Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/11/2006 07:39 AM CST
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Okay we know (or I know anyway) that once you decide to graverob or even just steal an item from someone, you cannot pass that item off to anyone else for a "reasonable amount of time," with that reasonable amount being entirely 100% ambiguous and undefined. Passing the item off to another character, whether it is someone else's and you sold the item or it is your own, can result in a mechanics abuse warning. Well, that's fine, because I usually just define it as a week and call it a day.

But what if you snag a backpack and it's full of utterly worthless crap save for one or two things? Do we have to keep all of that crap on us or can we ditch it somewhere? I'm curious about the policy concerning "disposing" of graverobbed/stolen items in general as well, actually. :)

Rev. Reene

"It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility: they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it." - Jane Eyre

Make some action!
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/11/2006 07:55 AM CST
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>>But what if you snag a backpack and it's full of utterly worthless crap save for one or two things? Do we have to keep all of that crap on us or can we ditch it somewhere?

You can pick something up and ditch it the instant you get it. It's only if you want to keep it that you have to hold onto it yourself.


"Gown Removed Carelessly. Head, less so." - Joss Whedon
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/11/2006 03:30 PM CST
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>You can pick something up and ditch it the instant you get it.

Agreed. You are only providing additional consent terms to the previous owner. Instead of giving back the item to end the conflict, now you can pay them some ambigous amount of coin, wholly dependent upon the GM answering the guaranteed assist. If the victim doesn't know you got it, its a free ride.

>It's only if you want to keep it that you have to hold onto it yourself.

A week, Reene? Heh, as soon as the GR timer allows me to vault it, about an hour, its mine to do with as I please. Again, this is irrelevent if the previous owner doesn't know who you are, IMHO.
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/11/2006 03:52 PM CST
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>>If the victim doesn't know you got it, its a free ride.

There have been two instances at the minimum I know of that the GM/GH that handled the assist connected the victom with the grave robber... So that is not always true.

Not sure if they were suppose to tell, but doesn't change anything.

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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/11/2006 03:53 PM CST
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Yes, a week.

I've had items taken away by GMs for passing them on as soon as the timer was up. Or in the case of items that were stolen with MB, waiting a few hours (more than long enough for a GR timer) and passing them on. So I keep them for a week to be safe.

Rev. Reene

"It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility: they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it." - Jane Eyre

Make some action!
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/11/2006 09:17 PM CST
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<<There have been two instances at the minimum I know of that the GM/GH that handled the assist connected the victom with the grave robber... So that is not always true.>>

<raises hand> Three.


>Lasarhhtha pats you on the back.
Lasarhhtha says, "Others should learn much from you, yes."
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/11/2006 09:55 PM CST
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That is extremely inappropriate behavior for a GH or GM.

Rev. Reene

"It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility: they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it." - Jane Eyre

Make some action!
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/11/2006 11:05 PM CST
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Hey gang.

I understand that people may have had some bad experiences with this. However, please keep in mind that you should be at the very least respectful with staff.

Also, speculation about what may be going on upstairs isn't discussing policy, nor is it on topic for this thread.

Thanks for understanding! Feel free to continue posting, just make it on topic please.

~Board Monitor Geshin

Questions or comments? You can write me at MOD-Geshin@play.net, Senior Board Monitor Annwyl at DR-Annwyl@play.net, or Message Board Supervisor Cecco at DR-Cecco@play.net!
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/14/2006 03:23 PM CST
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its all depends on who you know as to how much help you get.

The Assassin in Plat
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/26/2006 11:12 AM CST
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Ok, i need help understanding something here. Is it ok to kill someone if they have an item you like in their hands and then pick up the item for your own? While i suppose this is realistic, it doesn't seem to make for a very good time for those of us playing to have fun. Someone on Ratha recently lost a repeater like this, and though i don't know the full circumstances, i'd like to know for sure if someone can just walk up, kill you, grab your item and go on as if nothing is out of the ordinary. (wow, talk about a run-on sentence.)
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/26/2006 11:23 AM CST
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>>Ok, i need help understanding something here. Is it ok to kill someone if they have an item you like in their hands and then pick up the item for your own? While i suppose this is realistic, it doesn't seem to make for a very good time for those of us playing to have fun. Someone on Ratha recently lost a repeater like this, and though i don't know the full circumstances, i'd like to know for sure if someone can just walk up, kill you, grab your item and go on as if nothing is out of the ordinary. (wow, talk about a run-on sentence.) <<

No, this is very much against Policy and will get a person in serious trouble if their victim reports.

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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/26/2006 11:30 AM CST
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It is against policy to walk up to someone and attack them without consent for any reason. Although if they don't report it you'll likely never hear from the GMs and that'll be that. A person has consent on the grave robber until such a time as they kill or are killed by the grave robber although the grave robber isn't supposed to initiate a reprisal.

Calissa's player
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/26/2006 11:34 AM CST
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It is against policy to just walk up and kill someone for no reason. But just because you don't know the reason doesn't mean there wasn't one.

>>A person has consent on the grave robber until such a time as they kill or are killed by the grave robber although the grave robber isn't supposed to initiate a reprisal.

The person who was graverobbed has consent forever, until they've retrieved what was taken from them.
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/26/2006 11:39 AM CST
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>>It is against policy to just walk up and kill someone for no reason. But just because you don't know the reason doesn't mean there wasn't one.<<

There are also a host of potential reasons that are not consent, such as:

1) I felt like it.
2) He needed killin'.
3) He was wearing red. I hate red.
4) He's a gnome. I had a gnome as a pet once and he ran away.
5) He disagreed with me.
6) With a disrespectful tone.
7) He accused me to the guards for stealing from him.
8) He got into a fight with my friend...who might have started it...my friend said it wasn't his fault...

There's no comprehensive list, but read the policy documents and use common sense and a measure of restraint.

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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/26/2006 11:40 AM CST
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If you have consent on someone? Yes, you can kill them and take what they drop. That's perfectly alright.

I can say you definitely don't know the circumstances of the situation you're describing if you think someone just decided "o nice repeater YOINK" :)

Rev. Reene

"It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility: they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it." - Jane Eyre

Make some action!
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/26/2006 11:46 AM CST
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Heh, i wasn't passing judgement on the graverobber, just wanted to clarify if it ever happens to me.
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/26/2006 11:50 AM CST
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Well it's an interesting way to pull off theft at the very least.

But hey I like using these things as a good springboard for roleplay, so whether or not I can go OOC and report someone for something isn't a real concern of mine.

Rev. Reene

"It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility: they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it." - Jane Eyre

Make some action!
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/26/2006 11:42 PM CST
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Roleplay's all well and good, but if my 1000 plat repeater were involved you better believe I'd report.
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/26/2006 11:50 PM CST
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My point demonstrated admirably, thank you.

Rev. Reene

"It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility: they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it." - Jane Eyre

Make some action!
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/27/2006 03:10 PM CST
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I don't think I'd report anything that happened to me period.

Like that woman says, there's RP potential (even if the adversary isn't RPing, doesn't know how, doesn't want to - I still can). And my RP will involve a lot of bloodshed.

Reporting is dumb under any circumstances (almost).

:oP Ragran
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 11/27/2006 07:15 PM CST
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heh report all you want chances are unless the person has traveled away from where the GR took place as in from the main lands to the islands via personal boat your out of luck.

The Assassin in Plat
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Re: Ditching Graverobbed Items on 12/23/2006 08:00 AM CST
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<<Roleplay's all well and good, but if my 1000 plat repeater were involved you better believe I'd report.>>

Can I get your characters name? I want to make sure I add you to my list of people never to interact with.
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