Unlocked medicated bandage not healing four bleeding wounds on 10/03/2016 07:31 PM CDT
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This was BUGged in game, but the medicated bandage from Duskruin's Assemblage does not seem to be healing four bleeding wounds as advertised once unlocked.

>disarm my crate
You begin work at disarming the crate.
Moving with the grace of a pregnant goat, you carelessly flick at the piece of metal causing a lace to rupture the sphere. Electricity leaps through the laces and focuses upon the iron disc before forming into a bolt of man-made lighting. It strikes you in the chest and sends you airborne!
Roundtime: 7 sec.


>analyze my bandage
Applying a potency crystal increases the number of bleeding wounds healed by 1 AND reduces the cooldown (when activated) by 1 day. The maximum upgraded version allowed is 4 wounds with a 4 day cooldown. Wounds below the bleeding threshold are ignored.
1) Heal two bleeding wounds, 6 day cooldown (unlocked!)
2) Heal three bleeding wounds, 5 day cooldown (unlocked!)
3) Heal four bleeding wounds, 4 day cooldown (unlocked!)
You've already achieved the maximum allowed unlocks.


Your body feels at full strength.
Your spirit feels full of life.
You have a deeply bruised head compounded by some moderately deep cuts about the head, minor swelling and bruising around the neck compounded by cuts and bruises about the neck, a severely swollen and deeply bruised right leg compounded by deep cuts across the right leg, minor swelling and bruising in the chest area compounded by cuts and bruises about the chest area, minor swelling and bruising in the abdomen compounded by cuts and bruises about the abdomen, complete paralysis of the entire body compounded by open and bleeding sores all over the skin.

Area Rate

head (tended)
right leg (tended)
skin slight
inside head slight
inside r. leg slight

>rub bandage
You gently drape the medicated bandage over your painful areas. With a relieving rush, the wounds concealed beneath the bandage heal!
Roundtime: 8 sec.

Your body feels at full strength.
Your spirit feels full of life.
You have a deeply bruised head compounded by some moderately deep cuts about the head, minor swelling and bruising around the neck compounded by cuts and bruises about the neck, a severely swollen and deeply bruised right leg compounded by deep cuts across the right leg, minor swelling and bruising in the chest area compounded by cuts and bruises about the chest area, minor swelling and bruising in the abdomen compounded by cuts and bruises about the abdomen.

Area Rate

head (tended)
right leg (tended)
inside head slight
inside r. leg slight
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Re: Unlocked medicated bandage not healing four bleeding wounds on 10/04/2016 07:20 AM CDT
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Since the skin wound was healed, I wonder if the bandage is skipping over tended wounds.

Does the bandage work on internal bleeders? I could see an argument for both sides.

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Re: Unlocked medicated bandage not healing four bleeding wounds on 10/04/2016 09:34 AM CDT
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>Since the skin wound was healed, I wonder if the bandage is skipping over tended wounds.

>Does the bandage work on internal bleeders? I could see an argument for both sides.

My guess is that this is exactly what it is doing and is working as intended - skipping tended bleeders and not healing internals, if not specifically as advertised.

Don't forget to vote:

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Re: Unlocked medicated bandage not healing four bleeding wounds on 10/04/2016 10:40 AM CDT
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That would make sense, but tended wounds should be healed per DR-ZADRAES.

>> Question: Does the medicated bandage repair missing limbs if that is what the bleeding wound is? (I am mostly thinking about missing hands from sorcery casting)
>If it's a bleeding wound (bandaged or not), it will be fully healed and leave no scars behind. Missing hands still bleed.

from http://forums.play.net/forums/DragonRealms/Events%20and%20Happenings%20in%20DragonRealms'%20Elanthia/Paid%20Events%20%60%20Quests/thread/1762447
or http://www.tinyheroes.com/forums/DragonRealms/Events%20and%20Happenings%20in%20DragonRealms'%20Elanthia/Paid%20Events%20%60%20Quests/thread/1762447

Note the "updated" elanthipedia documentation that explains the intended functionality:

* The bandage first targets any external bleeding areas, then any internal bleeding areas.
* Priority is location based. In order, that is: head, neck, right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, right hand, left hand, chest, abdomen, back, right eye, left eye, tail, and skin.

My experience is that I'm only seeing 1 healed location and not 4, which means the bandage may be working as intended but the unlocks are not healing additional locations. Hence, the bug.
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Re: Unlocked medicated bandage not healing four bleeding wounds on 10/04/2016 12:28 PM CDT
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<<That would make sense, but tended wounds should be healed per DR-ZADRAES.

Your board-fu is strong. Thank you for the explanation.

<<My experience is that I'm only seeing 1 healed location and not 4, which means the bandage may be working as intended but the unlocks are not healing additional locations. Hence, the bug.

Interesting how it healed the skin wound, which has the lowest priority. Are non-tended wounds prioritized before tended ones as well? Or it this another bug?

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Re: Unlocked medicated bandage not healing four bleeding wounds on 10/04/2016 01:58 PM CDT
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I'll stick simply restating what was different from my expected results:

(1) only one bleeding area (skin) was healed instead of four
(2) per the healing priority the tended external wounds (head, right leg) were skipped
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