What in the world happened to Enchanting? on 04/30/2020 07:56 AM CDT
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Returning Moon Mage here. Played off and on since AOL days.

I am mostly really enjoying the changes and the new systems. I like the way magic feels, I enjoy the new spells. In general I am having a really good time in Elanthia again.

But can someone please tell me what happened to Enchanting? I have sacks of sigil scrolls, CJs, Gems, Enchanted Items, Sigil Books.... All worthless?

Now I have to search rooms to find sigils? Not study constellations? I have to play a mini game just to be able to collect said sigils?

Who thought this was a good idea? Who thought this would be enjoyable or an improvement over the old system?

Are there plans to improve this system, or scrap it and start over?

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Re: What in the world happened to Enchanting? on 04/30/2020 12:33 PM CDT
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As far as i know, the new system is here to stay. I would join discord crafting channel
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Re: What in the world happened to Enchanting? on 04/30/2020 07:29 PM CDT
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>Who thought this was a good idea? Who thought this would be enjoyable or an improvement over the old system?

Barbs lost weapon making, Paladins lost armor making, Moon Mages lost their enchanting system and it was all funneled into a more open-ended and universal crafting system in the lore skillset, so studying the constellations doesn't make much sense when Warmies, Traders, and Thieves are doing it too. This enchanting system is here to stay.

Guild-only templates might be released again... eventually. I do hope that happens at some point, old-school Moon Mage enchanting was very flavorful and I would like to see it return in some capacity.
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