Recharge Your (Temple) Batteries, Part Three! on 05/13/2009 10:05 AM CDT
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The Flying Company and the Apostles invite you to Recharge your (Temple) Batteries!

The cambrinth orbs that power the defenses are running low, and they must be recharged roughly twice a week. Why wait? Make tonight (5/13) your night to do something for the greater good.

Located at the west cambrinth orb!

From the main stairs, it's go arch, go arch, north all the way, west once, and up the stairs twice.

Tonight (5/13), 10 PM EST. Recharge Your (Temple) Batteries!
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Re: Recharge Your (Temple) Batteries, Part Three! on 05/13/2009 11:17 AM CDT
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Bah humbug....well if I can get a gate I will come, but last week was too funny. Thanks for organizing this.

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Re: Recharge Your (Temple) Batteries, Part Three! on 05/13/2009 11:41 AM CDT
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If the Coalition meeting goes late I'll see about herding people to this.

Rev. Reene

The black panther growls, "Are you blind Tachid? Kill Caelumia."
Tachid says, "SHE HAS BLUE FIRE"
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