Combat Testing on 12/25/2015 04:05 PM CST
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I left and assortment of crafted crossbows and bolts in the charity chest of the Crossing Cleric guild in Test if anyone wants to use them for testing their combat effectiveness.

If there are other desired templates post here and I'll pop in to make some.

~Engineering Savant Ascot Ryuzzaki, Grayroot of Elanthia
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Re: Combat Testing on 12/26/2015 11:18 AM CST
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Thanks, i borrowed some of your supplies and ran a few tests.

The basilisk bolts had a noticeable impact in performance vs store bought bolts and good news for crossbow fans, the non-crafted versions seem to hold up on par with the crafted ones (just as expected).

Here are some results if anyone is interested.

basilisk/store bought lx well/v. well:
Total kills: 6
Total shots: 32.0
Total missed: 0.0
Avg time to kill: 90.5353865
Avg shots to kill: 5.333333333333333
Avg missed shots: 0.0
Miss rate: 0%

basilisk/latch decent/reasonably:
Total kills: 5
Total shots: 30.0
Total missed: 1.0
Avg time to kill: 92.47973440000001
Avg shots to kill: 6.0
Avg missed shots: 0.2
Miss rate: 3.33%

store bolt/latch decent/reasonably:
Total kills: 4
Total shots: 35.0
Total missed: 1.0
Avg time to kill: 136.0390955
Avg shots to kill: 8.75
Avg missed shots: 0.25
Miss rate: 2.86%
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