>"You used to be able to drag folks down the branch, you can still drag them the other way. please fix? :D"
Hopefully this can be fixed sometime. I really miss dragging Kharybell back and forth from Crossing. Quicky edited log below; big thanks to Aesei for looking into it for me!
You stride north, leading your group. |
[Obsidian Pass, Mountain Trail] |
Cracks in the sides of the pass ooze a darkness flatter than the glassy black of the smoothed walls. The silence here is disturbing. |
You also see a thin silverwood branch stripped of its leaves dangling out over the chasm. |
Also here: Kharybell. |
Obvious paths: northeast, south. |
Mapped exits: climb branch with rope |
> |
drag kharybell branch |
You can't do that. |
> |
Aesei asks, "Try now?" |
> |
drag kharybell bran |
You grab Kharybell's arm and drag her with you . . . |
[Chasm, Vertical Pothole] |
A stand of tall trees comes into view overhead, further dimming the light and making it increasingly difficult to find a foothold up through the pothole. Caution is absolutely necessary to prevent a case of vertigo from settling in and overwhelming the senses. |
You also see a craggy niche and a thin silverwood branch stripped of its leaves dangling out over the chasm. |
Also here: Kharybell. |
Obvious paths: none. |
Roundtime: 3 seconds. |
Mapped exits: climb branch |
R> |
Kharybell gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. |
> |
drag kharybell bran |
You grab Kharybell's arm and drag her with you . . . |
[Obsidian Pass, Mountain Trail] |
Cracks in the sides of the pass ooze a darkness flatter than the glassy black of the smoothed walls. The silence here is disturbing. |
You also see a rock and a thin silverwood branch stripped of its leaves dangling out over the chasm. |
Also here: Kharybell and GameHost Aesei. |
Obvious paths: northeast, south. |
Roundtime: 3 seconds. |
Mapped exits: climb branch with rope |
You do a happy little dance of joy! |
Aesei ponders. |
Aesei says, "One sec..." |
Kharybell says, "I don't have to train atheltics anymore." |
You say, "I don't think that's the same thing..." |
Aesei says, "Alright. So one thing. We fixed it temporarily to test the problem, thing is, the problem returned and it needs to stay that way for the time being until we can see what's really going on." |
Aesei says, "Can you BUG it though? It will have to be looked at, no ETA on it at the moment." |
You ask, "Yea I figure "soon" but it IS technically fixable... eventually?" |
Aesei says, "I don't want to say anything yet." |
> |
You nod. |
You say, "Understood." |
Aesei asks, "All set then?" |
You exclaim, "Thanks much. Here's hoping it can be fixed!" |
~Hunter Hanryu
"Even adjusting the pace for Simu-Soon timescales, there is no way Mech Lore is still trainable in 2014 imo" - Apu(2013)