Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 08:25 AM CDT
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It's really time to allow Starlight Sphere to be cast during the daytime.

There's no way it would unbalance anything, and with all the changes, having a spell that can be only cast at night is kind of ridiculous. It's still kind of a cool spell, and it seems like it'd be an easy fix to remove the restriction.

Also maybe add an ability to let us detonate it like a grenade for area effect..OOH AND WRAP IT IN MOON SLIVERS FOR DIFFERENT TYPES OF DAMAGE!

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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 08:48 AM CDT
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>>Also maybe add an ability to let us detonate it like a grenade for area effect..OOH AND WRAP IT IN MOON SLIVERS FOR DIFFERENT TYPES OF DAMAGE!

Starlight Shaping meta spell:

-Shrapnel Grenade
-Driftorb (floating light source ball from D&D. Illuminates room)
-Split (three mini spheres for juggling. Is that still around? I haven't seen anyone juggling since I returned...)
-Face (I guess this is really just Shadewatch Mirror but creepy like the Majora's Mask moon)
-Remote Mine
-Dense (change it into TKT ammo)

I was sort of joking about this when I started but now I'm kind of on board...

Also I just checked E-Pedia and it turns out SLS is super small (two fingers wide)? So maybe not Split or Face ;)

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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 09:47 AM CDT
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What's the command for a disco ball?
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 09:53 AM CDT
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-Split (three mini spheres for juggling. Is that still around? I haven't seen anyone juggling since I returned...)

Since you can effectively train Perception via HUNT, COLLECT and DISARM, juggling has largely gone away. I think that it should be changed to training Athletics, but c'est la vie. I even overheard someone on Magen Road the other day say that the only people who juggle now are "jerks and Warrior Mages." Kinda redundant, but whatever.

Also, I am on board with both the idea of a cool SLS meta and SLS being daytime castable; I'm at a loss for why, given all the effort there has been to science-ify magic with laws and theories, that we still don't embrace that tiny little fact that the sun is a star.


Kneebiter Zhunee just arrived.
Zhunee glances around the room and says, "Someone pull my finger."
Kneebiter Zhunee runs west.
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 10:14 AM CDT
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>>I'm at a loss for why, given all the effort there has been to science-ify magic with laws and theories, that we still don't embrace that tiny little fact that the sun is a star.

1) Because in Elanthian metaphysics the Sun is an entirely different thing than the Constellations.


2) "Use the sun!" is a cheap out that we've contemplated removing from the spellbooks entirely, not embracing more.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Calvino Italo
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 10:17 AM CDT
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> I'm at a loss for why, given all the effort there has been to science-ify magic with laws and theories, that we still don't embrace that tiny little fact that the sun is a star.

Magic has been science-ified in the sense that it obeys rigorous rules that Elanthians have deduced via logical positivism*. Those rules aren't necessarily anything like the rules our world obeys.

* Except necromancy. One of the central ironies of the necromancers' guild is that they're natural philosophers in a field that doesn't run on naturalism.
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 12:28 PM CDT
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So, would you please make SLS available during the day, short term, and put some work into developing it long term?
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 02:52 PM CDT
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>allow Starlight Sphere to be cast during the daytime

It's sort of been done. We could maintain a night cast SLS throughout the day (as long as you didn't enter a null magic room). It was great. Staff decided they didn't like it at all and changed it back to night only.

It's intended that our spellbooks and combat spells are crippled when the moons are down. We've been told it's flavor.

>Driftorb (floating light source ball from D&D. Illuminates room)

We can do this now.

>Shrapnel Grenade

This would be great to see in Craft enchanting and it did exist (sort of) when dazzle worked differently.

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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 03:41 PM CDT
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Am I correct that SLS stops teaching TM like other cyclic spells so keeping it from night to daytime only has value from a killing standpoint?
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 03:50 PM CDT
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> Am I correct that SLS stops teaching TM like other cyclic spells so keeping it from night to daytime only has value from a killing standpoint?

TM learning from cyclic spells isn't on the cyclic exp curve. You can continue to learn from it for as long as you have it up (assuming you're hitting skill appropriate critters, of course).
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 03:51 PM CDT
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Very good to know. Is this true of all TM cyclic spells?
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 03:52 PM CDT
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SLS, Pyre and Aban. I don't have experience with any others.
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 04:03 PM CDT
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>>SLS, Pyre and Aban. I don't have experience with any others.

Wife is a bard, so they are the ones I was actually curious about. Thanks!
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 05:03 PM CDT
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>> This would be great to see in Craft enchanting and it did exist (sort of) when dazzle worked differently.

Man I miss this. A gaharzen flying into the room was the only highlight I had with sounds attached so I would know to run the hell away. When Jaedren gave me a bag full of them in Test to mess with I about died with joy (also with actual dying because they would actually explode in your hand if you failed the skill check to activate them).

p.s. RIP Steelstar

Follow @thayelf on Twitter for absolutely nothing of any value whatsoever!
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 09:34 PM CDT
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>> You can continue to learn from it for as long as you have it up (assuming you're hitting skill appropriate critters, of course).

And you typically have to be casting it at the maximum mana you're capable of.


Kneebiter Zhunee just arrived.
Zhunee glances around the room and says, "Someone pull my finger."
Kneebiter Zhunee runs west.
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 10:52 PM CDT
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> And you typically have to be casting it at the maximum mana you're capable of.

Not in my experience.
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 11:02 PM CDT
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>> Not in my experience.

Really? All of my cyclics stopped teaching at minimum mana around 80-100 ranks or so. I don't have a cyclic TM yet though; is this unique to cyclic TM, or am I doing something wrong with cyclics entirely?


Kneebiter Zhunee just arrived.
Zhunee glances around the room and says, "Someone pull my finger."
Kneebiter Zhunee runs west.
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 11:10 PM CDT
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TM cyclics teach like TM spells.
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/25/2015 11:24 PM CDT
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>> TM cyclics teach like TM spells.

Ah! So minimum (or near-minimum) prep continues to teach for a good long while, then? Good to know! Sorry for the incorrect presumption.


Kneebiter Zhunee just arrived.
Zhunee glances around the room and says, "Someone pull my finger."
Kneebiter Zhunee runs west.
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/26/2015 12:42 AM CDT
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>>So, would you please make SLS available during the day



"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/26/2015 09:05 PM CDT
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Thanks for the response Raesh, I was afraid that no one was reading these anymore.

Is it because of balancing issues? Lore issues?
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/26/2015 11:15 PM CDT
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It's because of the overly broad focus of the guild.
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/27/2015 01:09 AM CDT
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Lore reasons (STARlight Sphere), balance reasons (Pet magic isn't a Moon Mage's thing) and because it's already a very cheap, but potent, spell that's suppose to be kind of quirky and optional (Stellar magic that's a preq for nothing).


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/27/2015 08:11 AM CDT
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Fair enough.

Do you have any plans to further develop SLS, or any ideas for the development of SLS that fall into your guidelines?
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 06/27/2015 03:08 PM CDT
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I have some ideas for development of Starlight Sphere on the technical side (We're not that happy overall with some of the underlying TM stuff - though I don't think SLS is very much in that area - and I need to migrate it, and a number of other spells, to a core 'pulse' TM spell mechanic so it has better error checking and whatnot). Beyond that, no, there's no additional development for SLS on the road map right now.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 07/08/2015 10:21 AM CDT
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Hard to agree with calling SLS optional. Especially since you can't unlearn the "quest spells" in Throne City...

Honestly it feels like there is just not a selection of decent/reliable Moon Mage TM spells available. Debilitation is OK, but the TM is so lacking especially in comparison to some of the other magic primary guilds.

It's hard to schedule my login times to coincide with the moons or day/night, so sometimes it is kind of frustrating. I struggle to think of other guilds that have decent spells (Burn, Dazzle, SLS) unavailable for long stretch of game time / not usable indoors.

It is really not easy PVPing at level as a Moon Mage these days, unless you just want to run away.
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 07/08/2015 10:37 AM CDT
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"Sunlight Sphere" has a nice ring to it.
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 07/08/2015 11:43 AM CDT
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Raesh already gave me a bunch of nonsense reasons why the guild is being neutered with a severe lack of development.

Its amazing to come back after four years to find that your guild can't even pvp at level anymore.
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Re: Starlight Sphere - THREAD CLOSED on 07/08/2015 12:37 PM CDT
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This thread is closed.

If you want to have a constructive conversation about Moon Mage spells I'm happy to have it. This thread right now is not that.

Also if it is about SLS and daytime, please redirect to the equine cemetery.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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Re: Starlight Sphere - THREAD CLOSED on 07/22/2015 07:19 PM CDT
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MM's have become pretty hard to pvp with nowdays. MM staple has always been disablers, and in the past we excelled because disablers were good and people took a lot less punishment. Nowdays with diminishing returns pretty much causing our disablers to have no actual use after 3 casts or so makes it hard for us to do damage with our lack of decent TM damage output.

My mm is very well trained for his level and I still rely on weapons, tert skill to kill almost all of the time because TM damage while even 100 ranks higher then my highest weapon doesn't do the trick.

I think we have a few new spells in development, 2 being previous spells we've had, shadow web, and Crystal spike. I'd like to see them give a bit of versitality to our arsenal. I for one would already love to have CRS, I always loved the spell for the possible damage output while hitting a targets balance. It was always invaluable for me.
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 10/22/2015 05:32 PM CDT
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is there still a difference in sls depending on what constellation you use?
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Re: Starlight Sphere on 10/22/2015 09:24 PM CDT
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<<is there still a difference in sls depending on what constellation you use?

Yes. The wiki has the details on which constellations do what.

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