Another dumb what to hunt thread. on 11/01/2010 05:05 PM CDT
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Togballs are still locking everything very nicely, but quite frankly I've been hunting them for over a month and am sick of looking at them and wouldn't mind a change of pace. Would prefer it to be something on the mainland since I hate hate hate hate hate the islands.

I'd prefer something that I can learn skinning off of.


Strength : 40 Reflex : 25
Agility : 30 Charisma : 11
Discipline : 16 Wisdom : 15
Intelligence : 14 Stamina : 25

(yes I know my strength is way out of whack. I trained it up that high and neglected my other stats when I was first starting him off and didn't know any better)

Shield Usage: 145 95% clear
Heavy Chain: 157 03% clear
Parry Ability: 153 61% clear
Multi Opponent: 159 31% clear
Heavy Edged: 162 74% clear
Twohanded Edged: 158 48% clear
Evasion: 147 24% clear
Skinning: 138 42% clear
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Re: Another dumb what to hunt thread. on 11/01/2010 05:12 PM CDT
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I'd give second tier snow goblins a try. You can always move up to third tier when you need/want to.

Good for skinning, boxes, and random treasure. They have pretty annoying parry, so cut off their hands and grab the clubs to shatter them or try to get them to drop their weapons some other way. Your weapons are high enough that you won't have much or a problem though.

Khorgar ~ Loves to hate snow goblins.
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Re: Another dumb what to hunt thread. on 11/01/2010 07:21 PM CDT
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Blue-bellied crocodiles are good at those ranks from my experience. Decent gen rate and good skins.
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Re: Another dumb what to hunt thread. on 11/01/2010 08:10 PM CDT
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red brocket deer


Clerics are on the sectual radar.

Just to be clear - I didn't do it. Not sure who did, but it wasn't me.

- GM Raesh
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Re: Another dumb what to hunt thread. on 11/01/2010 09:59 PM CDT
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I would stay there for a few more ranks (150 shield and evasion) and then go to vipers. I love them and the poison sacs sell for quite a bit.


"Under the sword lifted high, there is hell making you tremble. But go ahead, and you have the land of bliss."

~Miyamoto Musashi
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Re: Another dumb what to hunt thread. on 11/02/2010 02:32 AM CDT
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Thanks for the suggestions. I think I'll hit up Vipers in a few more ranks of defense since I like the Crossing area and can head straight from there into Leucros.

Side question: At what ranks would it be suggested to start venturing into the area that mixes leucros and vipers?
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Re: Another dumb what to hunt thread. on 11/02/2010 05:47 AM CDT
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>> Thanks for the suggestions. I think I'll hit up Vipers in a few more ranks of defense since I like the Crossing area and can head straight from there into Leucros.

Honestly... bump your Reflex up to 30 and you're probably more than ready for Leucros. If you can't handle more than three, now, then jump into the Viper/Leucro area until you're ready.

I guess you might want to start off in Vipers just to get a feel for them first and to get used to their poison attack, but You aren't far off from Leucros.
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Re: Another dumb what to hunt thread. on 11/02/2010 05:53 AM CDT
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Also... you may have already heard, but you'll need decent Perception to search out the secret path to Vipers/Leucros. I think I had around 170 when I started hunting there, but you'll probably be able find it with less. I just happened to have that much when I was introduced to Leucros.

If you can't get into the NTR Vipers yet, then I suggest heading up to Haven and hunting the Vipers in the Pejek bog out the East gate of Haven. Same as the NTR ones but no perception needed. You can also have some fun with the daytime Shaggy Barghests out the west gate, but beware the night barghs that come out when the sun sets!
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Re: Another dumb what to hunt thread. on 11/02/2010 07:25 AM CDT
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thicket vipers.

You've seen life through distorted eyes;You know you had to learn;The execution of your mind;You really had to turn;,the book is read,The end begins to show,The truth is out, the lies are old, But you don't want to know - Black Sabbath

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Re: Another dumb what to hunt thread. on 11/02/2010 07:29 AM CDT
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since you're a barbarian, dance eagle to get into vipers. then you can stop the dance and replace it with one better for dodging <i like badger for dancing>

vipers up by haven are easy to get into, but you don't learn any perception in the area due to the inability to utilize the "hunt" verb there.

You've seen life through distorted eyes;You know you had to learn;The execution of your mind;You really had to turn;,the book is read,The end begins to show,The truth is out, the lies are old, But you don't want to know - Black Sabbath

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Re: Another dumb what to hunt thread. on 11/02/2010 10:15 AM CDT
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I tried Vipers out a while ago and was able to find all the trails with one search and the spot(or tracks?) after searching 4-5 times with 110 perception so I imagine I'll be fine now with 140.

Thanks for the suggestion. I don't know why I didn't think of Vipers. Haven't been in the area since my Thief hunted Guardians ten years ago.
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