 520
Crown 21 551 500 515 530 540 545
Vulture 22 576 525 540 555 565 570
? 23 601 550 565 580 590 595
? 24 626 575 590 605 615 620
? 25 651 600 615 630 640 645
? 26 676 625 640 655 665 670
G. Goshawk 27 701 650 665 680 690 695
Vip/Kno/But 28 726 675 690 705 715 720
Donkey 29 751 700 715 730 740 745
G. Vulture? 30 776 725 740 755 765 770
Unicorn 31 801 750 765 780 790 795
Lion 32 826 775 790 805 815 820
G. Owl 33 851 800 815 830 840 845
Mongoose 34 876 825 840 855 865 870
Raccoon 35 901 850 865 880 890 895
Centaur 36 926 875 890 905 915 920
Cobra 37 951 900 915 930 940 945
Welkin 38 976 925 940 955 965 970
Scorpion 39 1001 950 965 980 990 995
B. Spider 40 1026 975 990 1005 1015 1020
G. Phoenix 41 1051 1000 1015 1030 1040 1045

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Re: Origami data on 11/08/2008 06:13 PM CST
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yea, 1119 first fold skills almost 1120.

You glance at the viper instructions, and recognize this as a very easy project. You could probably fold it with your eyes closed; it certainly wouldn't be any kind of a challenge. You think it fairly obvious where the first fold would go.

You read through the donkey instructions, visualizing the folds in your mind as you go. There are several places where things might get a little sticky; you think you just might be able to do this, but then again you might not. You think it fairly obvious where the first fold would go.

You read through the vulture instructions and your eyes nearly cross. There are folds you've never heard of here, and you get a strong impression that trying this would be a waste of origami paper. You think it fairly obvious where the first fold would go.

the rest are the same as the vulture instructions until the spider ones.

You read through the spider instructions and your eyes nearly cross. There are folds you've never heard of here, and you get a strong impression that trying this would be a waste of origami paper. Now if only you could figure out where to place the first fold.

You read through the phoenix instructions and your eyes nearly cross. There are folds you've never heard of here, and you get a strong impression that trying this would be a waste of origami paper. Now if only you could figure out where to place the first fold.
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Re: Origami data on 11/08/2008 06:57 PM CST
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Interesting, thanks again for the data.

Please let me know if your SF or FF scores change and if you notice any difference in the READ.

I appreciate it,
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Re: Origami data on 11/08/2008 10:03 PM CST
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Thanks! Keep it coming!

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Re: Origami data on 11/08/2008 10:30 PM CST
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SF - 898

You read through the lion instructions and your eyes nearly cross. There are folds you've never heard of here, and you get a strong impression that trying this would be a waste of origami paper. You think it fairly obvious where the first fold would go.

G. Owl:
You read through the owl instructions and your eyes nearly cross. There are folds you've never heard of here, and you get a strong impression that trying this would be a waste of origami paper. Now if only you could figure out where to place the first fold.

You read through the mongoose instructions and your eyes nearly cross. There are folds you've never heard of here, and you get a strong impression that trying this would be a waste of origami paper. You think it fairly obvious where the first fold would go.

You read through the raccoon instructions and your eyes nearly cross. There are folds you've never heard of here, and you get a strong impression that trying this would be a waste of origami paper. Now if only you could figure out where to place the first fold.

Gilded Owl is harder than you have it on your chart.

FF - 527

You read through the wolverine instructions, visualizing the folds in your mind as you go. There are several places where things might get a little sticky; you think you just might be able to do this, but then again you might not. You think it fairly obvious where the first fold would go.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

All the rest of the new ones are eyes closed or waste of paper. I could give you a list of each but I don't think it would help much.

~ Sage Kougen Aensworth, Magus of the Compact

Ruea says in Ilithic, "At least you're very handsome. That makes the fact that you're always right far easier to live with"
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Re: Origami data on 11/09/2008 02:50 AM CST
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Had to build a script to do this... but here's my read of every Origami pattern from the fest (Except the guild specific ones of course):

SF - 621
FF - 392



Can't start:
G. Owl
G. Pheonix
G. Vulture
Triquetra knot
G. Butterfly

I can start all the rest of the new ones

No Bets:



Pretty Sure:
G. Heron

Eyes Closed:
G. Nightingale
G. Magpie
G. Dove
G. Shrike
G. Wren
Trillium flower

Eyes Cross:
All the rest

-- The Omen Speaker

Caelumia whispers to Amelilu, "OOC: that would be awesome. I'd get cael a sorcery brand on her butt or something."
Amelilu whispers to Caelumia, "OOC: HAHA."
Amelilu whispers to Caelumia, "OOC: PROPERTY OF EALUIK."
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Re: Origami data on 11/09/2008 06:36 AM CST
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Whats SF and FF mean?

I am trying to figure out what it takes to fold these new patterns and can't.



Cylons... why debugging matters.
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Re: Origami data on 11/09/2008 07:12 AM CST
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Skim up a bit in the thread, it's all explained.

In short though:

SF = Study Factor = Int x 5 + Scholar = Ability to do the first fold (this is a Y/N check)
FF = Folding Factor = Agil x 2 + Mech = Ability to do any further folds

-- The Omen Speaker

Caelumia whispers to Amelilu, "OOC: that would be awesome. I'd get cael a sorcery brand on her butt or something."
Amelilu whispers to Caelumia, "OOC: HAHA."
Amelilu whispers to Caelumia, "OOC: PROPERTY OF EALUIK."
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Re: Origami data on 11/09/2008 10:22 AM CST
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What Mozzik said.

I thought it would be easier to get data from people if we just used these numbers rather than having to share your stats and skills.

I'm trying to compile more data to place all these new instructions in the chart that I've been posting here periodically. I arbitrarily assigned spots for some of the new instructions and am trying to verify things with data from you guys in Prime.

If you have the new instructions and want to contribute, please feel free to post your SF and FF here as well as your success/failures with various instructions. Showing me the whole message helps a lot so that we are using the same vocabulary.

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Re: Origami data on 11/09/2008 10:32 AM CST
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Awesome.. thanks guys.



Cylons... why debugging matters.
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Re: Origami data on 11/10/2008 02:50 PM CST
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FF - 346

G. Heron - eyes crossed
Trillium Flower - eyes closed
Gryhpon - eyes closed
Cat - sticky
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Re: Origami data on 11/17/2008 03:01 PM CST
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at a FF of 730 donkey goes from sticky to probably

You read quickly through the donkey instructions. You find that you recognize almost all of the folds, and think that you could probably make this without too much trouble. You think it fairly obvious where the first fold would go.

The gilded vulture instructions are still a waste of paper.
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Re: Origami data on 11/17/2008 03:57 PM CST
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Thanks Madas, I just confirmed that one myself today!

Keep any data coming, especially for the lower FFs and instructions from the Festival.

There are still some kinks to work out for placement, and I need more data!

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Re: Origami data on 12/29/2008 11:43 AM CST
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So what does one have to do to learn mechanical lore after origami doesn't teach anymore (post 600?)
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Re: Origami data on 12/29/2008 11:51 AM CST
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>So what does one have to do to learn mechanical lore after origami doesn't teach anymore (post 600?)

Pyramids still work during the day. You could try various creation systems. Lockpick carving might still teach. Moon mages can carve burins. Skip forging though.
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Re: Origami data on 12/29/2008 11:57 AM CST
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Have you tried some of the new instructions from the recent festival? I vaguely recall reading that these scale up past 1000 ranks.

-- Player of Szrael --

Skills Needed for Kaith Partani
Need 288 (500) Empathy.
Have at least 200 in #1 Armor (Light Chain).
Have at least 240 Evasion.
Have at least 160 Shield Usage.
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Re: Origami data on 12/29/2008 12:58 PM CST
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>Have you tried some of the new instructions from the recent festival? I vaguely recall reading that these scale up past 1000 ranks.

Also a good point. I know I failed horribly on a few patterns at 505 mech and 88 agility.
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Re: Origami data on 12/29/2008 02:17 PM CST
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Here's some help in figuring out which of the festival instructions you may need:

Origami list: http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Origami
Folding Factor: http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Origami/Posts

You might want to try the Gilded Crow, Wolverine, Gilded Raven, and Cow instructions.


Climbing List:http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Climbing_skill
Swimming List:http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Swimming_skill

And while I am evil, I try to avoid being just plain mean.
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Re: Origami data on 12/29/2008 03:17 PM CST
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maybe scquire one of the ones that do teach past? the past fest had atleast a dozen that were harder than the standard vulture
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Re: Origami data on 12/29/2008 06:50 PM CST
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As others have suggested, many of the new origami patterns teach well past 600 ranks.

When I get to my home computer, I can repost the list I'm working on that includes all patterns currently available. They should teach to past 1000 ranks these days.

Also, if anyone would like to contribute more data (especially with RESPEC available right now) with respect to the new origami patterns, I would greatly appreciate it. I have pretty much nailed down the high end but need help with all the easier patterns to shuffle them into the old lists.

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Re: Origami data on 12/29/2008 10:40 PM CST
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Updated table below.

I have personally confirmed Goshawk through Unicorn. I'm unable to confirm any of the 1st Fold numbers as I'm already past Gilded Phoenix level.

If anyone can confirm any of the new patterns not on the list, that would be great. All you need to confirm is your FF (Agility x 2 plus ML ranks) before and after you pass a 'milestone' and copy/paste the messaging from the game.

There are a few anomalies that I've gotten with data presented earlier, but I need more numbers to correctly place things.


Instruction # 1st FoldNo BetsStickyProbablyPretty SureEyes Closed
Dragon 1 51 0 15 30 40 45
Hat 2 76 25 40 55 65 70
Bird 3 101 50 65 80 90 95
Star 4 126 75 90 105 115 120
Goblin 5 151 100 115 130 140 145
Flower 6 176 125 140 155 165 170
Jackal 7 201 150 165 180 190 195
Fish 8 226 175 190 205 215 220
Dolphin 9 251 200 215 230 240 245
Ship 10 276 225 240 255 265 270
Silverfish 11 301 250 265 280 290 295
Medallion 12 326 275 290 305 315 320
Gryphon 13 351 300 315 330 340 345
Cat 14 376 325 340 355 365 370
Horse 15 401 350 365 380 390 395
Mask 16 426 375 390 405 415 420
Phoenix 17 451 400 415 430 440 445
Mouse 18 476 425 440 455 465 470
Yak 19 501 450 465 480 490 495
Raven 20 526 475 490 505 515 520
Crown 21 551 500 515 530 540 545
Vulture 22 576 525 540 555 565 570
? 23 601 550 565 580 590 595
? 24 626 575 590 605 615 620
? 25 651 600 615 630 640 645
? 26 676 625 640 655 665 670
G. Goshawk 27 701 650 665 680 690 695
Vip/Kno/But 28 726 675 690 705 715 720
Donkey 29 751 700 715 730 740 745
? 30 776 725 740 755 765 770
G. Vulture 31 801 750 765 780 790 795
Unicorn 32 826 775 790 805 815 820
Lion 33 851 800 815 830 840 845
G. Owl 34 876 825 840 855 865 870
Mongoose 35 901 850 865 880 890 895
Raccoon 36 926 875 890 905 915 920
Centaur 37 951 900 915 930 940 945
Cobra 38 976 925 940 955 965 970
Welkin 39 1001 950 965 980 990 995
Scorpion 40 1026 975 990 1005 1015 1020
B. Spider 41 1051 1000 1015 1030 1040 1045
G. Phoenix 42 1076 1025 1040 1055 1065 1070

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Re: Origami data on 12/30/2008 01:41 PM CST
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I got a hold of some festie patterns today and it seems that the lower level ones at least are between levels of the original patterns.

FF = 237, SF = 416

Old patterns:

8 Fish - Eyes Closed
9 Dolphin - Probably
10 Ship - No bets

New patterns:

Wren, Dove, Nightingale, Adder, Shrew, Shrike, Weasel - Eyes Closed
Coyote - Probably
Boar - Probably
Panther - Sticky
Magpie, Wolf, Badger, Trillium flower, Heron, Shark, Ram, Albatross, Kingnake - Waste

As far as studying goes, I was able to do first fold for magpie, wolf, badger, trillium flower and heron.
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Re: Origami data on 12/30/2008 02:21 PM CST
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Thanks for the data!

If you get the chance to recheck when your FF hits 240, that would be helpful.

The difficulties change on multiples of 5, so the more before/after data I get, the better!

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Re: Origami data on 12/30/2008 09:31 PM CST
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Just noticed that READ has a random component, or at least, isn't a sure thing at lower levels. If possible, when supplying data, please try to READ instructions a few times to make sure you're getting an accurate read.

I'll try and find out more.

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Re: Origami data on 12/31/2008 05:07 PM CST
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>If you get the chance to recheck when your FF hits 240, that would be helpful.

At 240 FF:

Dolphin, boar and coyote all became "pretty sure".

Panther became "probably".

Ship became "sticky".

Magpie is still a waste.
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Re: Origami data on 12/31/2008 06:38 PM CST
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If someone who understands how to determine FF would post this in the TALK section of Elanthipedia's Origami page, that would be fantastic.

How to determine FF, what information is helpful, and so on. I would but since I don't really "get" it, I don't want to bungle it.

The page is located here:


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Re: Origami data on 12/31/2008 06:42 PM CST
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Note the calculator link ON the page.

-TG, TG, & GL, et al.
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Re: Origami data on 12/31/2008 07:34 PM CST
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>Note the calculator link ON the page.

Yes, I know about the calculator however, it gives you TWO numbers and I don't know which is used for FF, the top or bottom. So some sort of clarification would still be good. Do I use the top or bottom? Do I add them? Do I add and divide them?

Let me clarify a little. I don't know the term FF and how it relates to origami.

I assume it means First Fold or Folding Factor, but I don't know. I know that my INT+(2*Scholarship) is 631. I know that my AGI+(2*MECH) is 398. Which one of these numbers is the FF? The only term I'm familiar with is AOS (Apu Origami Scale).

Also, I want clarification on what kind of messaging we're looking for. I figure if we put it on elanthipedia, there is a less likely chance of it getting lost.

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Re: Origami data on 12/31/2008 08:11 PM CST
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>>I assume it means First Fold or Folding Factor, but I don't know. I know that my INT+(2*Scholarship) is 631. I know that my AGI+(2*MECH) is 398. Which one of these numbers is the FF? The only term I'm familiar with is AOS (Apu Origami Scale).


First Fold is based off of Scholarship (unmodified) plus Intelligence times 5 (five), not the other way around.

Additional folds are based off of Mechanical Lore (unmodified) plus Aglity times 2 (two), not the other way around.

Back from the fog....
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Re: Origami data on 12/31/2008 08:28 PM CST
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Since not only are your origami calcs wrong, you can't be bothered to take 5 second search of the folder you're posting in, nor accurately inform people of your question:


-TG, TG, & GL, et al.
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Re: Origami data on 12/31/2008 08:42 PM CST
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Thank you for finding this post, I knew it had been posted somewhere, but did not check this folder for some reason. I thought it was in the general lore folder.

As I said, I wasn't sure of the calculations, so yes, I'm sure I got them wrong. I tried.

But, Thank you for your kindness in finding this for me.

I appreciate it. I hope you have a happy new year. I'll be putting this information on Elanthipedia so it's archived.

Join us in sharing information!
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Re: Origami data on 01/01/2009 07:21 AM CST
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I don't know where you saved it or I'm duplicating your efforts, but I put the post under http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Origami/Posts


Climbing List:http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Climbing_skill
Swimming List:http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Swimming_skill

And while I am evil, I try to avoid being just plain mean.
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Re: Origami data on 01/01/2009 11:46 AM CST
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Thank you so much Azhag, if you think to check this every 5 points of FF, I would really appreciate it - you are right in the range that I need!

The Panther info confuses me however. Can you try reading the instructions multiple times to confirm that you are getting an accurate reading? The numbers you give here do not fit into the regular chart, which means there could be a lot more work to do!

Also, I will update the Origami page on Elanthipedia with more information once I get more data (HINTHINT). I really need numbers in the 300-500 FF range.

Appreciate it,
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Re: Origami data on 01/01/2009 12:13 PM CST
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Gent, I just emailed a bunch of data to you. I hope it helps.

Join us in sharing information!
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Re: Origami data on 01/01/2009 12:19 PM CST
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>The Panther info confuses me however. Can you try reading the instructions multiple times to confirm that you are getting an accurate reading? The numbers you give here do not fit into the regular chart, which means there could be a lot more work to do!

It surprised me too. I have nearly 400 in appraisal so I've never seen a read be off, and I did read multiple times both before and after because I noticed it seemed "wrong" that it fit in between patterns.

I checked some of the really low patterns as well with a circle 8 Moon Mage. The ranks to get "no bets" for the Gilded Wren is exactly 0, while Gilded Shrike, Shrew, and Adder are all somewhere between 41 and 90 ranks to get "no bets", and the Weasel is somewhere over 90.
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Re: Origami data on 01/09/2009 11:09 PM CST
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At 250 FF the gilded magpie became "no bets" and the panther became "pretty sure".
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