Thanks, i borrowed some of your supplies and ran a few tests.
The basilisk bolts had a noticeable impact in performance vs store bought bolts and good news for crossbow fans, the non-crafted versions seem to hold up on par with the crafted ones (just as expected).
Here are some results if anyone is interested.
basilisk/store bought lx well/v. well:
Total kills: 6
Total shots: 32.0
Total missed: 0.0
Avg time to kill: 90.5353865
Avg shots to kill: 5.333333333333333
Avg missed shots: 0.0
Miss rate: 0%
basilisk/latch decent/reasonably:
Total kills: 5
Total shots: 30.0
Total missed: 1.0
Avg time to kill: 92.47973440000001
Avg shots to kill: 6.0
Avg missed shots: 0.2
Miss rate: 3.33%
store bolt/latch decent/reasonably:
Total kills: 4
Total shots: 35.0
Total missed: 1.0
Avg time to kill: 136.0390955
Avg shots to kill: 8.75
Avg missed shots: 0.25
Miss rate: 2.86%