Luethra on 10/23/2010 08:36 PM CDT
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Did this race look like kaldar? Are any still around or were they completely destroyed by gorbesh?

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Re: Luethra on 10/23/2010 11:29 PM CDT
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From all the information I've been able to find on it, they were closest to Elves in terms of resemblance, but it's all fairly general information. As far as if they're in existance anymore all the known Luethra were finished off by the Gorbesh in ancient times, as the Luethran Empire was declining while the Gorbesh one was coming up.

Jerecis Luyovathe, Fist of the Empire
-player of
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Re: Luethra on 11/15/2010 10:14 AM CST
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Two links which may help if you've not checked them already. From my own observations from the Dwarf end, I think if they were elves (or incredibly similar to elves) it would have been noted somewhere, but I agree with Jerecis.

Moon Mages who get hit with HULP should indulge in their Survival Secondary side and run away.

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