Change requirement for current method to reduce Divine Outrage on 11/08/2017 02:37 PM CST
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I don't know how much of this is encroaching upon super secret territory so I'm going to be as vague as possible while still trying to get my point across.

There exists a method by which you can actively lower your DO once per day. This ability is gated behind 100th circle.

I think you should be permitted to use this DO lowering ability as soon as you become Forsaken. It does not make any sense to me for it to require you to be 100th+ circle, since Lichdom and Transcendence are slated to become available at 100th circle, and at that point you won't need to use the DO lowering ability because you'll be immune to DO.

If making it available as soon as you go Forsaken is not feasible then, then taking 30-50 circles off of the requirement would still go a long way toward making it more usable now, and especially in a post Lichdom/Transcendence world.
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Re: Change requirement for current method to reduce Divine Outrage on 11/08/2017 02:58 PM CST
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I will second this question. I always found it rather unique that we would gain access to this technique only after 100th circle. Is there a specific reason why this technique is limited to those above 100th circle?

Thanks in advance for your attention to this question!
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Re: Change requirement for current method to reduce Divine Outrage on 11/08/2017 03:22 PM CST
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To third this request, I feel as the community gets more involved with player driven stories and/or responds to in game events, it seems odd that only those 100th or higher have access to said DO mitigating tool.
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