Re: What triggers a forbidden practices charge? on 01/20/2010 12:10 PM CST
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<< So you know, there are some areas just outside towns that still count as "within justice" in terms of hanging out there being potentially bad for you. Just outside the northeast gate is a very good example of this. The JUSTICE verb is your friend; you'll want to use it before you hang in any one spot for too long. >>

Indeed, since using the justice verb I have been shocked to find out many places were in justice zones that i would not have expected. I now use it religiously with my little necro.
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Re: What triggers a forbidden practices charge? on 01/20/2010 12:56 PM CST
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All Necros should use the justice verb... bad news for those who don't! My necro caught someone in ship rats in Haven harvesting up some rat parts...!

+SO for me! :)

The Riverhaven Warden makes a motion to a compatriot, who quickly moves out. A few minutes later, the companion comes back, nodding. The Warden looks at you thankfully and says, "A practitioner of necromancy is a serious affair, thank you for helping us out with this."
The Riverhaven Warden adds, "Here's a little something for your trouble." You are handed a small pouch of coins.
You feel like helping toss XXXXXXX to the wolves will take some heat off yourself.
Your spell subtly alters the corruptive mutation upon you, creating a blind spot once more.
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Re: What triggers a forbidden practices charge? on 01/20/2010 01:49 PM CST
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Don't you mean -SO?

Is using rituals in justice zones immediately nabbable by the NPCs?

I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content.
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Re: What triggers a forbidden practices charge? on 01/20/2010 01:58 PM CST
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>>Is using rituals in justice zones immediately nabbable by the NPCs?

Using a ritual in a justice zone, then getting accused for it is.
Using spells like ACS is an auto accuse by the NPCs.
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Re: What triggers a forbidden practices charge? on 01/20/2010 09:36 PM CST
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Thank you for the information Abasha.
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