Black haversack with ties. on 11/30/2016 11:09 PM CST
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>appr hav
The black haversack is a container, and can be opened and closed.
The black haversack is somewhat pliable.
It appears that the black haversack can be slung over one shoulder.
The black haversack has a bit of weight to it.
You believe that the black haversack is worth around 712500 Kronars.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.

>l hav
It currently does not have any items tied to it.
Extra padding on the straps allows the wearer of this slightly oversized bag an extra measure of comfort. Ties along the outer edges enable the attachment of a few unwieldy items.

>study hav
You study your haversack and think you could potentially PUSH, PULL, TIE (item) to haversack, UNTIE (item) from haversack, SHEATHE, and REPAIR in case it gets messed up somehow.
Your haversack will accept a total of 3 items. You think you can tie the following items: maul, quarterstaff, crossbow, shortbow, longbow, greatsword, bow.
Your haversack currently has no items tied to it.
Craning to see something beyond your other shoulder, a tiny river rat sets a paw on your nose, its little claws digging into your skin before abruptly slipping, sending the animal clinging wildly to your front. The river rat quickly scrambles back up to your shoulder with an embarrassed and sulky squeak.
>anal hav
The black haversack is designed to allow you to tie other items to it.

First upgrade - adds one additional tie and hiding mechanics via RUB. (LOCKED)
All subsequent upgrades - add one tie at a time.
- (Max out at 10 ties on a single tie-item.)
You can't tell anything else about an elongated black haversack clasped with a grey button.

>inv held
In your right hand, you are carrying a sturdy khor'vela staff inlaid with tiny veins of cambrinth.

[Type INVENTORY HELP for more options]
>tie staff to haversack
The staff doesn't seem to fit.

Bugged? Did in game bug report, with holding Both items.
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Re: Black haversack with ties. on 11/30/2016 11:14 PM CST
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Pretty sure it cues off the noun and accepts quarterstaffs but not staffs (or any other staves weapons that have different nouns).
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Re: Black haversack with ties. on 11/30/2016 11:18 PM CST
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Yeah that's it. My Bow toolstrap doesn't hold longbows or shortbows or anything other than bows.
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Re: Black haversack with ties. on 11/30/2016 11:22 PM CST
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Oh yep, the Rebecho tie has both nouns on it. You'll either need to add the staff noun to your haversack through an alteration session or just track down a Rebecho tie.

wide leather toolstrap with braided cord ties

You study your toolstrap and think you could potentially PUSH, PULL, TIE (item) to toolstrap, UNTIE (item) from toolstrap, SHEATHE, and REPAIR in case it gets messed up somehow.
Your toolstrap will accept a total of 1 items. You think you can tie the following items: staff, quarterstaff, cane, nightstick.
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Re: Black haversack with ties. on 11/30/2016 11:24 PM CST
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>>Pretty sure it cues off the noun and accepts quarterstaffs but not staffs (or any other staves weapons that have different nouns).

would be great if this was adjusted to type instead of noun.

"Game balance is sobbing over in the corner as it considers the ramifications of AoE Blufmor Garaen. Your spell slots send their condolences." - GM Raesh
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Re: Black haversack with ties. on 12/01/2016 06:20 AM CST
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OK so basically I'm out $27.50 (275 Kernals - Best scenario 2.75 runs @ 100 kernals/run @ 1000 simucoins per run ... you can figure the rest).

Warning signs need to be posted on stuff like this, for those that have never done Rebecho Ties.

Haven't had an issue with the cash-grab-event system until now.

Needs to be Fixed.
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Re: Black haversack with ties. on 12/01/2016 10:17 AM CST
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>Warning signs need to be posted on stuff like this, for those that have never done Rebecho Ties.

Looks like there was a link to Rebecho (which explains everything about his ties) on the elanthipedia Sleeping Dragon Cornmaze page for these items as far back as Nov 19th.

On the bright side just about any alterer can add tie nouns and with potency crystals you can add to the number of ties yourself.
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Re: Black haversack with ties. on 12/01/2016 03:23 PM CST
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There was also the option for the scabbard, which i believe held 5 of any weapon. Also you could of chosen to pursue other ways to obtain the haversack, in game trades, services rendered, etc. How you play or pay is up to you.

"I, for one, think it's nice to have new folks who are excited and already care enough about the game to offer suggestions. We need more of that." -Solomon

Thanks for being in my corner Solomon, come back soon.
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Re: Black haversack with ties. on 12/01/2016 03:28 PM CST
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>>There was also the option for the scabbard, which i believe held 5 of any weapon.

I think you're referring to the baldric:

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Black haversack with ties. on 12/01/2016 03:34 PM CST
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>>I think you're referring to the baldric

Yes, yes i was, thank you.

"I, for one, think it's nice to have new folks who are excited and already care enough about the game to offer suggestions. We need more of that." -Solomon

Thanks for being in my corner Solomon, come back soon.
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Re: Black haversack with ties. on 12/01/2016 07:26 PM CST
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>>>> OK so basically I'm out $27.50 (275 Kernals - Best scenario 2.75 runs @ 100 kernals/run @ 1000 simucoins per run ... you can figure the rest).

Did you happen to see the size of that container? It is quite a bit bigger than normal and appears to be the same size as the very much in demand . On top of that it is shoulder worn, meaning you can still acquire an oversize backpack in addition to it. I bought the black backpack for its' size alone; the ties were a bonus.

If you need something to tie a staff to, however, I am sure I have at least a half dozen of Rebecho's toolstraps stored somewhere that I would be happy to share.
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