There have been three or four times that I was running through the Xala'shar area (using automapper) and partway through I noticed the room descriptions looked..odd. When I got to my destination I realized I was blind.
Apparently during the fraction of second I was in the room with a vanquisher they successfully hit me with their special attack.
I remember a change to core combat years ago that prevented ranged creatures from instantly firing on someone entering a room, due to crossbow wielding invaders in Crossing that were hitting people left and right as they just ran through, if I remember correctly.
I'm assuming there would be no easy way to make special attacks from doing the same thing, without going through and adjusting every single one?
I know Dragon Priest Sentinels have hit me with their special attack at least a few times since 3.0 as I was running through, so it isn't just Xala'shar.
For me it isn't too big of a concern. I just wondered if there was an easy way to do it or if it was worth pursuing.
I believe it has only happened to me three times in Xala'shar and I run through there very frequently.