(no subject) on 06/17/2015 02:42 PM CDT
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I agree.

But how is, life threatening medical emergency not different from, I started a script and went to the movies.

Seems like a pretty binary difference to me.

My point was they didn't care, so good luck with that.

Honestly I hope it works out to his satisfaction either way, whatever the outcome is.
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 06/17/2015 04:10 PM CDT
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>> But how is, life threatening medical emergency not different from, I started a script and went to the movies.

There is no difference. If you are gaining exp or any benefits while AFK, you will get flagged as an afk scripter and pushed as such, no matter the reason.

If you are not gaining any benefits or giving any benefits, I don't think he should have gotten a script warning. Period. Mech warning? Spam warning? Sure.
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 06/17/2015 11:37 PM CDT
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Your right.. if someone runs a stop sign because they feel it, and someone else runs it because they have a stroke, they should both get a ticket..

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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 06/18/2015 02:51 AM CDT
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I'm not a big fan of this particular tangent - someone offering a very simplified synopsis of some 3rd party's perspective of being wronged by the system compared to a current player getting a warning that they don't seem to want to contest due to their circumstances. It's amazing how easily important details get left out of the accounting of events. In this case, though I was busy packing and preparing to move during most of what happened, I did get to see a lot of what happened in the background on our side. There were 3 GMs over a period of a few hours involved in tracking down what was left of the player's inventory. Some of which was quickly recovered and given back to the player before he even became responsive. A good deal more had to be reconciled by sorting through pages upon pages of log records, gathered and held until they could be returned when the player returned. All of this was done without regard to fault, but instead out of an understanding that it was indeed a horrible set of circumstances.

Circumstances aside, we still advocate for looping scripts to have some input required from time to time, since that is the best method to prevent all the sorts of issues brought up here so far. As for the OP, I hope we were able to do enough for you to at least somewhat ease the burden of what happened, and I wish you the best in getting back to your normal routine.

ASGM Ricinus
Core, Logistics, Survival
Cleric Advocate
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 06/18/2015 08:20 AM CDT
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Ricinus (and all the GMs),

I really hope it didn't sound like I do not appreciate the GMs who have helped along the way. Some of the items have been recovered and I am incredibly thankful for that. Like I said this wasn't a complaint post at all but a reminder to check your scripts and just a crazy story of happenstance. Last night 3 more items were recovered which was amazing. I know you all have gone above and beyond considering the situation and I truly appreciate it. I wasn't leaving that out to make it sound like I was not receiving help. My only real complaint is that it would have been nice to hear something from Feedback in three weeks since emailing them. I had to assist just to find out if they had even received the email.
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 06/18/2015 09:48 AM CDT
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>>I really hope it didn't sound like I do not appreciate the GMs who have helped along the way.

Nope, I was just making some observations for the peanut gallery in this case.

ASGM Ricinus
Core, Logistics, Survival
Cleric Advocate
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 06/20/2015 08:54 PM CDT
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>> I'm not a big fan of this particular tangent - someone offering a very simplified synopsis of some 3rd party's perspective of being wronged by the system compared to a current player getting a warning that they don't seem to want to contest due to their circumstances. It's amazing how easily important details get left out of the accounting of events. In this case, though I was busy packing and preparing to move during most of what happened, I did get to see a lot of what happened in the background on our side. There were 3 GMs over a period of a few hours involved in tracking down what was left of the player's inventory. Some of which was quickly recovered and given back to the player before he even became responsive. A good deal more had to be reconciled by sorting through pages upon pages of log records, gathered and held until they could be returned when the player returned. All of this was done without regard to fault, but instead out of an understanding that it was indeed a horrible set of circumstances.

Impressive! That was very very nice of you guys.
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 06/21/2015 08:53 AM CDT
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Wish we knew their names so we could thank them specifically but good job all of you. Trying to turn a horrific experience into something thats just punishing and not intolerable.

Good job, I know I dont say that enough, but you certainly deserve the appreciation.
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/19/2015 09:04 PM CDT
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I would like to say that I think, putting aside for a moment the AFK script check, that perhaps we're at a point in the game where losing items is a bit outdated, and grave/death mechanics should be updated.

On topic - bummer Sijan :(
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/19/2015 10:16 PM CDT
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>>perhaps we're at a point in the game where losing items is a bit outdated, and grave/death mechanics should be updated.

I disagree with this 100%
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/20/2015 08:02 AM CDT
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Ive always felt losing items from your character upon death wasnt right. Thank you depart item!
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/20/2015 11:23 AM CDT
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Bring back the Starry Road.

>befriend clear all
You are now friendless.
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/20/2015 05:20 PM CDT
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actually, losing an item is so rare anymore, due to depart item, registration and bonding potions, it makes people MORE likely to afk. Why worry about that tyrium sword of dewm...just invoke bond...Gazzion plats worth of stuff, no worries, depart item and no grave. My script hiccupped and I left my uber shield of diamond dust held together with wishes and dreams of children behind? Its registered, GM's will replace it. If anything, I think death/loss of items should be MORE prevalent. Depart item/coin/all should have a timer on them. Don't respond to a script check within say 15 minutes....all goes into a grave where ya died, PLUS applicable afk penalties. Will this rarely nail someone that had a ligit excuse such as internet going down/power outage? Yes, but that is why feedback has an appeals process. Also...cap favors at the cap for retaining scrolls. People running around with 200 favors is an invite to abuse. And while you are at it...add in a timer for multi deaths to eliminate those that use a mule to bob for bolts, depart, head right back. Death should be painful, not a speedbump.
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/20/2015 07:13 PM CDT
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>People running around with 200 favors is an invite to abuse.

Could you explain this? The only thing I can think of being abused at 200 (or anything over 60 really) favors is return on investment.

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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/20/2015 07:16 PM CDT
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Death needs more severe consequences, but that probably shouldn't include item loss. The economy around obtaining items in this game is simply not built for it.

Follow @thayelf on Twitter for absolutely nothing of any value whatsoever!
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/20/2015 10:32 PM CDT
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>My script hiccupped and I left my uber shield of diamond dust held together with wishes and dreams of children behind? Its registered, GM's will replace it.

I just want to point out that this is not 100% accurate. Registration is not a guarantee of replacement.

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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/21/2015 05:41 PM CDT
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Well, what I mean is, if there is no/minimal penalty for repeated deaths due to having banked a ton of favors, people are more likely to continue bad behavior because....just depart all. If you cap the favors at 15...well that limits a person to 5 depart alls before having to go get exp going and renew the favors.

Evike, didn't mean to insinuate that registration was an auto replace thing, just that it does make it much easier and GM's are much more likely to put forth the effort when the exact replica is a couple quick keystrokes away. I know that not all circumstances apply with item loss/registration.
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/21/2015 06:17 PM CDT
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>Well, what I mean is, if there is no/minimal penalty for repeated deaths due to having banked a ton of favors, people are more likely to continue bad behavior because....just depart all. If you cap the favors at 15...well that limits a person to 5 depart alls before having to go get exp going and renew the favors.

If you want a greater penalty from death and departure encouraging more favors makes more sense than capping them at less. Capping favors so low only makes a raising cleric's life harder.

When you depart full, the penalty/expense is much greater the more favors you have as far as unabsorbed experience/time spent.

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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/21/2015 06:23 PM CDT
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Capping favors at like 13 is honestly probably a good idea. I'm sure Resurrection's mechanics can be tweaked to compensate.

I'd rather see more death penalties regardless though. Longer Death's Sting. Being locked out of experience gain for an hour. That sort of thing.

Follow @thayelf on Twitter for absolutely nothing of any value whatsoever!
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/21/2015 07:04 PM CDT
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Locking out of xp would make people even more death adverse than they already are. If you want to punish death more, find a better way than that please.
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/21/2015 07:11 PM CDT
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People aren't super death adverse from what I've seen, they actually treat it pretty casually. There are droves of games at HE that capitalize on this. I'm sorry but you can't have a consequence then say "oh but don't make it actually punish me."

Follow @thayelf on Twitter for absolutely nothing of any value whatsoever!
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/21/2015 07:21 PM CDT
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Stopping xp gain would probably mean stopping the game for many. You can give consequence in various ways, for example, after departing, the gods could demand a task be completed (sort of yeah, you had a favor and I noticed you were in need, but restoring life is worth a bit more than a few orb rubs). Stronger sting would be okay, but sort of meh in my opinion. You could add a system of bragging rights drops your ranking on death since people tend to be rather competitive. You could tie departs to a tithing system where your accounts are drained 2% on a rezz (would probably upset people a lot).

None of those seem as punishing as saying you died, you may as well go afk an hour or two.
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/21/2015 07:24 PM CDT
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I deeply dislike that players consider the only two things of importance (skills and items) to be sacrosanct, but I do not yet have the energy to start beating on that wall.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/21/2015 07:28 PM CDT
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Well, some people do NEED 200+ deaths if they want various titles. But I shudder to think what sort of evil plan must hatch to make people fear the loss of that over skills/items.
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/21/2015 07:36 PM CDT
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For a penalty to be meaningful it must affect something that people care about.

Follow @thayelf on Twitter for absolutely nothing of any value whatsoever!
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? on 07/21/2015 07:53 PM CDT
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If they were to go this route I think that throttling exp gain would be a better penalty than a complete lockout. I like my numbers personally, though.
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Re: Worst scripting experience ever? ::Thread Over:: on 07/21/2015 08:27 PM CDT
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Well this one went off topic. This folder is for discussion on policy.

There's a folder for that, Over in Surviving in DragonRealms - Elanthia - On Death.

Message Board Supervisor

If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing me at DR-Annwyl@play.net.
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