Minor Update on 07/16/2001 10:52 PM CDT
Our leader, Hyram, apologizes for not being here as much as he'd like, but real life got in the way and the boards had to give. He's working hard coding and tweaking, though, so hopefully in the near future he'll have something for you. :)
I'd like to thank everyone that sent in ideas for the shop. I'm getting with the GM that owns the area the shop will be in to find the perfect place and I hope to break ground soon. No date as of yet so don't even ask <g>.
I prodded Hyram about titles this evening and he said hopefully when RL gives him a minute to breathe, the team can sit down and figure something out. I shall keep nagging him.
The area outside the guild will sadly be kept a stealable and non-safe zone. Eventually the mana will change, I believe, so my guildmembers will be able to defend themselves and our Crossings Guild.
Lastly, familiars. We keep bugging the people to bug the people to bug the people...well, you get the picture. As soon as we know something, you will know something. I really, really like the thought of a direwolf familiar (I'm gonna get one and name him Jerry <g> you that know the Dead will understand). All thoughts about what fams should and shouldn't do that you all posted have been duly noted.
Lastly, for Sofee's meeting on Saturday the portals will be available for travel to and from the meeting. She's really hoping things like this will help bring the guild together. After all, history should not repeat itself....