Bard Circle Requirements on 03/16/2012 01:16 AM CDT
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Bards had a lot of req increases but not a lot of interesting things. Here are the highlights:

* You need a bit more Performing now. This should be pretty easy.
* You will ultimately have a Bardic Lore req.
* Your lore reqs have been increased across the board. Note that this basically comprises of Appraisal, Scholarship, Tactics, and crafting skills.
* Your Tactics req is a 'Soft req'. As noted in the big post, a 'soft req' means that it can still count toward your Nth Lore.
* Note that this means that Tactics needs to be one of your lores (or at least it will automatically do the job of 3rd Lore).
* Your survival reqs got condensed and increased a bit. No surprise there, as that's what happened to basically all survival reqs.
* Your magic reqs went up, particularly because of the deep integration of bard spells into M3.
* Your weapon reqs went up a little bit too, because it's a secondary skillset.

Restricted Skills

1st Armor22233
1st Weapon33445
2nd Weapon23344
1st Magic33445
2nd Magic22345
3rd Magic22334
4th Magic12234
5th Magic00233
1st Survival12234
2nd Survival11223
3rd Survival11122
4th Survival11122
1st Lore33445
2nd Lore33345
3rd Lore22334


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
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