newbie help on 09/29/2013 02:08 PM CDT
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Ok, I rolled up a nice female prydaen barb (I figure the guild needs more women) and I train some weapons before I joined the guild. So the only thing I have holding me back from circle 2 is learning something 1st supernatual inner fire. When I ask Agonar about inner fire, he just gives me a parchment with 2 highlighted names....power and seek. When I ask Agonar about power or seek, he just says what they are for and when I ask for learning, he tells me to get lost.

So I read the banners and placards and such about training sessions...I have no idea what to do next. How do I get a training session? And what are feats? My magical friend said they were for magic...needless to say, that is not helpful.

Could I have a little help please?

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Re: newbie help on 09/29/2013 02:21 PM CDT
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Try Study Agonar. That should give you the options you need.

Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Forging Guru of M'Riss
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Re: newbie help on 09/29/2013 02:25 PM CDT
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I did study Agonar. That's how I knew to ask about meditations and such. But he still tells me to get lost. When I ask him about meditations or inner fire, he just hands me a parchment. If I ask him about power or seek, he just tells me what they are for, not whether I can learn them or where or how.

More help please?

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Re: newbie help on 09/29/2013 03:58 PM CDT
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Hello there. Barbarians are a Supernatural tertiary Guild, and you earn one training session every other level. The STUDY instructs you to CHOOSE abilities to learn them. This works very similar (identical?) to the magic Guildleaders. The abilities on the parchment you get when you ask ARE the abilities you are eligible to learn. The banner, placard and sign show all abilities and their requirements for reference.

Does this help you?

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
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Re: newbie help on 09/29/2013 04:39 PM CDT
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Thanks Kodius it does. But I think there should be some reference to how to train augmentation. Was really stumped until a friend found a note somewhere saying buffs train augmentation. So now I'm using buffalo and my inner fire is growing and I'm happily making Crossing a rat free place!

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Re: newbie help on 09/29/2013 08:34 PM CDT
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I'll see if we can modify the Guildleader's talk to mention it, but I thought the Barbarian help already did. It works just like magic, and I'm not sure what help text exists in game for magic right now either.

Out of curiosity, had you considered looking for help on Elanthipedia? The Barbarian section there has lots of good information.

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
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Re: newbie help on 10/01/2013 07:37 PM CDT
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Yes indeed, I read the barbarian guild article and was startled to find that although a lot of it still held true, there was a message saying several things were now obsolete and no note on WHAT was obsolete. Since I haven't followed the barb boards while DR3 was preparing to roll out (like I did for the ranger guild) I couldn't even guess what was obsolete and what to do about it.

My friend found an article called Barbarian Help Guide which I read and that explained a lot but as a player in game asking Agonar about things, there was some confusion on my part. Were the highlighted items on the parchments given to me by Agonar meaning I could train them now? I could ask Agonar about forms and such but nothing about what trained augmentation specifically. That augmentation and inner fire were mentioned in the same breath led me to believe increasing inner fire by combat (the only way I knew to increase it) could train augmentation and when it didn't I was confused. I didn't realize that someone joining the guild could get training in the new abilities. But once I found out that buffs trained augmentation and got form buffalo, I see now that inner fire lists exactly like a skill.

Now I'm having trouble moving inner fire in battle and not blowing it using form buffalo and berserk avalanche. I seldom get it past a quarter of my height. So I'm thinking I'm doing something else wrong. I spent 2 hours in game fighting rats, madmen (with a friend) and those cute origami papers. No increase of inner fire. Just steady at one quarter of my height.

Thanks for your interest Kodius. Hopefully somethings I posted will help. Oh yeah, some of my initial confusion about how to interact with Agonar and learn something was that my computer screen (small) cut off the top 4 options of the list we get while studying Agonar. And I didn't realize it had cut off the list. Slight oops!

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Re: newbie help on 10/01/2013 08:01 PM CDT
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Updating those page is my next project once elanthipedia is unlocked.

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Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: newbie help on 10/01/2013 08:05 PM CDT
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Eh, I think part of the problem is just not understanding the text as written. For example -

>>Agonar hands you a parchment detailing what abilities you can learn.

This quite exactly means that yes, you can learn those abilities listed. I'm not sure how better to explain it.

It sounds like you ASKed AGONAR FOR HELP, and I will update that to include mention of the skills and how the abilities train them.

>>Now I'm having trouble moving inner fire in battle and not blowing it using form buffalo and berserk avalanche. I seldom get it past a quarter of my height. So I'm thinking I'm doing something else wrong. I spent 2 hours in game fighting rats, madmen (with a friend) and those cute origami papers. No increase of inner fire. Just steady at one quarter of my height.

Using Forms will lower your IF height much like casting spells will lower your mana. It isn't intended for you to use 2 Forms simultaneously at circle 1 and gain enough extra inner fire from Kills to fill up the pool. You will need more Inner Fire skill to do that, or drop 1 Form.

>>cut off the top 4 options of the list

Ouch :( Depending on who you ask, I'd say we try to design for a 1024x768 resolution using Stormfront. Anything less and it will be a bit tricky at times.

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
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Re: newbie help on 10/01/2013 09:06 PM CDT
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<<This quite exactly means that yes, you can learn those abilities listed. I'm not sure how better to explain it. >>

Maybe a phone call?

- Buuwl
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Re: newbie help on 10/01/2013 09:47 PM CDT
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What is the advantage to having a full pool of inner fire? If she can run 2 buffsand still have one fourth of her IF why run only 1 to get a full pool? In other words shouldn't we run as many buffs as we can and still have some inner fire rather than have a lot of inner fire and minimal buffs?
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Re: newbie help on 10/02/2013 06:19 AM CDT
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>In other words shouldn't we run as many buffs as we can and still have some inner fire rather than have a lot of inner fire and minimal buffs?

Absolutely correct.
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Re: newbie help on 10/02/2013 08:02 AM CDT
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FWIW, a lot of the obsolete articles on Barbarians have a giant coffin with the word OBSOLETE written on them. Most everything else is pretty good.

If you're crashing your IF running a berserk and a form, try not running the berserk. You can also always MEDITATE POWER every so often; I believe this will train IF at low levels.
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Re: newbie help on 10/02/2013 09:13 AM CDT
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berserk avalanche is probably gold at low levels.

But anyways, I would try to get meditate tenacity asap, you can train warding with it and it is way more beneficial than swan at low levels. For one its physical defense instead of magical and lower level critters don't use magic much. Also it only costs 1 instead of swans 2.

If it were me I would do this:

Circle 1:
Circle 3:
Circle 5:
Circle 7:

I would stack all 3 (swapping eagle and dragon when appropriate) of those as soon as you can, all would be really beneficial to your PvE combat in the lower ranges, and even mid-circles. Drop avalanche whenever you feel like fatigue is no longer an issue for you.

Forged Weapons:
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Re: newbie help on 10/02/2013 09:10 PM CDT
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>>What is the advantage to having a full pool of inner fire?

A full inner fire pool allows you to briefly have 1, 2 or 3 extra abilities up. In this case you could maintain 2 Forms forever, or run 1 Form and save up IF, and then fire off 2 more Forms and a Berserk... say when backtraining a low weapon or in response to getting stunned or overwhelmed in combat.

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
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Re: newbie help on 10/02/2013 09:13 PM CDT
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Thank you fellow barbs and GM for all the help. And Kodius it isn't your fault my screen is small! I just have to remember I might not be looking at all the options.

As for combat and inner fire--all I have right now at circle 5 is meditations flame and power and berserk avalanche. As for the suggestion to stop using the berserk...I fought for an hour and half without using anything and still I can't get my inner above a quarter of my height which when I use power is all the inner fire I can get passively. So am I bork? What am I missing (besides a working brain)?

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Re: newbie help on 10/02/2013 10:20 PM CDT
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How fast are you killing enemies? You need to be killing one enemy approximately every 3 minutes IIRC and you should cap out your IF pretty quickly..

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
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Re: newbie help on 10/02/2013 11:04 PM CDT
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<<You need to be killing one enemy approximately every 3 minutes IIRC and you should cap out your IF pretty quickly..>>

Ohhhhh! You have to be killing to raise it. Ya know, in all my reading I seem to remember that the articles mention being in combat. Ok I won't worry so much then, it takes me like 8 minutes to kill anything. Madmen I would literally hit em for half an hour and not kill. Hey I'm a scrawny Prydaen! But I won't be scrawny for long!

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Re: newbie help on 10/03/2013 12:22 AM CDT
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>>Madmen I would literally hit em for half an hour and not kill.

Really? What attack types and weapons are you using?

With 9 second RTs using a 5-density, Tier 3 heavy mace and 18 ranks of heavy blunt it was taking me about 120 seconds assuming a couple of misses and a few seconds spent recovering stamina (I'm assuming you are using Avalanche so fatigue isn't really an issue).

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
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Re: newbie help on 10/03/2013 05:33 PM CDT
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It's your 18 ranks that did it. I was learning HB/HT since I had just bought a lovely throwing mallet from Apu (thank gods for his fair pricing, the others are too ridiculous). And well, I'm sorta at goblin level. I went back to goblins so I could kill them quicker and once got my IF up to twice my height. Now it's back to a quarter of my height. At least I'm damn hard to kill! (Oh no, I wrote this to a GM...I'm gonna die now!)

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Re: newbie help on 11/01/2013 08:45 AM CDT
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>> Circle 1:
>> Avalanche
>> Circle 3:
>> Dragon
>> Circle 5:
>> Tenacity
>> Circle 7:
>> Eagle

I found this post very useful, as a returning player who is way over his head. However, when I got to 3rd circle and tried to take Dragon, it wasn't on my list of available. When I asked Agonar about it, he told me that it costs too much. Checking Elanthipedia, it does look like it costs two slots, but I'm not really sure how "cost" works.

Is that right? Should I just hold off and take it at 5th circle, or does its cost make it not worth it at low levels?

By the way, you're right about Avalanche. I'm sure it's less useful once fatigue isn't such an issue, but for now it's huge!

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Re: newbie help on 11/01/2013 09:15 AM CDT
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>>When I asked Agonar about it, he told me that it costs too much. Checking Elanthipedia, it does look like it costs two slots,

Bah, You're right, forgot about multiple slot costs. :(

looks like tenacity is 1 and eagle is 2 as well. But if it were me I would hold off to get the abilities in that order still. But of course look at all your options and determine what is best for your character or course.

Forged Weapons:
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Re: newbie help on 11/01/2013 09:26 AM CDT
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Actually there might be another flaw depending on how prereqs are listed on epedia.

To get Eagle (Predator Path), it has a prerequisite of 1, which I think means you need at least 1 other ability from the Predator Path, before you can pick it. So that would mean you need to pick up Seek or everilds rage before Eagle.

So if prereq means you have to pick abilities in the same path, then my new route would be:

Circle 1:
Circle 3:
Circle 5:
Circle 7:
circle 9:
Everild's Rage Roar or Seek Meditation (both in predator path with prereq 0)
Circle 11:
Circle 13:

If someone could chime in and confirm or deny that that is how prereqs work?

Forged Weapons:
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Re: newbie help on 11/01/2013 09:33 AM CDT
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>> If someone could chime in and confirm or deny that that is how prereqs work?

In my vast 4 circle experience, that's how it looks like it works. He told me I was eligible to learn Dragon, as I have the Avalanche pre-req, I just didn't have enough slots.

The scroll he hands me telling me what's eligible for other paths also line up with that.

Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. Picking abilities at a low level is daunting, you have no idea what will be useful early on, later, both, or never.

There's no way to forget abilities and start over, right? At what circle have you learned them all?
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Re: newbie help on 11/01/2013 09:48 AM CDT
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>There's no way to forget abilities and start over, right? At what circle have you learned them all?

Forgetting abilities costs you roughly 10-20 coppers. It's so easy to do, you could almost work it into your training regiment this early in the game.

STUDY AGONAR will tell you how to do it.
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Re: newbie help on 11/01/2013 09:53 AM CDT
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I was helping a friend start a Barb about a week ago, and he was running into similar issues, where early on it was hard to pick abilities to cover useful things to pick up, something to train Debilitation with, and Warding.

I'm not sure if there's an easy way to solve this issue, as I'm unsure of what the requirements are for below 10th, or if there even are. It might be a good idea to consider making MEDITATE FLAME teach a very small amount of Warding/Aug/Debilitation/IF to very low skill levels, so barbs don't have to wait until 13th or whatever circle to be able to train the abilities themselves. But that said, I haven't started a new character myself in ages, so I don't know what it's like for other guilds as well.

I will suggest that the requirements are very low (I think), and you can always repick (for now!), so don't stress it out too much. Focus instead on circling so you have more training slots to play with.
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Re: newbie help on 11/01/2013 08:58 PM CDT
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I've just accepted that you have to wait till after 10th to train warding. It sucks, and you can train everything else, but even by 10th you can catch it up quickly enough, as long as you keep swan or tenacity running all the time. I'd angle more towards swan at first because it's an in combat ability.

I'm a badger, I be badgerin'
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Re: newbie help on 11/01/2013 10:58 PM CDT
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<<I've just accepted that you have to wait till after 10th to train warding. It sucks, and you can train everything else, but even by 10th you can catch it up quickly enough, as long as you keep swan or tenacity running all the time. I'd angle more towards swan at first because it's an in combat ability. >>

Not true especially since you can forget and add stuff so easily right now.
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Re: newbie help on 11/02/2013 02:17 PM CDT
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>>It might be a good idea to consider making MEDITATE FLAME teach a very small amount of Warding/Aug/Debilitation/IF to very low skill levels, so barbs don't have to wait until 13th or whatever circle to be able to train the abilities themselves.

Interesting idea. A new Barbarian is unlikely to have chakrel to remove the RT, so this could work if there was a timer on learning.

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
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