Kuldaez crystals on 07/13/2003 09:42 AM CDT
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Does anyone know how many charges these have? Specifically the flame red ones.
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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 07/13/2003 10:11 AM CDT
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Ah, sorry, I'll retract my post..I thought any discussion of spellbooks would be in this folder, silly me.
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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 07/13/2003 01:42 PM CDT
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>>Ah, sorry, I'll retract my post..I thought any discussion of spellbooks would be in this folder, silly me.<<

This IS the folder for talking about spellbooks and all accompanying stuff.

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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 07/14/2003 07:47 AM CDT
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<<This IS the folder for talking about spellbooks and all accompanying stuff.

I was referring to the recent discussion which took place in the Magical Items folder.

Anyway, this crystal has gone off 51 times and it still has charges. I assisted after 11 but got the standard reply that it's "working as intended." I guess the person who got theirs fixed after 40 was just lucky..
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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 07/14/2003 10:09 AM CDT
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Actually, we didn't get ours fixed, only talked to a GM who verified it was in fact buggy - however it was a busy Thursday night in HSN and there was no time to fix it. We did the right things, bugged it IG, etc., then contacted the original owner who just took the socket off for us. I understand you don't have that luxury, good luck to you.

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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 07/14/2003 11:04 AM CDT
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Did they say anything about how many charges it should have? I've used up 100 charges now, whee.
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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 07/14/2003 11:26 AM CDT
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<<Did they say anything about how many charges it should have? I've used up 100 charges now, whee.>>

Yes. Eight. I think we went through at least 100 too, racked up around 40 assorted deaths with it. The GH handling the assist seemed a bit amused by our tenacity.
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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 07/14/2003 11:52 AM CDT
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Eight?! Heh, I'm assisting again, up to 118 now..
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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 07/14/2003 12:44 PM CDT
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Thought I'd post an addendum for those interested..not like anyone showed interest in the thread, but still. GH Miriette was kind enough, after telling me that it was "functioning as it should," to ask about it and GM Deryka came in and took the crystal out.

Miriette said it may never totally discharge since it's bonded, but that really doesn't make sense. It can only go off on non-bonded, so how can the bonded ever use up the charges? Oh well, it doesn't matter to me now..I can use the book. Thanks again to Miriette and Deryka for their help.
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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 07/14/2003 04:40 PM CDT
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Maybe people didn't comment on it much here, but there was much comment on the gweths as we watched the "newbie suicides by book" roll by. :-)

Never a dull moment, eh?

Fear the librarians, its always the quiet ones...

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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 07/14/2003 04:56 PM CDT
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>> said it may never totally discharge since it's bonded, but that really doesn't make sense. It can only go off on non-bonded, so how can the bonded ever use up the charges?<<

That doesn't make sense. I recall someone stating that when the crystals were created they would eventually use up all their charged mana and a would require a recharge. Which only Warrior Mages could do. Was supposed to be a small way some Mages with devices skill could earn a little coin.

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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 07/14/2003 05:58 PM CDT
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<<That doesn't make sense. I recall someone stating that when the crystals were created they would eventually use up all their charged mana and a would require a recharge. Which only Warrior Mages could do. Was supposed to be a small way some Mages with devices skill could earn a little coin.


The hafaltu crystals definitely use up charges when you invoke them. I've had to recharge mine a few times, and a long, tedious process it is, too.


"It is no longer my moral duty as a human being to achieve an integrated and unitary set of explanations for my thoughts and feelings."
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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 07/14/2003 06:13 PM CDT
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>>The hafaltu crystals definitely use up charges when you invoke them. I've had to recharge mine a few times, and a long, tedious process it is, too.<<

Long and tedious? I think i charged one before.. took two full harnesses in a powerfully glowing room? Or are you talking about something else?

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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 07/14/2003 07:55 PM CDT
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>>there was much comment on the gweths

Aww, I missed it..newbie didn't have a gweth, heh.

>>The hafaltu crystals definitely use up charges when you invoke them.

They would, since the bonded is the one using up the charges. But the GH made it sound like it was impossible for protective ones to run out since they would only do so when used by the bonded..who couldn't use their charges anyway..

Sounds to me like the protective ones are meant to run out as the hafaltu ones do, but they don't.
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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 07/14/2003 08:04 PM CDT
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>>They would, since the bonded is the one using up the charges. But the GH made it sound like it was impossible for protective ones to run out since they would only do so when used by the bonded..who couldn't use their charges anyway..<<

I don't get why people think these things are 'bonded' when they aren't.

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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 07/14/2003 09:05 PM CDT
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My original reason for thinking they were bonded was the sign at the shop said so.

My second reason was the GH that answered my assist told me so.

My final reason is that I cannot attempt to take anything off someone else's spellbook, or put anything on, without getting the message "A strange force emanating from the spellbook prevents you from doing that."

Just because it doesn't come back to you when someone else touches it doesn't mean it's not bonded.
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Kuldaez crystals on 05/18/2010 01:00 PM CDT
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Are these automatic? I have the hafaltu-veined variety, if I whip my spellbook out in the rain will it shield the spellbook right away or do I have to trigger the crystal somehow? Also do I have to charge it with mana? And how many charges do they have?

-Guardian Lord Alaxndr Durnovaria, Advocate of Therengia

"A knight is sworn to valor
His heart knows only virtue
His blade defends the helpless
His words speak only truth
His wrath undoes the wicked."
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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 05/18/2010 01:01 PM CDT
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Not sure about your other questions and am interested to know but I do know when they run out of charges you need a WM to recharge them
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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 05/18/2010 02:24 PM CDT
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You need to INVOKE them to activate them.
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Re: Kuldaez crystals on 05/18/2010 07:34 PM CDT
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More correctly you need to have it in a socket on your spellbook, and then invoke your spellbook. Only WMs can recharge them... now I don't think they ever shatter from use or something like that, but I think it is like 2-4 invokes before the power needs to be recharged.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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