Less and less time to burgle on 09/08/2020 11:48 AM CDT
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It seems my trader has reached a point where the more circles and/or thieving skill she gets, the less time she has inside a home while burgling.
Once I got enough skill, I got to the point where I was doing up to three searches per burgle. I don't mean clearing three rooms. I mean I would go to the bedroom or library and search then back to the kitchen and search then out. But if any of those searches failed I could usually try again. But for safety I would not do more than three total searches even if I hadn't heard footsteps yet.
But now that she has reached circle 51 and 319 thievery, it's getting harder and harder to get more than 2 searches in, and seems to be getting worse. Even times now when I can barely get in ONE search before hearing footsteps.
So, is there something wrong with the system that makes it give you less time once your skill gets beyond a certain level?

And before anyone asks, I am doing it currently with zero armor other than a shield and zero encumbrance, if those things make any difference, which I don't believe they do.
I have lately switched to entering with a lockpick whereas I used to use a rope. Can that make the difference?
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/08/2020 01:07 PM CDT
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I've been trying to think if there is anything I'M doing to cause this and they only other thing I can think of is that if I go to another room and it's the library I have more of a tendency now to go back and go to the other room which is always the bedroom and search there instead. I do it fast enough to not be a factor, but I'm wondering if moving around the house more makes it easier to be "noticed".
Having said all that, I'm pretty sure I'm getting less time than I used to even when the bedroom is the first room I enter off the kitchen.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/09/2020 07:10 AM CDT
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>And before anyone asks, I am doing it currently with zero armor other than a shield and zero encumbrance, if those things make any difference, which I don't believe they do.
>I have lately switched to entering with a lockpick whereas I used to use a rope. Can that make the difference?

Time is not based on skill or those things you mentioned. Like the Cooldown between burgles, time in the microseg is based on 1) number of non-F2P characters in the group and 2) subscription status (premie > pleb > F2P), 3) guild??. I'm not 100% sure that guild even matters. I'm surprised you were ever able to get 3 rooms!

For reference:
Ranger, burgling since release started with 800ish ranks (now at 1k+), I always get the footsteps about 4-8 seconds into the 2nd search RT and immediately exit after that. I tried for 3 rooms in test and got bust every time.

~Hunter Hanryu
>I would like to avoid the collection of broken dreams and sorrow that is the Ranger guild.~Agalea
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/10/2020 09:27 AM CDT
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Agree with Hanryu. Grouping is what impact time before footsteps. I'll add the other variable is lag. I consistently can get 2 grab attempts without getting caught on both a f2p character straight out of the character manager as well as my ranger nearing 1650 ranks. If its very laggy, that is the only time I might get caught.

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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/10/2020 12:33 PM CDT
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>I'm surprised you were ever able to get 3 rooms!

I guess I didn't explain that very well. I was not searching three rooms, but rather up to three searches in two rooms. If the first search in a room failed, I could search it again.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/11/2020 06:43 AM CDT
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>I was not searching three rooms, but rather up to three searches in two rooms.

I'm still shocked. I don't get nearly enough time for 3 round time activities while in a microseg.

~Hunter Hanryu
>I would like to avoid the collection of broken dreams and sorrow that is the Ranger guild.~Agalea
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/11/2020 06:58 AM CDT
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>I'm still shocked. I don't get nearly enough time for 3 round time activities while in a microseg.

I suspect they're not hiding / sneaking.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors." -Raesh
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/11/2020 07:06 AM CDT
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>>I'm still shocked. I don't get nearly enough time for 3 round time activities while in a microseg.

You are getting enough time, you just underestimate how generous the warning timer is. Keep yourself under a hard cap of 16-18 seconds after the warning message and you'll be fine.

* 3 seconds of RT to move to another room (non-stealth-primary)

* 10 seconds max potential RT on another search.

That leaves us five seconds. I always do a third search if the RT on the second search is < 5 seconds. Make it 3 seconds if you want to be super safe and account for a little lag spike.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/11/2020 12:44 PM CDT
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Well I do actually realize how generous the warning timer is. So far (knock on wood) never been arrested for running out of time. But what I'm talking about is I seem to get less time before that warning than I used to.

But what I have learned from your replies is it sounds like I should be going back into hide/sneak mode after entering? Then I will get more stealth? No, I wasn't doing that before, so that will definitely change things.

A little leery about experimenting after getting arrested today!!!! I typed hide and then burgle and didn't realize that after the hide I had received the messaging about "Are you sure you want to do that? You will interrupt blah blah blah..." from an App Focus I did before signing out yesterday and not finishing. 43 plat down the drain! My fault for not paying attention but sheesh!

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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/11/2020 11:29 PM CDT
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>But what I have learned from your replies is it sounds like I should be going back into hide/sneak mode after entering? Then I will get more stealth? No, I wasn't doing that before, so that will definitely change things.

Hide before you burgle. It's a best-practice anyways, and means you will get some stealth experience upon exiting the instance.

You will also get some stealth experience searching from hidden, and if you hide before typing BURGLE you will be hidden upon entering.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/12/2020 10:39 AM CDT
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>You will also get some stealth experience searching from hidden, and if you hide before typing BURGLE you will be hidden upon entering.

Ohhh, I feel stupid. I didn't realize we enter still hidden because for a long time I have been using a tiny script I made that does just two things. The first is it does "Put wear rope" just in case I am using as rope to save me typing that. But that also kicks me out of hide mode I think. I'll have to try it when I'm not using a rope and see.

If your interested the second thing my script does is:

>if_1 goto recal (and then)

>put burgle recal

This is so I don't get arrested when I accidentally type ".burgle recal" when I meant to just type "burgle recal" LOL!

Anyways, thanks for the replies, they have been helpful.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/12/2020 02:36 PM CDT
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And burgle in the clans. No fine, you'll just get beat up if you mess up. Play with it and have fun!
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/12/2020 03:17 PM CDT
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Or if you have a way to become "Invisible" you can just burgle from that point. Thats what I do, but not sure if you're able to depending on guild. I"ve noticed too that I'm getting in two searches and as soon as I hit that second search, if the first one was a 10 second search in the farthest room, I don't even search the first room, I just hit the window. But I'm plundering in Rossman's. Since I'm hunting pecs/raiders. But if my search is 8 seconds or less, I'm searching that other room. LOL I will always head to the farthest room first to search, than back track, so I can at least get the room with the Weapons rack/table, or the room with the Desk, the bedroom is always there. Go figure huh? lol

But my main point was, erm...if you can go invisible, you can go into the burgled place basically hidden already. And no RT for moving around once your inside. :)

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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/14/2020 12:41 PM CDT
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>And burgle in the clans. No fine, you'll just get beat up if you mess up.

Getting your hand chopped off = "just get beat up"? LOL!!!

I saw someone get caught and hand lopped. I told them if they could sit after they stop being stunned I could probably tend them. They did and I did. Then they immediately burgled again and I saw them get decapitated. Yuck! I think they did it on purpose?

Anyways, I THINK I can handle loosing a hand with 30 stamina and currently 268 first aid?
That no fine does sound attractive. Thanks for the advice.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/14/2020 04:18 PM CDT
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>And burgle in the clans.

Hmm... The penalty for getting caught in the clans should probably scale with level, too.

Good thing I already have permission to update clan justice for that...

That one guy

If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at DR-JAVAC@play.net.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/14/2020 07:13 PM CDT
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>Hmm... The penalty for getting caught in the clans should probably scale with level, too.

Finally, my dream of roleplaying the Black knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail can come true.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/14/2020 11:14 PM CDT
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>Hmm... The penalty for getting caught in the clans should probably scale with level, too.

Realistically, the penalty would probably go down with level. Do the clans really want to anger a super-powerful necromancer?

That said, there's a huge disparity in penalties. The overwhelming consensus from players I talk to is that the fines get crazy high and need an adjustment down. I have not talked to a single person that thinks the fines are ok as-is. I think that should be considered if you make a change to clan justice.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/15/2020 09:50 AM CDT
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I just started using burgle a few days ago (it's neat!), and I definitely opt for doing it in Clan-lands because legal-system stuff in towns themselves feel obnoxious, from the jail time to what appears to be an incredibly high fine given what you're getting as a reward. If I have a wifi hiccup I'd rather deal with what feels like failing a box trap than what would take a few hours/days of hunting to make up.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/15/2020 12:53 PM CDT
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>Hmm... The penalty for getting caught in the clans should probably scale with level, too.
>Good thing I already have permission to update clan justice for that...

See, that is the kind of thing that makes us scared to talk to each other here for fear of giving some sadistic GM evil ideas!

For the record I am not calling Javac or any other GM sadistic. I am just saying the possibility exists. :D

Ok, seriously now. I too think the penalties should scale with level. Scale DOWN.
Consider the poor desperate smuck who gets caught shoplifting and goes to jail while the high powered banker commits fraud and crashes the stock market and the justice department just shrugs.
Ok maybe that is an extreme example, but I don't know if Charisma helps reduce fines but it should, exponentially.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/15/2020 02:40 PM CDT
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If I had to guess (I don't, but I will!), the fines probably reflect the quality of the items dropped during B&E and how often you can essentially get a "free" one.

The items from B&E are really good. I'd equate some of them with the kind of stuff you can get from treasure maps - I'd say "all of them" if the combat gear was T5 instead of T4. And you can arguably get 2-3 of them per hour, as opposed to getting one every 2-8 hours if you have the HE gift that creates champion mobs, or luck your way into a treasure map (that has its own challenges!).

At the same time, the "wow" factor of the items from B&E probably diminish the more runs you go on, so when the appeal leans more and more toward "it's a good way to train" the cost of failure seems more and more excessive. I'm sure this is even moreso the cast for very high level players who probably have a full kit of T6 gear, masterful tools, more cambrinth than they'd ever need, etc etc etc. At that point the only value the items have is a possibly flooded player to player resale market or the pawnshop, where you'll probably have to rob hundreds of homes just to pay off the fine for failing at one.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/15/2020 02:45 PM CDT
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As an idea, it would be neat if B&E loot could get fenced at a place that, instead of directly giving you coins, exclusively goes toward paying off fines. That way you don't have the risk of an economy gone even more wild with pawn shops letting you pawn stuff for a few plat each, but there's a value for stolen items, especially once folks have more than enough versions of whatever they wanted to try to find to begin with.

It's like a self-contained economy that only interacts with the justice system, so there's no (or very little?) risk of it spilling over into the main economy, sorta like how all the MT currencies work.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/15/2020 02:58 PM CDT
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>See, that is the kind of thing that makes us scared to talk to each other here for fear of giving some sadistic GM evil ideas!

The whole reason I said that second line about having permission, is so that you would know I didn't get the idea from these posts. I already knew that people steal in clan justice to avoid the fines, and had permission to escalate the penalties based on what the fine would be in normal justice. Nothing in this thread so far has been news to me, so you should feel free to talk about it.

>Ok, seriously now. I too think the penalties should scale with level. Scale DOWN.

For gameplay reasons, penalties will always scale up with level/ranks.

>Consider the poor desperate smuck who gets caught shoplifting and goes to jail while the high powered banker commits fraud and crashes the stock market and the justice department just shrugs.

Consider also, our game does not take place in America, or any other modern country. Elanthia is a series of provinces with royalty. The royalty presumably wants to watch out for their citizens/peasants, as that's where all their food comes from. If you're a big and scary adventurer, and you get caught inside someone else's home, with unclear intentions... They're going to come down on you hard.

I will say... some of the large fines are due to having lots of priors. Priors do drop off over time, but that's time not getting caught.

That one guy

If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at DR-JAVAC@play.net.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/15/2020 03:48 PM CDT
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>> If you're a big and scary adventurer, and you get caught inside someone else's home, with unclear intentions... They're going to come down on you hard.

Since you're already making revisions to the penalties, any possibility of us occasionally getting away with things? There's no PLEAD INNOCENT in a Clan Justice context. As a "big and scary" adventurer who can toss around dangerous magic and literally disappear... I'd love a mechanic for a periodic reprieve.

(Aside: it's amusing that they can catch you while invisible.)

- I
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/15/2020 04:05 PM CDT
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>>I will say... some of the large fines are due to having lots of priors. Priors do drop off over time, but that's time not getting caught.

This is probably more of a critique of the justice system as a whole, but on the other side of the tracks for this, and not to give anyone ideas, NPC Empaths don't charge more for repeat customers.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/15/2020 06:27 PM CDT
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>(Aside: it's amusing that they can catch you while invisible.)

Khri Slight has a skill-based chance to protect you from mistakes made due to a mistake while entering... But if they catch you in the home, there's no reprieve.

That one guy

If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at DR-JAVAC@play.net.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/16/2020 03:17 PM CDT
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Is there even any difference between picking PLEAD INNOCENT or PLEAD GUILTY? I have no way of telling since I have no way of knowing if the fine would have been more or less if I had done the other. And an argument could be made for either as to why high charisma should help you. (Convincing the judge you didn't intend anything wrong in one case, convincing the judge you are contrite and it'll never happen again until it does on the other) :D
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/16/2020 07:57 PM CDT
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>Is there even any difference between picking PLEAD INNOCENT or PLEAD GUILTY?

Yes. The fine is larger if you PLEAD INNOCENT and the judge doesn't believe you.

>And an argument could be made for either as to why high charisma should help you.

Charisma does not currently reduce your fine, it just helps you convince the judge you're innocent if that is your plea. Priors make the INNOCENT plea more difficult, too.

That one guy

If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at DR-JAVAC@play.net.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/16/2020 11:31 PM CDT
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Is there any way for players to know their reputation with the burgle system?
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/17/2020 01:06 AM CDT
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>Is there any way for players to know their reputation with the burgle system?

The justice system remembers all of your prior crimes, not just the ones associated with B&E. I do intend to have a way for players to know how many priors they have, as well as an NPC you can bribe to strike some priors from your record. It's just a matter of finding the time to implement it.

That one guy

If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at DR-JAVAC@play.net.
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/17/2020 06:39 AM CDT
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>The justice system remembers all of your prior crimes

Do priors currently decay? I know for regular stealing fines can go up and down, but does the system remember every time I've ever been busted?

~Hunter Hanryu
>I would like to avoid the collection of broken dreams and sorrow that is the Ranger guild.~Agalea
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/17/2020 09:22 PM CDT
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>>SAUVA: Do priors currently decay? I know for regular stealing fines can go up and down, but does the system remember every time I've ever been busted?

As far as the calculation of fines is concerned, prior charges eventually decay.

GM Cordulia
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/21/2020 03:54 PM CDT
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>>I will say... some of the large fines are due to having lots of priors. Priors do drop off over time, but that's time not getting caught.

I have a new character in TF that never got caught burgling until one bad day in Leth about 2 weeks ago. I don't remember the exact specifics, but the character was around 15th circle and the fine was half his total bank accounts (all of them)*. I'm just don't think the fines are dialed in correctly.

Even if you make clan justice start murdering people, at some point everyone will still be stealing in the clans because getting a few favors is easier than 1000 plat. I don't see how increasing clan justice penalties can possibly bring them in line with these really high fines, but I think that's partly because the fines are too high. Can you possibly comment more on the fines? Does the formula involve multiplying the circle with prior charges? That seems like it could get very high very fast.


* (As a bonus, the character was then stuck in Leth with no money and no equipment to hunt for money.)
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Re: Less and less time to burgle on 09/22/2020 02:37 PM CDT
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Javac, thanks for the info on priors and pleading. Also I am looking forward to your plans concerning checking our priors and bribing for some, uh, parchment shredding. :D
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