Celestial Compact title reqs on 05/11/2012 02:47 AM CDT
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Anyone happen to know what two skills are used for Compact titles? All I can find out is Scholarship is one of them. I am guessing Appraisal is the other since they are historians, but I could be (probably am) wrong.
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Re: Celestial Compact title reqs on 05/11/2012 02:36 PM CDT
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I can't find my notes on it, but I believe scholarship is one, Appraisal is not one of them however. Appraisal only counts for Pethians and Crystal Hand IIRC.

I do have the list though,
Celestian, Politician, Advisor, Academic, Grazhirean, Horoscopist, Genethlialogist
It is impossible to strive for the heroic life. The title of hero is bestowed by the survivors upon the fallen, who themselves know nothing of heroism.
-Johan Huizinga

The Light is Crimson through the Darkness.
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