must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/24/2008 01:20 PM CDT
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Hey folks,

Having some trouble learning parry.

The numbers:
gor'tog cleric
23 ref, 24 agil
currently in meys
all defenses are around 135
using 2HE, 28 stone bastie and parry stick for parry.
keeping centering, sol and sop up all the time.

I'm having to stance evasion down to 25% to get a chance at parrying. I understand that SOP is mostly to blame there but I'm worried that I'll have to continue gimping my defenses to train parry. So the advice I seek from those with more experience is...

Does training parry get easier even with less balanced weapons?

Are parry sticks actually any good for parrying?

Do I need to bite the bullet and pick up a better weapon just for training parry?

Thanks all!
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/24/2008 05:28 PM CDT
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What is your stance for your other defences?

Is it:
Evasion 25%
Parry 100%
Shield 0%?

Basically how defenses work in DR is that evasion is checked first, then shield or parry. So what you want to do for parry training is to start out at 100% evasion/80% parry. If you dodge every shot, bring your evasion down bit by bit and increase your parry by that same amount until you start to parry consistently.

Better balanced weapons will help parry better, but the first thing you want to look at is your stances. So no, I learn parry with my bastard sword just fine, even with buff spells (though where you got SOP from as a cleric I am befuddled. PFE, MPP and MAPP against meys will work wonders though).

Also, parry sticks do not work if you have anything in your right hand. Mostly they are useful for brawling or offhand training.

Keep asking questions if this doesn't make sence or my suggestions don't help. Someone can help ya.

player of Celeiros

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And while I am evil, I try to avoid being just plain mean.
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/25/2008 12:04 AM CDT
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Unles your evasion ranks are wayyyy too high for what you are hunting you should have no issues parrying stancing parry at 100% evasion 80%. And yes lose the parry stick if you using a weapon it's of no use. Also as a cleric you get Medium Shields as arm worn. I'd reallllllyyy recommend picking up a shield putting int on your arm and stancing yourself 100% parry 75% evasion and 5% shield. Just to learn the shield while you work. And as you pick up a few more ranks and if you want to make sure your parry moves fast give more to shield like 20% and evasion at 60% keeping Parry at 100%.
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/25/2008 12:16 AM CDT
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Don't lose the parry stick. No reason not to have it. Helps if you're absent minded or you drop your weapon.
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/25/2008 02:14 AM CDT
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<Don't lose the parry stick. No reason not to have it. Helps if you're absent minded or you drop your weapon.

Also while you are switching weapons. I forgot to add in this part.

player of Celeiros

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And while I am evil, I try to avoid being just plain mean.
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/25/2008 02:30 AM CDT
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Thanks for all the replies.

SOP is from a scroll.
I do train shield, it's my highest defense.
Stance is 20% evasion, 100% parry, 40% shield. I still dodge sometimes with that.
All defenses are within 10 ranks of each other.

I'm able to lock parry but it takes a lot of finesse and work. My question is: will it get easier?

Also, I've heard that some people use the super-horrible bucklers from ogres to mess up their hindrance so they can learn parry. Any thoughts or advice on this tactic?

Thanks again!
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/25/2008 07:24 AM CDT
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Stop casting SOP if you want to train parry. I ran into this problem as a ranger, where my evasion outstripped my parry, and I'd dodge all attacks before the other defenses were contested. Instead of stancing down evasion, I started using the armor mixing penalty to reduce my evasion's effectiveness. I find that running a 100 parry/shield, 80 evasion works just fine for learning all my defenses (keep swapping back and forth).

~Hanryu Ves'Shomis
Sword of House Calibanor, Ambassador of the Ilithi Court, Emerald Knight, Keeper of the CEC, ... still a Ranger
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/25/2008 08:29 AM CDT
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Try using MPP instead of SOP when you're training parry: SOP is the spell you want for training evasion, or if you're in an area with a ranger casting swarm.

Everyone else has already covered everything else. :)


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/25/2008 08:58 AM CDT
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If after that you're still having trouble, throw an extra set of armor or 3 in your backpack. Burden will force you to parry.
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/25/2008 10:05 AM CDT
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What I find wierd is that you are using SOP, and not using PFE. PFE provides a physical defense boost- essentially evasion though apparently not exactly, and protection against the Mey's special attack.

I am guessing though that you are near Mey's soft cap. I don't remember what their soft cap is, but you can learn Shield, especially in a swarm, past parry. Probably time to move up. If you are using SOP regularly(good for you!), you should be able to move up even easier. If you are on Aesry, that probably means moving up to Snow Goblins I guess. If you are in Leth, maybe moving down to Shard and steeds, or up to Crossing and Dark Spirits.

Oh yeah- use MPP too, like was suggested. I learn parry by the way with all sorts of weapons

"militantly enforcing the overly rigid standards of you and your small collection of friends"
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/25/2008 10:41 AM CDT
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<<Stop casting SOP if you want to train parry. I ran into this problem as a ranger, where my evasion outstripped my parry, and I'd dodge all attacks before the other defenses were contested.

At first I wanted to scream foul! That makes no sense. But after thinking about it a bit, the evasion boost from SOP can clearly account for why you're having to stance down evasion so much. Have too much evasion, then you have to stance it down. Takes a ranger to explain their spells to a cleric, I guess. lol

Also, I want to emphasize Hanryu's suggestion of 100 parry/shield and 80 evasion, switching from parry to shield as you lock one. I have noticed that the defense contest is first evasion then parry or shield but not both. So if you have some of your points split between parry and shield, you'll parry sometimes and use you shield other times. If you just have it all in parry, you'll parry all the time and learn more parry.

player of Celeiros

Climbing List:
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And while I am evil, I try to avoid being just plain mean.
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/25/2008 12:20 PM CDT
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Also, a 28 stone bastard sword should work very well when parrying, so no need to use another weapon type.

Speak 'What' again! Thou cur, cry 'What' again!
I dare thee utter 'What' again but once!
I dare thee twice and spit upon thy name!
Now, paint for me a portraiture in words,
If thou hast any in thy head but 'What',
Of Marsellus Wallace!
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/25/2008 01:18 PM CDT
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All right, I admit it, I'm scared. Operating with 25% evasion against things that teach me parry, using all the khri at my disposal, is almost certainly a death sentence :(

It is physically impossible to lick your elbow.

Most people reading this for the first time just tried to lick their elbows.
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/25/2008 02:41 PM CDT
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Anyone notice any stealth hinderance from a parry stick? I haven't used one since a week or so after they came out, and at that time I noticed some significant stealth hinderance.

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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/25/2008 10:18 PM CDT
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I didn't notice anything when I used one, but my stealths are overtrained compared to combats so it's not the best test. I don't use one anymore, since I picked up a shield instead.

It is physically impossible to lick your elbow.

Most people reading this for the first time just tried to lick their elbows.
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/26/2008 08:07 AM CDT
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>I don't remember what their soft cap is, but you can learn Shield, especially in a swarm, past parry.

On a side note the reason for that is that Shield is considered an Armor while parry and evasion are combat skills. Typicaly you can learn armor from somthing for far longer than they will teach evasion/parry.
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/26/2008 08:10 AM CDT
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>I find that running a 100 parry/shield, 80 evasion works just fine for learning all my defenses (keep swapping back and forth).

I echo what Hanryu said. Avoid using defence bosts and just go with the above set up. Unles you far outstrip what you are hunting defencively you ought to do just fine. I switched to 100/84 set up myself once I started hunting things that can do the one hit wonders as I want to get hit less before that I had it set at 60/60/60 and was doing just fine until I reached a certain level of critter where getting hit HURT and had the potential to do the one hit KAZAM = Dead.

Of course since I have switched from LC to HP as main body armor... Hmm... can not really recal the last time I have been one hit...
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/26/2008 08:48 AM CDT
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>I find that running a 100 parry/shield, 80 evasion works just fine for learning all my defenses (keep swapping back and forth).

I'm curious. Why would anyone run a 100 parry 80 evasion or 100 shield 80 evasion setup when they could run a 100 parry 100 evasion or 100 shield 100 evasion?

Xelten says to Galren, "What is your preference? I can escort you off Ilithi soil for the remainder of your lifetime, or I can take you to the dungeon. Or I can kill you where you stand and drag your corpse to the north."
*Xelten was just struck down!
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/26/2008 11:50 AM CDT
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>I'm curious. Why would anyone run a 100 parry 80 evasion or 100 shield 80 evasion setup when they could run a 100 parry 100 evasion or 100 shield 100 evasion?

Plenty of reasons. Off the top of my head, feint attacking to maintain balance.
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/26/2008 11:57 AM CDT
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For a spell caster who is busy casting while dancing, 0 offense doesn't work well. I tried using macro's going back and forth to take advantage, but found it just easier to keep my offense at full so I could utilize my magics to full advantage.

"militantly enforcing the overly rigid standards of you and your small collection of friends"
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/27/2008 04:18 AM CDT
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>when they could run a 100 parry 100 evasion or 100 shield 100 evasion?

He he he ... you know Galran a LOT of us are not Barbarians so the 100/100 thing is out of the reach for us until MUCH MUCH latter than it is for barbarians. All I have at my disposal now is 184 points to distribute between my defences and untill I reach 100th + I will not have 200. I think it is even latter for Rangers if they every move mast 180.

As for why 100/80. Simple if you want to move your shield/parry faster than your evasion you need to set it to that to make parry your prmary Def that way you are not dodging all the time instead and not picking up a lick of parry/shield.
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/27/2008 04:49 AM CDT
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Stance attack lower, you will get extra defensive points.
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/28/2008 09:23 AM CDT
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Tigerclaw, you're misunderstanding what Galren's suggestion was.

This is what he's suggesting:

Shield - 100 points
Evasion - 100 points
Parry - X points (whatever is left over)
Attack - 0 points


Shield - X points (whatever is left over)
Evasion - 100 points
Parry - 100 points
Attack - 0 points


Shield - 80 points
Evasion - 100 points
Parry - 0 points
Attack - 100 points


Shield - 0 points
Evasion - 100 points
Parry - 80 points
Attack - 100 points

Doing this gives you 100% of evasion and whichever defense you pair it with as opposed to 100% of evasion and 80% of whichever defense you pair it with. It make for more effective dancing and multi training.

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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/29/2008 10:29 AM CDT
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>Tigerclaw, you're misunderstanding what Galren's suggestion was.

Unles off course you trying to move Parry or Shield instead of Evasion. If you are hunting at level and have evasion stanced at100% unfortunately the way the game mechanics work now the first Defence check is ALWAYS evasion. What that means with evasion stanced at 100% you will almoust ALWAYS evade unles you are outmatched by what you hunt, overburdened or hindered. If you evade you wont parry or block so wont learn either of those.

Thank you for clearing up the "How do you get 100/100 for evasion/Parry". But if you wish to move parry/shield insted of evasion all the time (provided you are hunting at level) you need to stance your evasion down as it is always the first form of defenced checked by the game mechanics as is.
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/29/2008 11:15 AM CDT
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>>Unles off course you trying to move Parry or Shield instead of Evasion. If you are hunting at level and have evasion stanced at100% unfortunately the way the game mechanics work now the first Defence check is ALWAYS evasion.

Correct. However I feel it is far safer to keep both at 100% and slowly stance down evasion until you find yourself blocking or parrying each incoming blow.

I dislike having only 80% of my secondary defense work as I try to stance down evasion. Eventually you will get to a point where you must stance down evasion in order to learn parry or shield. Using 100% of your shield just means that you are at less risk. Currently I need to drop my evasion to about 60% in order to learn parry. I'd rather rely on 600 ranks of parry vs 480 ranks (80%) of parry as my fall back defense.

Call me crazy.

Xelten says to Galren, "What is your preference? I can escort you off Ilithi soil for the remainder of your lifetime, or I can take you to the dungeon. Or I can kill you where you stand and drag your corpse to the north."
*Xelten was just struck down!
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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 04/29/2008 11:58 AM CDT
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>What that means with evasion stanced at 100% you will almoust ALWAYS evade unles you are outmatched by what you hunt, overburdened or hindered.

I never really run into this issue because I move up the critter ladder if I'm able to dance at the engagement cap and am evading attacks moreso than parrying or shield blocking them. I've never hunted without having evasion stanced at 100%.

It's a valid concern, though, dependant upon training style. Good point.

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Re: must I train a medium edge weapon to learn parry? on 05/01/2008 09:40 AM CDT
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>Correct. However I feel it is far safer to keep both at 100% and slowly stance down evasion until you find yourself blocking or parrying each incoming blow.


I just am too lazy to tamper with all of my stances all the time way too much work. I always leave my Offencive stance at 100%. That is my get out of jail free card if I get in trouble as a WM I blast my way free. Other than the one hit wonders for the most part I live.
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