Sound Manipulation Tweaks on 01/21/2013 06:05 PM CST
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Demrris' Resolve - Reverted to "DMRS", preq changed to Eillie's Cry, castmods dropped down to basic, messaging replaced.
Drums of the Snake - Changed to "DRUM", preq changed to Lilt or Resolve.
Eillie's Cry - Changed to "ECRY", name fixed to "Eillie's Cry", converted to purely augmentation, increased castmods to basic for non Bards.
Harmony - Castmods slightly increased, preqs changed to Drums + 30th.
Hodierna's Lilt - Same cyclic tweaks a mentioned in prior post, castmods were slightly adjusted, intro messaging slightly changed, can no longer be cast in extremely deep water.
Naming of Tears - Changed to "NAME", preq changed to Joy + Lilt + 40th, castmods increased to Esoteric.
Resonance - Preq changed to Lilt or Resolve, new descriptive messaging. I'm aware that this spell still needs major revision, I'm working with a few other GMs to make sure it gets done right this time.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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