What to do with TDRoP on 03/30/2008 01:11 AM CDT
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Ari mentioned that there is going to be something of a "lite version of orders" for those that want to be groups and such. I run a group called The Dwarven Rite of Passage, or TDRoP for short...pardon the pun. We currently have 27 members. Here's a link to the official site for a list of members:


I would love for TDRoP to be officially recognized some day with the perks that come with that, but I don't know how to go about doing that. Also, I don't know if we would fit better in the "Orders" section or the "groups lite" section Ari hinted about.

Right now we have 2 requirements. You have to be a Dwarf and 30th circle. Ari, any insight would be great, especially if your direction for us should be towards your Lite version.

Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg

"I won't learn anything - even if I arrange and try to skin it with a trader's caravan"

"Why don't you roleplay a character who is NOT retarded? ~Maje
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Re: What to do with TDRoP on 03/31/2008 09:52 PM CDT
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At the moment we are all treading water so to speak. Just keep on with what you are doing. By mid next year I will know more about how it will all function.

When the requirements are finalised and ready for publication, I promise everyone will know and be on the same page -- which is the problem we have had in the past -- no one knew. I do not want to fall into the trap of promising things I cannot deliver on, so I am being deliberately vague and evasive but I am hopeful!

For now, my focus is on getting those Orders that already exist their basic facilities + 1. Once I have them successfully kitted out, then the doors will be flung open, and if I survived it all, I will welcome you with open arms. (Otherwise someone else will do the flinging and welcome you with open arms!:g:).

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