As many of you know I'm working on a Fortune's Path merchant... and the more work I do the larger the project gets. Hehe figures I'm not just happy saying "Give us Tokka Cards!". Anyhow... I just finished the first draft of one of the items in the merchant and figured I'd share to get others thinking and some early feedback. Usual disclaimers... namly that this isn't the final product and may (and likely does) contain typos and gramatically errors and doesn't yet have all the fluffy verbs I'd like for it. If people would like to suggust those or suggust rewordings for the ones I've written so far... the ideas are my strong point, not the wording. Anyhow... here goes. (And for the record this is the simplist of the items I'm working on...)
Notice: These pouches are known as Fate pouches and are useful to their owner as a basic form of detecting Fate's will. One simply need store dust in the pouch long enough for the magic to seep into it (indicated by a pearly white coloration) and then cast a pinch to the winds.
(There will be a wide selection of these this is just a demo)
Tap: a simple grey pouch with silver drawstrings.
Look: This is a simplistic grey pouch pulled tight with silver drawstrings. Small white pearls are affixed to the end of each string.
You focus your magical senses on a simple grey pouch with silver drawstrings
The pouch has a faint magical pattern, which is apparently of a form of divination.
You recognize the pattern as a manifestation of Lunar magic.
It is apparently an enchanted item known as a Fate pouch, useful to members of the Fortune's Path sect of Moon Mages.
Gather: (only works outdoors, is used to refill the pouch with new dust, but any currently in the pouch will be ruined until all of it is transformed again)
Finding a suitable patch of dirt you kneel down and gather some fine dirt into your pouch.
Roundtime: 10 seconds.
Mozzik gazes around the area briefly before seemingly settling on a spot. Kneeling slightly he quickly scoops some dirt into his pouch.
You give your pouch a few easy tosses in the air as you try to get a feel for how much dust is left. You'd guess there is enough for 4 more uses.
Mozzik throws his pouch into the air and catches it several times as it trying to get a feel for it's weight.
(This is only application if the dust is ready and you are of Fortune's Path. The direction it takes is random from available room exits and can include hidden exits. This will work in dark or misty rooms due to the glow and the magical nature of it's guidance.)
You open the drawstring to your pouch and reach in to take a small pinch of the pearly white dust. With a flick of the wrist you scatter it into the air. As if caught by a sudden breeze the dust swirls in the air quickly spinning around you several times, a glow slowly building inside each particle, before darting to the north before twinkling out of existence. You feel a sudden urge to travel that direction as if guided by Fate itself. Satisfied, you pull the drawstrings closed again.
Mozzik loosens the drawstrings of his pouch and withdraws a pinch of pearly white dust. With a flick of the wrist he scatters it into the air. As if caught by a sudden breeze the dust swirls in the air quickly spinning around Mozzik several times, a glow slowly building inside each particle, before darting to the north before twinkling out of existence. With a satisfied grin Mozzik pulls the drawstrings of his pouch closed again.
(If the dust in not ready or you are not of Fortune's Path)
You open the drawstring to your pouch and reach in to take a small pinch of the dust. With a flick of the wrist you scatter it into the air. The dust scatters before settling to the ground. Unimpressed, you pull the drawstrings closed again.
Mozzik loosens the drawstrings of his pouch and withdraws a pinch of dust. With a flick of the wrist he scatters it into the air. The dust scatters before settling to the ground. With a slight frown Mozzik pulls the drawstrings of his pouch closed again.
(If the pouch is empty)
You open the drawstring of your pouch and reach in to take a pinch only to find it empty! Disheartened you pull the drawstrings closed again.
Mozzik loosens the drawstrings of his pouch and feels around inside it for a moment before pulling the drawstrings tight again with a saddened look.
As you start to put your non-dust item into the pouch you get a sickly feeling in your stomach that it simply doesn't belong there and stop your attempts.
Mozzik attempts to put his non-dust item into his pouch but turns slightly pale instead and seems to change his mind.
Notes: If looked in you will be able to see if the dust has turned pearly white yet. It takes 6 hours IG (one IG day) in order for it to turn pearly white. The pouch can hold at most 25 pinches worth of dust.
A teaser... on 07/06/2003 05:25 AM CDT
Re: A teaser... on 07/06/2003 07:51 AM CDT
Re: A teaser... on 07/06/2003 12:02 PM CDT
The use of dust and dirt as synonyms through me off a little. I'd stick with one or the other.
>>This is a simplistic grey pouch pulled tight with silver drawstrings. Small white pearls are affixed to the end of each string.
I think pouches and the like usually have one drawstring, so this might work better with drawstring in the singular. If you're committed, "Small white pearls are affixed to the ends of the strings" is cleaner.
>>Mozzik gazes around the area briefly before seemingly settling on a spot.
Mozzik settled on a spot. If you want to add doubt, Mozzik could seemingly gaze around, but it's probably better to drop "seemingly" altogether.
>>Mozzik loosens the drawstrings of his pouch and withdraws a pinch of pearly white dust. With a flick of the wrist he scatters it into the air. As if caught by a sudden breeze the dust swirls in the air quickly spinning around Mozzik several times, a glow slowly building inside each particle, before darting to the north before twinkling out of existence. With a satisfied grin Mozzik pulls the drawstrings of his pouch closed again.
For scroll considerations, this could be trimmed as follows:
Mozzik loosens the drawstrings of his pouch and withdraws a pinch of pearly white dust, scattering it into the air with a flick of his wrist. As if caught by a sudden breeze the dust swirls quickly around Mozzik, a glow slowly building inside each particle, before darting north and twinkling out of existence. With a satisfied grin Mozzik pulls his pouch closed again.
In general, I'd avoid having each message begin with loosening the drawstrings and end with tightening them again. The pouch has drawstrings, we get it :)
Player of Turd Furgeson
The use of dust and dirt as synonyms through me off a little. I'd stick with one or the other.
>>This is a simplistic grey pouch pulled tight with silver drawstrings. Small white pearls are affixed to the end of each string.
I think pouches and the like usually have one drawstring, so this might work better with drawstring in the singular. If you're committed, "Small white pearls are affixed to the ends of the strings" is cleaner.
>>Mozzik gazes around the area briefly before seemingly settling on a spot.
Mozzik settled on a spot. If you want to add doubt, Mozzik could seemingly gaze around, but it's probably better to drop "seemingly" altogether.
>>Mozzik loosens the drawstrings of his pouch and withdraws a pinch of pearly white dust. With a flick of the wrist he scatters it into the air. As if caught by a sudden breeze the dust swirls in the air quickly spinning around Mozzik several times, a glow slowly building inside each particle, before darting to the north before twinkling out of existence. With a satisfied grin Mozzik pulls the drawstrings of his pouch closed again.
For scroll considerations, this could be trimmed as follows:
Mozzik loosens the drawstrings of his pouch and withdraws a pinch of pearly white dust, scattering it into the air with a flick of his wrist. As if caught by a sudden breeze the dust swirls quickly around Mozzik, a glow slowly building inside each particle, before darting north and twinkling out of existence. With a satisfied grin Mozzik pulls his pouch closed again.
In general, I'd avoid having each message begin with loosening the drawstrings and end with tightening them again. The pouch has drawstrings, we get it :)
Player of Turd Furgeson
Re: A teaser... on 07/06/2003 01:17 PM CDT
Re: A teaser... on 07/06/2003 03:34 PM CDT
Thanks for the catch. I fully intend to find someone a lot better at "Fluff-ifying" things to look over it before the final form. Perhaps get some more fluff verbs from them as well. And hopefully that same person will have a better hold of this whole "English" thing where as I only speak what I fondly refer to as "Bad English"... which isn't conductive to writing DR descriptions. They tend to care about grammar and spelling and stuff...