A Wolf in the Company of Men on 02/20/2019 04:50 PM CST
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A series of letters has been delivered to the members of the Cleric Council across Kermoria. They read as follows:

To the Honorable Guildleaders of the Cleric Council,

It is with baleful premonition that I pen this letter to you today, as I am duty-bound to apprise you of the recent and disturbing actions committed by a member of our own Holy Order, a Rakash woman by the name of Agalea.

I expect that some of you have had the opportunity to speak with this woman, perhaps in personal training and evaluation of her progress within the Guild. I feel it necessary to warn you that this one is set upon the path of damnation.

It would be enough for her only crime to be the binding of her soul to that of the pestilence Zehira. However, she has additionally taken to the casting of Necromantic magics. Several days ago, she committed foul murder of a young woman on the grounds of the High Temple of the Crossing. The spell she utilized was distinctly unholy - the affliction of blood that we have come to call Blood Burst. The Rakash felt neither reticence nor contrition for her actions, for she brazenly asserted the black deed to all by method of Gwethdesuan.

In addition to this most recent atrocity, Agalea is guilty of outrageous blasphemy. Her hateful rhetoric, both of the Immortals and those who worship them, invades the ears and minds of Elanthians whenever the opportunity arises. During the Hallowed Ride of Shosandu, she lashed out in condemnation against the Almighty Asketi as well as those seeking to placate Her through prayer. At the same time, she expressed an approval of sorcerers and mocked the Temple for its rightful forbiddance of that foul art.

I understand that news of these actions may have already reached you. As an Inquisitor of the Temple, I cannot turn a blind eye to such sins as these. For my own part, I will see to it that this creature is punished for its transgressions, as is the fate of all heretics.

Honorable members of the Cleric Council, I pray you heed my words. Ever have there been Clerics who have erred on their life's journey. It is, unfortunately, not uncommon for even members of our own Holy Order to harbor troublesome beliefs and practice dubious magics. But this Rakash has not merely fallen; she has dived into the depths of depravity, and I fear for the outcome of such eager self-ruination. For even still do we bear the scars of fallen Clerics who harbored more innocent intent and the will to do good.

May Eluned deliver us from tragedy and may Drogor steel us that we may combat evil in whatever form it takes.

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