Currently I use a vial, but 2 doses of holy water just doesn't cut it. Any suggestions on something that will hold more holy water?
Holy Water Vessels on 05/18/2007 05:35 PM CDT
Re: Holy Water Vessels on 05/18/2007 05:37 PM CDT
Re: Holy Water Vessels on 05/18/2007 05:48 PM CDT
Re: Holy Water Vessels on 05/18/2007 06:24 PM CDT
Re: Holy Water Vessels on 05/19/2007 10:58 AM CDT
Re: Holy Water Vessels on 05/19/2007 11:39 AM CDT
Re: Holy Water Vessels on 05/20/2007 04:09 AM CDT
Re: Holy Water Vessels on 05/20/2007 09:33 AM CDT
There is another thing: I got my chalice before the substance changes,and it was never intended to hold so much water. If I were to try it again, I would probably get the same results.
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: Holy Water Vessels on 05/20/2007 11:04 AM CDT
Re: Holy Water Vessels on 05/20/2007 11:48 AM CDT
Re: Holy Water Vessels on 05/20/2007 12:33 PM CDT
Re: Holy Water Vessels on 05/20/2007 02:50 PM CDT
Re: Holy Water Vessels on 05/20/2007 03:02 PM CDT
Re: Holy Water Vessels on 05/20/2007 03:19 PM CDT
If you really want to consolidate all the holy water into one single multi-part item, pour each of the waters into the container (they'll lose the bless but combine with the other plain waters), then bless the single large water.
I've found in the past that using >pour part with a big multi-part water tends to use 2 bits of water instead of one, so I'm not bothering to consolidate the waters these days.
Nerevar says, "Are Nadrim's memories intact?"
Dornal gazes intently at Nadrim's corpse.
Dornal says to Nerevar, "No, they are not."
Dornal begins a cheerful ditty on his copperleaf kithara.
I've found in the past that using >pour part with a big multi-part water tends to use 2 bits of water instead of one, so I'm not bothering to consolidate the waters these days.
Nerevar says, "Are Nadrim's memories intact?"
Dornal gazes intently at Nadrim's corpse.
Dornal says to Nerevar, "No, they are not."
Dornal begins a cheerful ditty on his copperleaf kithara.